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That feeling of being looked at...

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posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 06:39 AM
That feeling of being looked at...

You are sitting there when you suddenly look up and make eye contact with someone who was looking at you. Then you begin to wonder how you knew, like what prompted you to look up and take official notice that someone was looking your way ? Then you begin to wonder about it...

The article I've attached discusses this thoroughly and is interesting.

How U Know When Eyes Are Watching

"Studies that record the activity of single brain cells find that particular cells fire when someone is staring right at you, but—amazingly—not when the observer's gaze is averted just a few degrees to the left or right of you (then different cells fire instead)."

"Think of a time when you were out in public somewhere and you could sense someone was staring at you, without you even having to look in that person's direction. What information was your (peripheral) visual system using that led to this awareness?"

Tell me a story or recount about a particular time when you felt something so you looked up only to see someone staring directly at you as you peered out and up into your environment and were taken a bit by surprise.

Is this ESP or something else ?

I think about the Global Consciousness Project when I consider us being able to detect events before they unfold. So if we take the feeling we get when someone is looking at us and it is cofirmed as we look up, its sorta the same, except in this scenario it is just us detecting it, or is it ? Could it be that someone else nearby sees the person looking our way, and if we are all connected it is why we can sense it, so we look up ?


Did you approach the person staring, give a nod or smile or just turn your head away and continue about your day ? Did you catch them off guard or did they want you to notice ?

Next time it happens, catalog what you are physically feeling and mentally thinking just before you look up and catch the gaze of the onlooker. I wonder if we tune into, will we become more hightened and aware in a sense ?


posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: leolady

I can always make someone turn around and look at me if I concentrate.
Often I can make someone touch their nose or their hair too.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: leolady

I can always make someone turn around and look at me if I concentrate.
Often I can make someone touch their nose or their hair too.

that is impressive

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 08:15 AM
I have noticed the feeling of someone watching before, there is something to it.

When working on the chicken farms I eventually learnt to feel when I was about to get attacked by a Roster from behind and block it. It took a while as they would run up behind you and drag their claws down the back of your legs.

One story I came across related to special forces training, if you are going in for a stealth knife attack then do not look at your subject. Trying this when looking at your subject can tip them off to defend and counter. It has to do with that sensation of someone looking at you.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

You can add one more too the list..

You always make me put my palm on my forehead....

I have experienced this phenomenon quite often. There is a theory that hair length is a factor. It's definitely strange.


posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 09:01 AM
This happens a lot. I've noticed the effects from both sides, viewer and subject of viewing.

I wonder if it works through video monitoring as well. Like, if someone is looking at the monitor while the camera is pointed at you, can you feel the person observing you as they look at the monitor? Why not? It seems like the quantum entanglement should keep working even though the observation is not direct.

You know, it works from great distances as well and obviously doesn't necessarily require our 'eyes'.
Ever suddenly think about somebody that you haven't seen or spoken with in a while and then instantly the phone rings and it is that person?

I believe it all comes down to some sort of function carried out in part inside our Pineal Gland. Sometimes known as our third eye.
Another reason to never use fluoride - since it has been known to calcify our Pineal Gland.
Another reason why TPTB have put fluoride in everything - to calcify our Pineal Gland and close us off further from our true potential. Because TPTB are evil, plane and simple.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
a reply to: Sillyolme

You can add one more too the list..

You always make me put my palm on my forehead....

I have experienced this phenomenon quite often. There is a theory that hair length is a factor. It's definitely strange.


Yes, hair length plays a major role in this "telecommunication" that we experience.
Our hair is like antennas. Animals like cats and dogs, etc have whiskers that help them for much more than just balancing.
Bugs have eyes and - giant antennas.

Old stories from our past like Samsun (sp?) Who was the dude from the Bible that lost his power when he cut his hair?
That's why when you get older and loose some hair, you grow a giant beard - to keep the communion alive and well.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 09:10 AM
"How'd you know if I was looking at you if you weren't looking at me huh?"(Sorry, just a silly Mr Bungle lyric that can to mind!).
No personal experiences to add(that come to mind anyway) but I want to say it's very interesting they've found physical evidence of what sounds exactly like telepathy, for me that's huge!
We basically now have solid scientific proof that humans have extra sensory perception.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 10:06 AM
I can attest to this in a very significant manor.

First time I relied on the sensation to aid in keeping danger away was when I was a soldier, but, this experience is not what you think.

I'm a northern boy so I need my trees and green spaces, but, I was stationed in the desert... not cool. Whenever I could, I'd hit the road and and go camping in the Mountains, back among the trees. I always brought my bros with me, a tight knit group.

Well, one time we hit this particularly remote place with barely a little town to mark it. We needed some eggs, but, the one gas station didn't have them. They gave us an address where you could buy farm fresh eggs and off we went. We get there and the place is owned and operated by these 3 or 4 ladies. It was a real farm, nothing else. The women were nice, older.

Us young guys were polite and we bought our eggs and tried to move on... There was a lady in the way.. Turn around and there's another. By the time we got loaded in my truck we had one woman jumping on the side bar, hanging on, when we were moving. Needless to say it was some crazy shiznit.... it gets better because it gets worse.

Later, around midnight, we are all sitting around the fire having a few beverages, talking . All the sudden I feel that heavy feeling in the middle of the head, the cross hair feeling in the shoulders. Looking at my bros and can tell they feel it too. Two of us stay talking loud while signing that we are all going to hit the woods, straight back, because something is watching us. Signal was a can thrown in the fire.

We break hard and fast. You don't mess with soldiers. We coral 3 of the 4 women from the farm. I kid you not... The women were in the woods stalking us. The other one was fast enough to get away but we called out to come back and collect her friends and leave - no harm no foul.

