posted on Aug, 19 2019 @ 08:06 AM
'Russian' spies are going to have known and reported about Clintons dealings with Epstein , the nature of them , all along or at least suspected as
much .
You can tie Clinton firmly to Epstein singularly over their attendance , or at least the attendance of Maxell , at Chelsea Clinton's wedding in 2010 .
That is after Epstein was originally convicted .
Before Trump's election , Kushner met with a Russian adoptions lawyer claiming damning information on Hillary . Russian children / unknown number
(50-100) , were sent to be adopted in America during the disintegration of the cccp . (CLinton era) . Russian agencies since , have tried to follow up
on the present whereabouts and well-being of these adoptees . And that's where trouble is compounded because they were not found . With that report
coming back from the Russians , the measures the Russians took was to start looking into what had gone on . Swing it up to 2016 , adoption lawyer
meets with Kushner , gives damning information on Hillary and Bill . In 2016 , what's Hillary Bill Obama and Podesta still up to ? You guessed it ,
eating pizza with Alefantis at Comet Pingpong . And then apparently , Trump is colluding with Russia and russian trolls are spreading pizzagate , and
the Russians have supported Trump in the presidential race . So there's how Russian intel likely ties into things .
From another angle, or another geographical area , it's possible that the very same (large/ global) trafficking ring was traced back to the Clintons /
offices of the potus at the centre from an entirely different debacle , that of Madeleine McCann . The chief suspects of police investigations into
her disappearance were reported to be americans , which they 'can't arrest' . It's a well known fact that the photofits provided almost exactlymatched
the Podesta brothers , although that story is already a of whole can worms we'd prefer not to have to open .
Where other intel agencies , eg cia fbi , mi6 and 5 , interpol , europol , mossad , un etc which are Western gatherers , with the power to handle
operative agents , have gradually found out about this ring , the traffickers/ their handlers , have had to infiltrate and kaibosh knowledge gained by
hiding it or destroying evidence . They've had to move their assets into the decision making roles at the top of the important institutions .
Something you can do when you're potus in the general policy department of an administration , such as Podesta was , running the white house from
private offices of hired company . Nobody has had power enough to face these things down . Nowadays though the direction Trump (and the Brexiteers)
might well be taking is towards taking down the whole ring , internationally . Further , it takes an international ring of reformists to break up an
international ring of conspirators , and there's where you've got this falling out all over the world , from Australia to Brazil , Israel and Saudi to
Japan . The sco are watching and helping that along , where a chinese billionaire was arrested on direct molestation charges , just after Epstein was
. Collusion is there with that side of the world , and the trade war and syrian exchanges ( speculation ) are a false wall behind which there a re
listeners to something more important , which is the unipolarists' planning their deflections for the oncoming assault . Breaking up the Eu and
putting America first , are moves to break the form of unipolarism where whole swathes of the western worlds internal and external political and
economic and military policy was conformed to directives made by a secret globalist committee , regardless of democracy . And crucially , regardless
of any given nation's national interests , when it suited the oversight group to combine those interests and or balance them against each other .
Federalizing the EU , and borrowing from America's deep pockets was obviously part of that policy . And again , controlling the faces that appear at
important desks in any given nation , so they would continue to comply with the plans of international overseers was of such importance to them ,
that they had to use these pfiles to do the jobs . Thats how you get Clintons Blairs , Bushes , Sarkozys and Burlusconis , Merkels and probably
Junkers , doing those jobs . Not in the public interest , of any given nation , in any way whatsoever . The opposite in fact . It's been an
international elite just helping themselves to more power , and more of others people's children too , to get these things to happen .
Have a reality check . Trump came to power declaring America First , and while everyone wondered quite what he meant , he was meaning to take apart
the 'new' world order , that America had suffered enough from covert policies to bleed her dry , and use her like a whore , taking the nations men and
women into futile foreign wars for massive corporate mic profit , etc. Exactly the same we've heard from Farage when he has railed at the EU . Banks ,
the European Central Bank , The IMF and World Bank , and the lending banks allowed to 'invent' money to invest , those get their operating frameworks
from national policy structures too , so exactly WHO is in power in those nations is of critical importance to the cabal , and they've - looks like -
lost a major seat with Trump in the White House . And again , Europe , actual European policy control is about to depart Britain . You don't have
international reform of this scale without heavy actors being involved , and heavy they are when looking to the cre partners . Targeting the 'old'
actors on the levels they're being targeted ( high level attack ) belies a confirmation of overall intent , and transition towards reform will
necessarily be a protracted affair . Of course there will be feelings of instability through the process , as control was total , even mass bailouts
have a source of policy code , of course . Rhineland capitalism was the modus operandii , statism , a socialist front , and quietly showing off the
champagne interior decorations . A seductive situation for the rich who would gladly co-operate with such convenience in the general business
environment , and the stability and trading boons that the national alliances offered . Who was not happy with it was national militaries . It's a
lot harder to subvert and control a militarychief than a business executive , a doctor , or politician . And each division of armed forces also has
it's own intelligence bureau . And failure has taken place there which has given the reformist group trump/farage their opportunity , which has also
follwed up into high echelons of command structures . The Eu itself were only just drawing up plans for an eu armed forces before Brexit , and their
policy was necessarily to subvert traditional command structures with a supranational structure , taking actual power from their own hands as chiefs
of staff . You don't argue with military men when they're throwing the block , you don;t sack them either . When any national revolution takes places
it's only ever because the military give way to the will of the people and actually turn to deny hated politicians their term , who previously they
might have answered to . In that way you cannot deny that Trump and Johnson have the resolve , and the backing , certainly not just of their own
party's , to see through reform . With these regime changes defining contemporary events in the Western world , the