posted on Aug, 29 2019 @ 08:26 PM
I've done quite a few paranormal investigations over the last 14 years or so. I can't really say if the videos in this thread are legit or not, but in
my experience a lot of people jumped on the paranormal bandwagon, most looking for their 15 minutes of fame and some cheap thrills, not a genuine
interest to get closer to the truth as to what the paranormal is all about.
Most TV shows on the topic are simply looking for ratings, and focus on the 'demonic" (which is rare) and exaggerate/enhance evidence, call dust orbs
and make assumptions, especially with EVPs. "You said flowers? DO you want us to put flowers on your grave?" etc etc.
Kindred Spirits is (IMO) doing it right, and respectfully. And my favorite show, Ghost Hunters has just returned. They go out of their way to debunk
claims and find normal reasons for what's been experienced. Then, whatever's left is perhaps paranormal