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Uh-oh: Silicon Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system

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posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 10:28 AM

Many Westerners are disturbed by what they read about China’s social credit system. But such systems, it turns out, are not unique to China. A parallel system is developing in the United States, in part as the result of Silicon Valley and technology-industry user policies, and in part by surveillance of social media activity by private companies.

Uh-oh: Silicon Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system

This should scare everyone. Right now the left enjoys the favor of big tech and so probably will see this as a good thing. But what happens when they come for everyone? What happens when big tech doesn't like what you write or do?

Ride in Uber? They are using a system like this, read the article. Insurance companies are scouring social media using this system and creating scores with a system like this, read the article

The big tech people that are creating this don't realize that they too, one day, could easily be a victim of what they are creating.

Black Mirror, Nosedive, episode 2016, is arriving in the US. Perhaps breaking up big tech is just what is needed in the US right now. Uh-oh my score just went down.

edit on 8/26/19 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

I dont have instagram to boost my vanity, I dont have twitter to hear the echos, not got an uber rating.....

and I dont care, I have a feeling in the future gravestone will no longer have date of birth and death but merely how many thumbs up the deceased accrued on social media, looks like us older ones maybe becoming outdated, the kids will love it though, narcissism for the masses, why people need constant validation in their lives is beyond me.

I have farcebook to login into a conspiracy site (go figure), thats enough of a footprint for me thanks.

But great OP thumbs up seems appropriate, lol

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

Thats all well and good, but its only tangentially connected to the topic of "social credit."

There is no "opting out" of social credit, since that would defeat the purpose. Participation in social sites isnt relevant, which is why the concept is so problematic.

The tech companies are going to push stuff like this more and more. The idea is to expand direct influence beyond just their "products" and sites. So, we can fully expect to see lots of steps in that direction (like currency, election tampering, social credit). I wouldnt be surprised to see them do something like purchase CNN, and I think they are laying the foundation for that now.

Its definitely a problem, and I suspect they are preparing themselves to scoop up folks disenfranchised from the establishment "left," if they cant influence the upcoming election enough to get the results they want.

Its an exceedingly effective platform for forcing change..
edit on 26-8-2019 by Serdgiam because: Hamsters of doom

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Majority of the adult population walks around with a credit score over their head already.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: The2Billies

Majority of the adult population walks around with a credit score over their head already.

No kidding... i make 3x my wifes salary, have maybe 350 in credit card debt at any given time, and she has 40k in credit card debt and 55k in tuition. No bakruptcies. I pay all the bills. We both make our revolving credit payments on time she has almost 800 score and they give me barely over 730. I have no car accidents or tickets, she has 2 accidents from about 10 years ago. My car is a 4cyl 4dr silver sedan, hers is a red SUV. I pay 15% more on car insurance. F#%& this system.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

We have some laws in place against discrimination, some of this would be illegal put into use here in USA. We also have a few organizations that like to sue over discrimination . I don't see this going anywhere unless it's in democrat controlled states.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: drewlander

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: The2Billies

Majority of the adult population walks around with a credit score over their head already.

No kidding... i make 3x my wifes salary, have maybe 350 in credit card debt at any given time, and she has 40k in credit card debt and 55k in tuition. No bakruptcies. I pay all the bills. We both make our revolving credit payments on time she has almost 800 score and they give me barely over 730. I have no car accidents or tickets, she has 2 accidents from about 10 years ago. My car is a 4cyl 4dr silver sedan, hers is a red SUV. I pay 15% more on car insurance. F#%& this system.

The credit score system is a scam. It is all about managing debt (which your wife has) that is why she has a higher score. It is not about being most responsible.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 12:33 PM
This has been tried before with KLOUT for those that can remember (Hint Hint it did not really work) and a few companies were making the score part of job interviews etc. but it died off

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 12:41 PM
It is a tough issue trying to find the right line.

Uber. In the past it was expensive to get a taxi license, a lot of vetting took place for responsible drivers. Some of these Uber rides have sketchy stories, not just drivers but passengers as well. There is some justification for a rating system to manage the risks. How do you know if someone has been banned for being stupid with a past transaction? Will a rating system help promote better interactions between drivers and passengers similar to ebay? What access will other agencies have to this data if they want to snoop on you?

Insurance. Works with risk and people are risky things. Their thirst for data is strong in getting their numbers right. A tight grip on the purse strings and the chants of shareholders in the background raises issues with conflicts of interest. It is an important institution in todays world providing financial security in troubling times.

