a reply to:
Thats very complex and detailed for a dream but possible to have mixed stuff, since our brains are always making conections of what we see and hear
during our awake time;
A few months back i also had a dream, more like a nightmare i woke up super frighten and had to call my family i was really shaken by it.
I dont remember a lot, but i was in some sort of shuttle coming down to earth, in that shuttle was a military guy, i remember we where speaking in
English, and there was something contained that we where bringing back. This thing got out and wanted to kill us before we get to earth the military
guy locked me in sort of a pressured room and he died;
The 'alien' was not a living being like we know them, he was some kind of frequence (?!) that could control all the electronics, the thing was going
to die as well and it talked to me through what it looked like a radio, it told me they are already here, and they have been here for a very long time
watching us.
For a moment it was like i could see what they see, and i saw city buildings, then a village, a house in the village, a supermarket, the thing was
telling me they are able to see us though all the electronics we use, and that nowadays they know a lot about us, it told me they are able to
manipulate us and with all the smart gadgets (phone, tvs,...) they are inside our houses and our lifes.
It said we are the last resort on this planet, as if we where some kind of fuel, and they are going to use us.
I cannot explain why it was do terrifying, but it was, i woke up and started crying i was really feeling hopeless.
I still think about that and makes me anxious.
My 2 cents