Start by running an audit on 'American' companies, looking for unusually large 'cash' withdrawals on their quarterly statements. Then send ICE
unannounced to investigate large spikes, and obvious giveaways. NOBODY buys goods with large quantities of cash, unless your managing an illegal
payroll or dealing drugs. If money goes missing, the books get hot and people start asking questions; so why not the same when spending patterns don't
align. The E-verify system can be manipulated, but the SEC can't. These companies need punished harder than tax evasion culprits. Cut the head off the
snake and there won't be a reason to come anymore.
I mean come onnn... they riddled down accounting info deep enough to throw 'MARTHA STEWART' in jail for gods sake...... and your telling me these
same people can't review the financial algorithms/patterns and figure out who has an illegal workforce!! Numbers can't be jaded; only shaded. They
also don't lie....
I feel as though the wounds we are tearing open as a country, are self inflicted greed; propelled by the lack of respect for human life. The class
system is alive and well in 2019. Dollar store anyone?
Everyone is guilty; so why do we keep talking about it? The solutions we debate are about as barbaric as rockets compared to magnets. Were running bug
lights at full blast, during a time/era where bug populations are out of control. To expect anything different defines the core definition of
ignorance. Kill the sharks because we refuse to wash off the smell of chum? It's only going to get worse, as world populations rise the next decade.
What than? Storm Area 51??!!?
....... sadly, simple justice is not being solemnly traced...... personal agendas are burning holes in our civilization, as closed eyes play the
fiddle of surprise marvelously: on BOTH sides!
Profit > Votes. Dems picked the short straw's purpose when it comes to new age slavery, stuck in a public wedge..... all while conservatives bury
their heads like ostriches: "Who? What? Me? Nawwwwwwwww?
I've never in my life seen a group of people so utilized, yet hated unilaterally. The bipolarity with this whole thing has become infectious, spread
by the unstable minds that govern us, and accelerated by the lies of humanity our technology was not meant to filter.
BOTH parties started it, and now nobody can stop it... unfortunately the only quick, effective solution (punishing American companies); everyone is
too greedy to give up their VD.... no not venereal disease- votes and dollars..... Talk about a # show.
edit on 12-8-2019 by Pavlik because: grammical error