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HARPA: SAFE HOME - Full on Big Brother

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posted on Aug, 23 2019 @ 09:09 PM
Don't worry, it would be voluntary! Bwahahaha! If someone is going to shoot up a public space, would they really voluntarily submit to psychoanalysis performed by Silicon Valley? Sort of funny the wording in the quote though, "Everybody would be a volunteer." SMH.

HARPA=Health Advanced Research Projects Agency

SAFE HOME=Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes

With the SAFE HOME project, common consumer technologies such as the Apple Watch, Google Home, and Amazon Echo, all of which have the capability of collecting immense (and sometimes concerning) levels of personal data, could be used to produce an "early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence."

Geoffrey Ling, a lead adviser for HARPA, said the data collection would be voluntary.

"Everybody would be a volunteer," Ling told reporters, according to the Daily Caller. "We're not inventing new science here. We're analyzing it so we can develop new approaches."

If Trump signs such legislation, should it reach his desk, he's a complete hypocrite. "Google is TARGETING conservatives with biased search algorithms! I've just handed them the POWER to now declare whoever they want CRAZY based on psychoanalytical algorithms!" .

edit on 23-8-2019 by GenerationGap because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2019 @ 09:15 PM
To be fair, they are technically volunteers.

If anyone is stupid enough to buy these products(in home assistants) from any of these companies then they get what they deserve, massive invasion of privacy and data mining.

I'll NEVER put a smart device like that in my home. In fact, I'm hoping some company comes out with a simplified non google/apple base phone that just does basic text/call/internet without going through the monopoly data servers. It would likely be a ripe market and whomever does it find a huge untapped market.

posted on Aug, 23 2019 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: GenerationGap

I'm sure this was inevitably the goal when they made the NSA.

And if we've finally heard about it, they're already doing it.

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 02:40 AM
So where does it go? Can it be tamed? Where is the line?

Unless you are directly working with not much we can do. Judicial watch is one organization trying to get a bit on the edges. Information is coming out how some parts of the system are being manipulated. Overall the internet is a reflection of humanity, good and bad.

Without a system where people can identify systemic risks and at least be able to express them, it just gets swept under the rug with the other stinky mess decomposing away.

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 05:34 AM
Well, there goes my trust for Amazon (to the extent that I had any). I had thought about buying the Dot but held back on it because of price and it always did seem like too much of a privacy compromise. I thought maybe I was just paranoid but no.

What a creepy thought.

I guess it's not even subtle anymore, huh? We've gotten to the point to where they don't even have to lie about their intentions. Only their motives. And even that is pretty easy to guess once you know what they're doing.
edit on 24-8-2019 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 07:33 AM

Google Home, and Amazon Echo,

I remember when people wouldn't say certain things because they were scared of a wiretap. Now they ask it for recipes.

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 07:50 AM
Old News. Shocked some group wants to exploit the tech in this way, but hey 1984 and all that. There's already been several cases where listeners made criminal reports...

Every time you "Alexa" "Siri" "Google" or other voice command all the voice recognition is done on remote servers, so there's ALWAYS an open comm channel listening in when these devices are plugged in. How do you you think the devices "know" when you call them by name?

NSA et al can snoop anybody's phone at any time, because of where their snooper lies, so fuggedaboudit with NSA.
Not sure whether Google snoops android phones constantly when "on" or wait for a mic keypress, but I turn my phone off a lot anyway. Thinking an old style lead lined X-ray bag for exposed film might be a good place to keep my phone, just maybe disrupt the radio link. Or I could buy a multi-spectrum jammer, Faraday cages - just how much expectation of privacy does one afford?


posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: ganjoa
Old News. Shocked some group wants to exploit the tech in this way, but hey 1984 and all that. There's already been several cases where listeners made criminal reports...

Every time you "Alexa" "Siri" "Google" or other voice command all the voice recognition is done on remote servers, so there's ALWAYS an open comm channel listening in when these devices are plugged in. How do you you think the devices "know" when you call them by name?

NSA et al can snoop anybody's phone at any time, because of where their snooper lies, so fuggedaboudit with NSA.
Not sure whether Google snoops android phones constantly when "on" or wait for a mic keypress, but I turn my phone off a lot anyway. Thinking an old style lead lined X-ray bag for exposed film might be a good place to keep my phone, just maybe disrupt the radio link. Or I could buy a multi-spectrum jammer, Faraday cages - just how much expectation of privacy does one afford?


Well, a plain old metal garbage can is supposed to be a very basic Faraday cage. The garbage can sounds like a good place for a "smart phone" anyway. LOL Throw it in there and leave it there.

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: ganjoa

Just wrap your phone in tinfoil. Cheap. Effective. I'm a light sleeper so I need to wear earplugs to sleep. I noticed my phone behaving in a very peculiar manner last year. Texts to some of my contacts would disappear as soon as I hit send , the other party would never receive them , and other things. When I go to sleep some nights I put it in front of the speakers of my computer , which has a utube video of Saddam Hussein's trial playing on loop , or a heart surgery video , or a televangelist video. You get it. The ads have changed quite a bit!
On a seperate note I think the eradication of the white lie a lot of people need to function normally is causing problems. I don't need to be lied to and I welcome honesty. Not brutality , just honesty. I have a friend who owns a small business and does excellent, outstanding work. He agrees with me completely that most people want to be lied to.
Example: He will be finishing a particularly difficult job for one customer and when this causes him to get behind schedule he blames it on the horrible ongoing road construction hassles around here. NEVER would he say he is busy finishing a job for another client , as the next client would be offended as though they are not as "important" as the the one he is almost finished working for , though when he does get to the next client and puts in the extra time and effort that he usually does , they don't mind a bit if it causes him to be a bit late for the next guy.