The yelling out got the camp ground owner up (an old widower that just loved us up there). She came down to the site, about the same time the one that got away pulled in with a ratty old pickup, and shamed those women by name... stalking soldiers like that. She said they were lucky we didn't kill them in the process... They were both lucky, and shamed, slunk away as fast as they could.

We stayed up that whole night... Dang crazy stuff. We all mentioned how we all 'knew' exactly when those women set up on us.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 10:54 AM
Makes you think about those times, at 2am when you're in your house, alone, and it's dark.. just a salt lamp or a few candles, and you get that feeling, someone or something is staring at you from behind the curtain, or from just behind you.

You can't shake it, and it's creepy, so much that you start to really wonder? Is something there? but you dare not peel back the curtain, in case that gaunt face with furrowed brow, bulging eyes and pursed lips, with the palest of pale skin, is really there, staring at you with an intent leaving you cold to the core.

It's not so much the image that makes the small hairs on your skin stand up, but the intent as to why. What does it want?

You can't shake it and you can't move.. but eventually, you slowly, silently creep towards the curtains. delicately so as to not move them too much, you take a corner and slowly, ever so slowly, try to peek out, praying to the spirits that nothing is there...

And there's not..

It was just behind you, the entire time....

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 11:03 AM
The Lamp of the Body
…34Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your vision is clear, your whole body also is full of light. But when it is poor, your body is full of darkness. 35Be careful, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36So if your whole body is full of light, with no part of it in darkness, you will be radiant, as though a lamp were shining on you.”…

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

Yeah, those people from 2000 years ago who mostly wrote fiction books like "How to control your fellow man and influence people!", were still pretty clued into how some things work!

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: Newt22
I can attest to this in a very significant manor.

First time I relied on the sensation to aid in keeping danger away was when I was a soldier, but, this experience is not what you think.

I'm a northern boy so I need my trees and green spaces, but, I was stationed in the desert... not cool. Whenever I could, I'd hit the road and and go camping in the Mountains, back among the trees. I always brought my bros with me, a tight knit group.

Well, one time we hit this particularly remote place with barely a little town to mark it. We needed some eggs, but, the one gas station didn't have them. They gave us an address where you could buy farm fresh eggs and off we went. We get there and the place is owned and operated by these 3 or 4 ladies. It was a real farm, nothing else. The women were nice, older.

Us young guys were polite and we bought our eggs and tried to move on... There was a lady in the way.. Turn around and there's another. By the time we got loaded in my truck we had one woman jumping on the side bar, hanging on, when we were moving. Needless to say it was some crazy shiznit.... it gets better because it gets worse.

Later, around midnight, we are all sitting around the fire having a few beverages, talking . All the sudden I feel that heavy feeling in the middle of the head, the cross hair feeling in the shoulders. Looking at my bros and can tell they feel it too. Two of us stay talking loud while signing that we are all going to hit the woods, straight back, because something is watching us. Signal was a can thrown in the fire.

We break hard and fast. You don't mess with soldiers. We coral 3 of the 4 women from the farm. I kid you not... The women were in the woods stalking us. The other one was fast enough to get away but we called out to come back and collect her friends and leave - no harm no foul.

The yelling out got the camp ground owner up (an old widower that just loved us up there). She came down to the site, about the same time the one that got away pulled in with a ratty old pickup, and shamed those women by name... stalking soldiers like that. She said they were lucky we didn't kill them in the process... They were both lucky, and shamed, slunk away as fast as they could.

We stayed up that whole night... Dang crazy stuff. We all mentioned how we all 'knew' exactly when those women set up on us.

Sounds crazy! Only real question I have is why? Did you find out what they wanted or were you guys just spreading the buff pheromones that they couldnt resist? Lol.

BTW love the sig, BIG Bukowski fan here.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Osirisvset

Did you find out what they wanted or were you guys just spreading the buff pheromones that they couldnt resist?

It was my bro I'll call 'N'... He looked exactly like Peirce Bronsnan... But in a Uniform. He was like flippin Kryptonite to Superman... except it was women that lost it. Women would send drinks to our table just to get him at theirs... My bros and I loved it... the magnet never failed the other wingmen with him.

'N' was as gay as a rainbow. It was awesome... Girls never stopped trying. The crew - us - his straight bros, were cats at the creamiery...

ps. Of course it didn't help that time... A shout to 'N', 'T'', 'M', and 'S'.

edit on 10-9-2019 by Newt22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: gallop

I like control and influence too.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
a reply to: gallop

I like control and influence too.

I'm always out of control and under the influence..

That's probably why so many people are staring at me.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:17 PM
I feel like this experience might be a deep part of our species, and maybe others.

Would be quite handy to have a "sixth sense" of sorts if we are being watched by a predator. Perhaps not much of a concern in modern times, in that respect, but I wonder if what is seen as a novelty of sorts now might have been incredibly common in the past.

The ones that couldn't do it got eaten, so..

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: leolady

Yes I do this a lot, and when I do it I smile at them mischievously.... No seriously I do a lot but I've actually found its because I am an introverted intuitive.

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:27 PM

Tell me a story or recount about a particular time when you felt something so you looked up only to see someone staring directly at you as you peered out and up into your environment and were taken a bit by surprise. Is this ESP or something else ?

According to your source its because you simply see the angle of the head and eyes in your peripheral vision, subconsciously.

Its not the same as that feeling of being watched when you cant see another person. That would be ESP.

edit on 10-9-2019 by TheAbove because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 12:35 PM

According to your source its because you simply see the angle of the head and eyes in your peripheral vision, subconsciously. Its not the same as that feeling of being watched when you cant see another person. That would be ESP.
a reply to: TheAbove

Strangely enough this is pretty much real. Einstein's Spooky Logic comes to mind.

Or, as Quantum Physics note it ... The Act of the Observer.

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