Definition of Fascism Websters Dictionary
Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the
individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and
forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality
ANTIFA is a political philosophy and movement, that stands for a centralized autocratic government, with severe social regimentation (except for drugs
and consensual adult sexuality). It engages in forcible suppression of opposition. I has created an "army" that actually exercises brutality to
enforce their ideology.
ANTIFA springs out of progressive liberalism and leftist ideology which supports the Democratic National Committee and Party. They demand several
social regimentation when it comes to the amount of melanin and how one speaks to and interacts with those who have melanin levels different from the
ANTIFA forcibly suppresses opposition on campuses around the US. They also attempt to forcibly suppress anyone who holds an idea or ideology they
disapprove of.
ANTIFA's morality includes the demand that everyone think exactly as they do, behave as they do, and follow their social dictates or be subject to
extreme social control measures until people are terrified to say or do anything that ANTIFA disapproves of.
ANTIFA is for centralized strong government and governmental control, i.e. all the socialist policies they demand be enacted. Historically, socialist
countries either have a strong dictator, or strong governmental control over ones life. For example, Sweden dictates what one can and can not name
one's child so the child doesn't have their feelings hurt later due to their name. Right now all countries with socialized medical care (Europe
included) have bureaucrats who decide who is socially important enough and who is a social burden and base curative health care decisions based on
that. Excluding the vast majority of elderly, handicapped and not a few small children from curative care. Although they do a great job at
palliative care (giving people drugs to keep them pain free and not trouble to the caretakers). Sweden demands people inform the government within
one week of any move of residence, so they will know where to send their benefits. Like Michelle O. controlled what children all over the US were and
were not allowed to eat while at school, to the point of confiscating parental sent meals. Like in the UK where Doctors had family members hold down
a struggling elderly relative to receive the euthanasia injections.
Recently, ANTIFA has demanded that Christians not be allowed to open businesses because they are Christians. What if I substitute the word Jews for
Christians? i.e. Chik-fil-a Fascist anyone?
ANTIFA has, in my personal opinion, become the "enforcement arm" of the progressive left and Democratic Party ideology. Their goal is to terrorize
through rioting, violence while dressed very similar to KKK in that instead of wearing solid white they wear solid black which conceals their
identity. The goal of their terrorism is to force submission to their ideology and to force submission to their morality and socialist demands.
ANTIFA, has much in common with the Secret Police of Germany's WWII.
edit on 9/8/19 by The2Billies because: addition and accidentally erased previously written content and was unable to retreive it, so rewrote
as best I could remember.