Thank you for your well articulated replies.
I most definitely understand your position besides being unintelligent about the inner workings of gov/justice system that you and crank are so
informed on.
I’m more of a -this is a spiritual battle kind of mindset, but I think the fact that this battle is clearly surfacing, and that maybe having eyes
drawn to it is helping people to wake up to the fact that the corruption affects them on a far deeper level than just economic/privacy/healthcare kind
of thing.
You see, in the real world, which is where I gauge how this “truth movement” is going (I don’t call it Q movement, I’ve been on it for 15
years, since I was 19 years old, I, in a sense, feel like Q/Trump found it and utilized it, wisely so-intention yet to be revealed) is to see how
people feel not about how what the government is doing is affecting their lives, because let’s face it, they really don’t care, but how the system
is affecting their soul.
When people look to things like media propaganda influencing their views on things like police brutality/racial divides- when “gun control” is on
every media avenue after these events, when you have celebrities being given platforms to call for the offing of our president, etc, people no longer
see their personal lives as separate from the government corruption. When people realize that just “working hard, doing right, and obeying the
law” isn’t enough anymore, and it’s not, not by any means, the system demands more and more, as time goes on.....
All these little battles, all these little exposures, they will come to a boiling point, at least I hope, where people will stop and realize that
their reluctance to deal with the intrusion and crimes being committed by those in power does directly affect more than their paycheck, it affects
everything from the way we raise our children, the food/water supply that keeps us alive... I mean I’ll stop because I think I’ve made my point.
People won’t necessarily “wake up” to the truth and focus their
energy on ways to change it until they realize it’s all connected, all
the way to the level of manipulating our genetics, thoughts, morals, and experiences. Everything we’re taught is twisted, manipulated first. 5
short years ago, speaking this as truth got you a suggestion to seek a shrink. Really.
I gauge whether the population is ready by seeing the farmers markets pop up in my area and the Walmart’s parking lots not quite as crowded. I gauge
the success of this movement by how many people i know are still sharing memes about the bachelor versus how many are having discussions about
building a community storm shelter.
The changes in the world happening outside the media are the real “poll” I look at when deciding how close we are to being ready for real
And unfortunately though we have made headway, we aren’t ready. Not yet.
I have a personal goal in my life and that’s to bring to the attention of all the other parents I know, the intertwining between Hollywood/the
entertainment industry and the government. The over sexualized nature of how children are portrayed and other instances like the whole “13 reasons
why” glorifying suicide and there’s been a significant increase in teens in the real world. There’s thousands of issues besides these 8 deep
state players that I look at as success when my loved ones become aware of things they had no clue were even affecting the world until recently.
People used to look at me, knowing I was a conspiracy theorist, and say, “you sound like you’ve been watching too much television”
Fast forward: some of those people now come to me after watching a movie and excitedly tell me all the themes they noticed that correlate to what’s
going on in the real world, what kind of symbolism or ominous references have given them chills seeing the world we live in today, and at the time the
movie was released- it was just fiction and entertainment, especially in older movies.
That’s a decade. That’s a long damn time, but some of us are just ahead of the curve. Front lines sucks because we see things first and we get
discouraged because we take the direct hit, and we have to continue to dust ourselves off and get back up and fight some more.... some of the things
that have knocked us down that we have reconciled and learned to adjust to living with or working around, are just now hitting others.
I don’t know what Q will end up having been, and I’m more of a “this whole saga is absolutely intriguing, I can’t take my eyes off of it, even
though sometimes it feels like a train wreck is about to happen” kind of thing.
Also, my hope will always be in the one who numbered the hairs on my head... and I believe His is the only power that can counter that of what we’re
up against..... so I try to emanate that as often as possible in this thread without being someone who gets written off as annoying, ignore her posts.
-bible thumper- no, not me at all. But I am not one to believe I have the power to become a God.... that’s the trap of new age, I believe, is
convincing us to seek the power they have held for so long through occult practices and black magic, all while earning more souls for the darkness
under the guise of the “light” movement. And damn is it convincing. I have to detangle it continually. Discernment. It’s a gift not everyone
has, so talking about these things openly is crucial lest the mass confusion.
There are some things we won’t get to know on this side of eternity, but somehow over the course of my life, I have been led to make sense of a
great deal more than I could’ve ever dreamed, and for some strange reason- reading the Q drops coupled with research and insight on this thread and
this site as a whole, I see that there ARE others out there who seem to see with their minds eye, the same thing I’m trying to describe.
It is in our trials and tribulations that the power of God is best revealed... so I’ll end with this:
May our weakness give more strength to the only power that CAN win this war.
In the meantime, I think the battle for our own mind and our own emotional expression is of the utmost importance. This war isn’t being fought with
conventional weapons, it’s being fought with information... and the prize isn’t a piece of land, it is our consciousness.
I just hope that if some deceptive, manufactured, event, does interrupt life as we know it, we can find the wisdom we need to complete the race, so to
It has already been won.... we are just trying to make it to the celebration, but we’ve gotta compete the race.
Carry on, you all are MUCH more intelligent and articulate than I will ever hope to be. But I appreciate you allowing me to join in with you.
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