If she has empty units then she should be willing to negotiate a discounted rate for you, it's crazy for a landlord to have empty units. Better for
her to rent it to you at your current rate than to have it sit empty. If those units are sitting empty she has priced them at above market rates and
that is just foolish. If you are not on a fixed income then potentially you could make more money and move some place better, wages are up 3.2%.
that BTC drop today was insane I tried to buy in but robinhood made me wait 3 days after I sold my entire portfolio to buy BTC so I just dumped it
back into the market
She doesn't live in my state and I have no way to get in touch with her.
I only ever see the maintenance man. I even pay my rent to that guy every month. He says he is not allowed to give me her number.
He told me that she was trying to sell the property but know one will buy it. And that she is very rich and doesn't care about anything but taking
trips to other countries.
That's a shame, sounds like he is the property manager, if it is for sale perhaps you should buy it then everyone can pay rent to you. There are
lenders who have programs just for buying investment property. Depending on how many units you can also get some advantages by being an owner
There are even lenders who will give you a loan for all or most of the down payment, the rates for that are pretty #ty but you can refinance after a
few years. I lived in a place that the landlord had abandoned, in fact I didn't pay any rent for 2 years and that was how I saved up the down payment
for my home.
edit on 30-8-2019 by funbobby because: (no reason given)