Big Tech. A separation of powers is the biggest issue I see here. The whole black world is on lock down with its compartmentalization. One reason for this is to avoid things getting out of control when working with powerful forces. A separation of powers is also an important foundation of government, hard lessons behind that one.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: cognizant420
a reply to: The2Billies

We have some laws in place against discrimination, some of this would be illegal put into use here in USA. We also have a few organizations that like to sue over discrimination . I don't see this going anywhere unless it's in democrat controlled states.

If you read the linked article, it is already in use by private companies. Uber for one and insurance companies for another. It is just done "behind the scenes" and we aren't supposed to know about it.

They can't sue for discrimination if private companies do this and apply the score ups and downs equally to everyone. Go sky diving and put it on facebook, insurance companies will lower your score, regardless of your race, gender, etc. As long as what they do is for a private company and doesn't discriminate based on race, gender, and other protected statuses, they can and actually are doing it.

But you have a point that those who are tied so closely to big tech and get huge financial and political gain from big tech are likely to be the first to support and use it.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: FredT
This has been tried before with KLOUT for those that can remember (Hint Hint it did not really work) and a few companies were making the score part of job interviews etc. but it died off

Now that China has tweeked it to make it work for them, with the willing and eager assistance of Google, it is just too tempting for those in power not to use.

The ones most likely to put it to use more universally than it is used now, are the political class since big tech is very involved in attempting to manipulate the US political system.

I think Black Mirror was prescient.

edit on 8/26/19 by The2Billies because: tiny addition

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I know insurance companys have used credit score for years to base your rates, and same with financial institutions too. I was speaking more along the lines of the employment aspect of it.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 01:30 PM
Credit score is a scam. They make it to where you need to be in some sort of debt making payments, the longer the debt the higher your score becomes. Without being in debt with zero credit history you won’t ever get a high score and will either not get approved to buy a home or get stuck with a very high interest rate. So essentially it’s rigged to make the banks money one way or another, it’s a crookedly rigged system.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

your score is 89

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: 38181

Sort of, your credit score is based on your credit history, so you do need to have a credit history to have a credit score. On the other hand actually paying any interest isn't needed for a good credit score, get a zero percent credit card or buy some furniture on credit with zero interest and then pay it off on time. Be what the credit card companies call a "deadbeat", get a credit card and pay it off every month, they pay you in the form of cash back and such and you never pay any interest. Call them occasionally and ask for a credit raise. Get a bunch of them. That builds up your available credit, to get a good credit score you want a high ratio of available credit to used credit and a solid payment history. I get a fair amount of cash back and then when you want to buy a house or something you get a good rate.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 03:17 PM
The tech giants work for China.

Twitter regularly goes to bat for the communist regime. Facebook suppresses information and posts for them, and google is likely sharing sensitive information with the government of China and aiding in the oppression of Chinese people and the people of Hong Kong.

Tech giants are anti freedom anti American and anti human.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 04:03 PM
Just remember to listen and obey, roll over, sit, stay, and shake...

A piece of cheese or a raisin is forthcoming.

That's a good boy/girl...


posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 05:21 PM
People who still aspire to live by the Patrick Henry quote of "Give me liberty, or give me death" will soon learn that this motto is antiquated and not even an option on the table anymore. You should more aptly be using the cri de coeur of, "Give me subjugation or give me death."

There is a frightening new religion sprouting mostly from the technology sector combined with radical environmentalism. And for a people that preach about inclusion, they are systemically going about excluding, oppressing and subjugating people on an unprecedented scale - sometimes for a mere, single past transgression that they deem unfit for their vision of a healthy and prosperous society.

If you're still locked in the archaic mindset that the traditional religions are the world's biggest problem we are facing at this point in human history then you are not paying attention.
edit on 26-8-2019 by sooth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

The Fed will arrange the assassination of anyone who does not use THEIR fiat taxation currency.

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes its laws". Mater Amschel Rothschild

"The London Times printed the following: "If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all coun­tries will go to North America. That govern­ment must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."


edit on 26-8-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 09:03 PM
The question will you fight it? There's still a good portion of people who don't have or use social media (I'm one of them...). However, that doesn't stop tech giants like Facebook from building profiles and databases about you anyway. What happens when an individual swears off any and all technology? Maybe you don't use Uber, AirBnB, credit cards, or whatever.... Will swearing off technology in all forms put that individual at a serious disadvantage in protecting their rights in the future? How will you protest the yolk being forcefully placed over your neck by those who gave power to socialists and an entire generation of people who no longer care about privacy or individual rights?

Just curious how you think this will role out...

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