posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 06:31 AM
Thankfully this was spotted and dealt with straight away. As the news article says it was also confined to a very small number of votes.
(Being a UK local election this small number is sadly always going to be the case)
Whatever it's faults the fact remains that the British electoral process - especially concerning our 'General Elections - is so decentralised and
subject to security and scrutiny that suffering a handful of corrupt idiots on the fringes is about all we have to worry about.
Anyone doubting this should join a political party and get involved in time to see it all happen in a few months.......attending a general election
'count' is a bit of an eye-opener.
Sadly now and again a low level of fraud is uncovered, almost always relating to 'Local Gov'; this time it was a handful of idiot Muslims operating
under the Labour banner and the last famous case was London tories under Lady Tesco and their gerry-mandering and financial corruption in
(.....and of the 2 examples I know which was by far the more serious.
[edit on 6-3-2005 by sminkeypinkey]