My base premise is
If you believe/have faith in something it will manifest.
The flow of information goes inside out and only what is perceived as possible, will be able to manifest.
For the good and the bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I can't just make myself disappear in front of you.
Or can I?
But let's go by baby steps.
Psychosomatic is bluntly said a field of psychology and biology, that describes the manifestation of psychological turmoil in the physical body, and
vice versa.
The best known, studied and scientifically proven example is Placebo.
I'm of the impression that this phenomenon is responsible for much more than just a backache, acne or a sore throat. It extends into the whole
Let's assume we are harmonious, just to go with the positive attitude, we all know we aren't
If one has a harmonious way of thinking it will only manifest in ones body.
If the harmony is shared by another it will manifest in their immediate surrounding and they're body.
If the harmony is shared by a society, it will manifest globally, in their immediate surrounding and they're body
If the harmony is shared by everyone, it will manifest into the whole solar system, globally...and so on...
The fantastic thing about this way of looking at reality is.
Any disharmonious manifestation, can be taken as an indicator of a disharmony in the global, societal and individual, way of thinking.
The learning process is much faster and more energy efficient, we learn not only from our immediate past but can learn from times long forgotten, and
therefore heal wounds we don't remember where they came from.
How could a theory like that ever be proven against a model that is purely based on a outside-in flow of information, with a almost unhealthy
scepticism against any model that violates the outside-in premise.
How could we prove scientifically that the observers mind influences the results?
What about this setup?
We need neutral observers in form of cameras, sceptical observers and convinced observers.
Take the experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto, and see what happens if in a session where they focus thoughts onto water the sceptic overweight the
I'm predicting that it won't work, take the sceptic out of the equation and it works.
Play with the variables between believer, sceptics, and neutral to find out the threshold, for each dimension.
It could be dangerous to do these experiments with unstable minds, and larger numbers of observers!!!.
An extreme example could be a disharmony between light and darkness where all observers only want light, resulting in unhealthy or deadly amounts of
Nothing grows without the sun, and nothing grows without the earth.
The seed's don't sprout if you don't burie them into the dark.
I suggest first we learn to observe properly and get aware of our disharmonious way of thinking and the resulting turmoils we are causing on a solar,
global, national, and personal level.
After that we might want to tidy up a bit, and then we can play with our new toys.
Hah who am i kidding... Just be warned you might trip on some old toys still laying around...
If I know, they know!
now we all know! Archive offline!!!
Don't believe in, and hope for destruction because it's profeceised, it wont make a good impression on your curriculum, thrust me
That's all I'm asking.
Sincerely No Clue