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
To be fair, they are technically volunteers.

Yes, and "Everybody will be a volunteer."

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
To be fair, they are technically volunteers.

If anyone is stupid enough to buy these products(in home assistants) from any of these companies then they get what they deserve, massive invasion of privacy and data mining.

I'll NEVER put a smart device like that in my home. In fact, I'm hoping some company comes out with a simplified non google/apple base phone that just does basic text/call/internet without going through the monopoly data servers. It would likely be a ripe market and whomever does it find a huge untapped market.

It's funny. I feel the same way. Then I look at my android phone laying next to my wife's Iphone, and wonder, does OK Google and Siri listen when I haven't addressed them? at what level have we allowed all this to take place? Are we really safe if we don't have alexa or some other device?

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: network dude

Do you have GPS in your car.

Do you own a smart TV. They listen just like a phone. Or your laptop?

I wouldn't worry to much about those black GMC Yukons outside....

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: ganjoa
Old News. Shocked some group wants to exploit the tech in this way, but hey 1984 and all that. There's already been several cases where listeners made criminal reports...

Every time you "Alexa" "Siri" "Google" or other voice command all the voice recognition is done on remote servers, so there's ALWAYS an open comm channel listening in when these devices are plugged in. How do you you think the devices "know" when you call them by name?

NSA et al can snoop anybody's phone at any time, because of where their snooper lies, so fuggedaboudit with NSA.
Not sure whether Google snoops android phones constantly when "on" or wait for a mic keypress, but I turn my phone off a lot anyway. Thinking an old style lead lined X-ray bag for exposed film might be a good place to keep my phone, just maybe disrupt the radio link. Or I could buy a multi-spectrum jammer, Faraday cages - just how much expectation of privacy does one afford?


Well, a plain old metal garbage can is supposed to be a very basic Faraday cage. The garbage can sounds like a good place for a "smart phone" anyway. LOL Throw it in there and leave it there.

Microwave 🤓👌

Do you own a smart TV. They listen just like a phone.

Some remotes listen in too these days, we had to buy a new telly recently and one of the remotes has a microphone inside it,

Just press a button and tell it what you want and it'll pull it up for you,

Even the fridges will be listening soon 😐

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: GenerationGap

Get a grip. This will take years to implement and since its volontary, it will only affect the dummies that install these ever listening devices. If you are over got nothing to worry about.

The youngsters wont care or even notice.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: GenerationGap

Get a grip. This will take years to implement and since its volontary

Well, you know what they say, right?

"And if you believe that......"

I have noticed that usually the real state of things is about ten years ahead of where the general public thinks it is. I have been saying for years that Trump for president was no surprise to any of the power people. Not the Democrats. Not the FBI. None of them. This is a conspiracy forum so I have no reservations about saying it. I believe that Trump was planned. Just as all presidents are and have been probably for as long as any of us have been alive. You'd have to be crazy to think they'd let anyone who hasn't already been thoroughly investigated into the most powerful office on the planet. Really? Think about that. Think about it for longer than a second if you have to. It should take ten seconds max.

If a real "rogue" ever got into that office, he wouldn't waste a day waiting for the FBI to do it's job and investigate him. I can't believe that people really believe this BS wasn't all planned.

it will only affect the dummies that install these ever listening devices. If you are over got nothing to worry about.

Unless you're a dummy with kids who have "devices" (I feel weird calling things devices. It sounds like something they'd have called a steam engine in the 1800s). If you or your kids have a "smart phone", you're already on the dummy wagon. They don't even really need listening devices in your home. If you use the internet, they've probably been tracking and logging everything you have done for the last 20 years through your ISP (VPN isn't gonna do squat if your ISP is tracking and logging and they're lying about encryption). The VPNs have probably been required to log and keep all records for years so people who think they're being sneaky actually aren't. But if that isn't already the case, it will happen sooner or later.

Anyway, if they're tracking you and logging all your activity, it's a matter of time before they have AI that's sophisticated enough to very accurately "red flag" groups of people they have decided they don't like. If you're on any of the "social media" things, you have already given one company or another everything they could possibly ever need to know everything about you. If they can link you to everyone you know or everyone you have ever known and connect you to your actual phone number, DOB, address, SS# and so forth. About the only thing they wouldn't know is what your farts smell like. And give them time to sell everyone a "smart toilet" so it can sniff your farts and analyze your diet and give you a score.

Anyway, yeah. Believe them when they tell you that it's in it's early stages and it's going to be volunteer only. Yeah, right. Facebook used to be volunteer only. Now if you don't have a Facebook, you pretty much can't do anything. In fact, I was recently told that you can't even sign up for a new account on ATS without Facebook. LOL

The youngsters wont care or even notice.

I agree with that.
edit on 5-9-2019 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2019 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

Interesting and well thought out reply.

I hadnt thought about 30 somethings with school age kids. That would be quite the problem. Around where we live,, ever increasingly families homeschool, particularly the Anglo parents o Anglo kids. Its about 70/30 hispanic out here. We have also noticed, (I work with them) that the homeschool parents are extremely cautious about their kids useof "devices" and computer use is strictly monitored. But generally speaking, parents with school age kids are toast and of course the kids are certainly kool aide drinking toast.

I am somewhat jaded by my own experience. I was born in the US and raised overseas. I would never even consider trying to raise kids in the US.

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