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aliens ARE bad...or good???

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posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 11:57 AM
some theories tell us that aliens are working with the U.S. government...

i am pretty shure they know that the U.S. government is corrupt...

so why would they be working with a corrupt government???

abductions are also another sign that aliens ARE bad...

they take humans without their permission and do horrible things to them and then erase their minds...

so, aliens ARE bad...or good???

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:01 PM
so why would they be working with a corrupt government???
Who else are they supposed to work with?

Anyway, there are some really scary alien sightings out there. But they dont really appear to be bad. Well you never know. Bad compared to what? At least they havent wiped our sorry little asses of the planet yet.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:02 PM
That's really rather subjective.

What motivates one to do something may be viewed as good by him, his peers, maybe his entire culture. But can be viewed as evil by onlookers who hold other values and experiences.

It's more realistic to think that persons, groups or entire civilizations don't have motives based upon "good" and "evil" and moreso that they view their motivations in relation to what they stand to gain and at what potential loss if there is failure.


posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by merka
so why would they be working with a corrupt government???
Who else are they supposed to work with?

Anyway, there are some really scary alien sightings out there. But they dont really appear to be bad. Well you never know. Bad compared to what? At least they havent wiped our sorry little asses of the planet yet.

thats a good point...

they should just come down and show themselves FULLY to the entire world...

not through the media or governments either...

we ARE lucky they didn't kill us too


good post...

i believe that a person should make his own good or evil and not get these rules from someone else...

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:10 PM
This is the way I look at it.

Are Humans bad or good? There are examples of both, I'm sure the same would apply to any intelligent race.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

good post...

i believe that a person should make his own good or evil and not get these rules from someone else...

Thanks. I think your thoughts sum up the idea behind the perception of good and evil, so many things can affect one's view, if they let it.

You may be interested in following up that line of thinking with a very interesting (and now inexpensive) book that is titled:
Looking Out For Number One
By Robert Ringer. I find while I don't agree with everything that is said therein, you will find much value if you look at the way he views the many facets of "human nature". After reading, and understanding this book, at the age of 12 or so; I was able to clearly understand the intentions of most people and how that was to effect me.

Most notable of his observations are:
The "Value for Value" relationship
The average person's "happiness plug"

If you get the chance, give it a read, or two.


[edit on 5-3-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:41 PM


i might read it...

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 01:33 PM
Well surely there are more than one type of I'd say some are good and some are bad just like us humans !

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Xatnys
That's really rather subjective.

It's more realistic to think that persons, groups or entire civilizations don't have motives based upon "good" and "evil" and moreso that they view their motivations in relation to what they stand to gain and at what potential loss if there is failure.

i agree, you cant classify billions of races into a little definition.

a better way to see things is :
service to self
service to others

by actions, not words, should beings be judged......
ans so I say not aliens but specifically the reptoids ,who bear the flying serpent logo, are service to self and really BAD.

[edit on 5-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Its the alien bloodline who has caused the governments of the world to be corrupt. They intermixed with humans since the beginning of our creation. They are the cause for all the evil in existence. Its not humans alone who have caused the corruption. The aliens have a plan and they are thus far succeeding in it.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Omniscient
Well surely there are more than one type of I'd say some are good and some are bad just like us humans !




its a theory...

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 10:41 PM
if you get into sumerian beliefs youll find that they firmly suggest the aliens are ''sons of the serpent.''

so technically they would be bad..

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 10:56 PM
Its a theory based on your beliefs but I accept it as HARD FACT as do many others. Your point is taken though. I believe many will change their mind when TSHTF.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 10:59 PM
Honestly since we have not directly encountered alien species, we can't tell if they are good or bad. And even if we did have regular dealings with Extra Terrestrials, there's really no way of telling what their motives are.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 01:32 AM
Im guessing that they are pretty well balanced. They seem to know what they want to get out of this experience. But like any other kind of intelligent lifeform, there's good ones and bad ones.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 02:36 AM
i believe aliens are both cause if they were really bad they could of killed us by now.but still they abduct people and do experiments to them like guinea pigs thats all we are too them nothing more.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 03:03 AM
Which I believe is possible, it's just that the Universe is a very big place!
We are very small and just as we try to find other planets with the technology we have we still base our theories on hypothesis.

This is probably the same with any other space exploring race out there somewhere.

Now to give an opinion on your question.

Motivation is what drives every creature, so this simple idea can be applied to the logic of any creature's behavior patterns. If say an Alien race came across Earth in their travels, or deliberately targeted Earth for exploration their actions and behavior would more than likely be dependent on their motivations. What do they need? Do they need? Why are they here? Did they come here by chance? Did they come here on purpose? Does their home still exist? Was this a one way trip? How advanced is their technology compared to ours?

See I could go on and on, there have to be millions of permutations that you could apply to an encounter with ANOTHER species of intelligent life... So you can't simply say Good or Bad, it's more complicated than that. Also what may seem Bad to you/us MAY JUST BE THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS. Survival of the fittest...

Scary eh?

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