posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 11:58 AM
Robin Lord Taylor (guy who plays the Penguin), is a really great guy. He's pretty much exactly like that in real life. I've met him during a few
different conventions, and he's as big a fanboy as the con-goers, LOL.... He still can't believe he gets paid to do this stuff. Just a super nice
The guy who plays Harvey is too, he just started doing the con circuit, and he's just amazed to meet fans and as he puts it, put his kids through Like Robin, he was running around getting pics with other celebs too!
We've actually met Bruce, Alfred, and Selena too, over the years, and really enjoy the show. All of them are really nice people, and the actress who
plays Selena is just adorable (even with a shaved head at the time, for some role or another)....