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Loch Ness DNA

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posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 11:21 PM
I guess a while back, there were water samples taken from Loch Ness and the DNA in the water was tested for animals that live in the Loch.

A group of New Zealand scientists hunting the Loch Ness monster have made a “surprising” discovery, according to their lead researcher.

Loch Ness DNA testing

Has anyone heard the results? I thought they were going to announce them last month.

(I think I tried post yesterday? Maybe I didn't hit post. Weird.)
edit on 2-9-2019 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Their is "something" in that lake....that's why they've flooded us with false reports.

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Cool find, but imho obviously some “scientists “ looking for publicity and funding..

They are being intentionally vague because their findings are not interesting enough by themselves ..

If someone actually finds Nessie or Bigfoot or aliens. You will get a million push notifications on your phone instantly.

posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: CryHavoc
I guess a while back, there were water samples taken from Loch Ness and the DNA in the water was tested for animals that live in the Loch.

A group of New Zealand scientists hunting the Loch Ness monster have made a “surprising” discovery, according to their lead researcher.

Loch Ness DNA testing

Has anyone heard the results? I thought they were going to announce them last month.
(I think I tried post yesterday? Maybe I didn't hit post. Weird.)

Vaguely heard on the news this morning (was only half listening) The Scots

people as a whole have a rare DNA not yet fully understood ........

Perhaps they have been breeding with whats in the loch since time began......

That explains a lot!!

posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

According to this, the DNA has been studied and sequenced, with the results being released any day now (September).

Here's to hoping for the best!

posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: eletheia
Do you have a source for your claim that us Scots have 'rare' DNA

I mean I thought I was special before...
But my head can still fit through the door.

posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Actually remember the old vitrified hill forts that Alan Wicker once did a piece on in his TV show wickers world.

Some scientists proved how they could have been vitrified using dried heather and peat to burn the stone wall's but no one has yet come up with a suitable explanation for why Scotland at or before the time that the English (sorry there were no English here back then though modern English are more than half there descendants I will correct that to the Southern British) were building earthen mound's were instead building complex stone castles often on top of hill's sometime during the bronze age to the iron age.

We still do not really know there significance but it is very tempting to believe that along with other ruin's such as those on islands off of the coast of Ireland that perhaps these represent something very unexpected, perhaps a native civilization that was at least on a par with the Greek's of that same period as far as there building skills are concerned.

It is tempting to think that perhaps this other people, maybe even the Fomorians of Legend whom were supposedly raiders from across the sea and remain in Gaelic folk lore to this day had established a series of hill top castles only for the oppressed Pict people's of Scotland long before the Romans had invaded and conquered there southern neighbors had staged an uprising against another and now long forgotten ruling power effectively erasing it from history as they even built up heather and peat against the wall's of these hated castles possibly built by there own people whom had been enslaved and burned them so that the stones themselves ran like liquid in the intense heat.

Of course they could have just been the Pict version of those hill forts that lie scattered about in England and despite the evidence suggesting that most of them were probably occupied for a very long time spanning multiple generations (though much of that evidence may simply be later reuse of the sites whose melted wall's probably still offered some protection especially if later settlers built wooden palisades) there burning may represent some form of funerary ritual but after they were gone they were never built again unless you class the old Broch's tower houses/villages as there successors.

So there may be some anecdotal evidence from folklore of other people's from other places invading and interacting with the local Pict people's in Scotland (perhaps a remnant of earlier British natives even than the Gaels) and the Gaels of the rest of Britain and Ireland at a very early epoch in British history.

They may also have been rather more advanced than current models of the supposedly primitive early Britain's and Irish would like us to accept.

I remember a tale I read about many years ago now in one of those mystery book's, a diver was supposedly inspecting some cable that had become snagged as they were laying between Europe and the US, this was somewhere near to Greenland and despite his deep sea diving gear he could only go so far as the water was too deep for him, the story goes that the diver claimed that while he could not proceed all the way down to the snag he saw something very unexpected in the depth's below him barely illuminated by his light's, it looked like the top of a Castle tower complete with parapet and made of large desk sized stone's that disappeared into the murky darkness even deeper but he could just about make out what looked like it may be an arched doorway or window lower down the tower - being a book before the internet age and not having been able to find the same account online I have always put down to a likely flight of fancy by the author but what if it was not?.

edit on 3-9-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: ManyMasks
a reply to: eletheia
Do you have a source for your claim that us Scots have 'rare' DNA

I mean I thought I was special before...
But my head can still fit through the door.

Study reveals 'extraordinary' DNA of people in Scotland
17 April 2012
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The study revealed that actor Tom Conti is related to Napoleon Bonaparte
The DNA of people living in Scotland has "extraordinary" and "unexpected" diversity, according to a new study.

posted on Sep, 3 2019 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: eletheia
Although it would be great if there was something truly mysterious in these findings it instantly made me think of something...
I have studied the reason for Scotland's diversity before and it was claimed that it was because of Scotland's location in Europe because it was basically the end of the world to older cultures.

Lol just noticed it says this in article and I think I've read it before, thanks again
Love synchronicity

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:11 PM
An Eel. The answer is Eel. Good day, sir.


posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 03:33 PM
These scientists have detected eel DNA in the water of Loch Ness (no surprise that!).
So now you have it: Nessie is a giant eel.
If you can believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: micpsi

I live in Brooklyn, close to the bridges. Which one were you going to sell me?

posted on Sep, 18 2019 @ 11:15 PM
I wish they would just properly search this lake extensively and get it over with. I don't understand why they feel the need to keep this hidden and locked away. It's very strange....

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