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Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein dead

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posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: Maverick7

originally posted by: Forensick

originally posted by: carewemust
Did Bill Clinton say recently that he's never been to Epstein's Lolita Island?

This unsealed testimony says that he was there:

Clinton has never been to Epsteins Lolita Island because it doesnt exist. Beware of capitalising words and making up terms.

Also, you know nothing about this dirtbag or paedophiles, the ones I interviewed as part of my PHD hate themselves and wish 'they could switch it off', the same as schizophrenics want to shut off the voices.

I am pretty sure he doesn't feel great about getting his rocks off pimping out kids, drugs and booze may be a crutch but take that away in prison and you have to face the demons....

Please link to your PhD dissertation and/or your peer-reviewed paper. Thanks!

Interesting take on this subject.

Cannot do that unfortunately, PERSEC issues, it was under a nom de plume for work I did with SOCA.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thank you!

The timing is interesting, eh? Just a few months before Epstein was re-arrested in New York. Quite fortuitous for his victims as well.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Exposure is the biggest thing here. Convictions don't really matter now, but association does.

The public will 'convict' any big names by way of association and exposure.

I agree the exposure is huge, and the court of public opinion will do its thing... But it may not be everything.

If Epstein killed himself, then he did it for his own selfish and cowardly reasons. If Epstein did not kill himself -- if he was suicided or disappeared -- then there's much more to the story.

I don't know that any of the questions I asked are or will be relevant in this case, and probably not all of them in any circumstances, but I'd still like to know and understand what proper procedure is, and what should be.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 07:01 AM
Is he dead? Or was he really an intelligence asset and hid away under witness relocation program to bring down the pedo ring??? Hmmm....

Either way this all stinks, too well predicted, too many coincidences to be just a "suicide".

If it is just a "suicide" then he took the coward way out. Special place in hell for guys like him.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Exposure is the biggest thing here. Convictions don't really matter now, but association does.

The public will 'convict' any big names by way of association and exposure.

I agree the exposure is huge, and the court of public opinion will do its thing... But it may not be everything.

If Epstein killed himself, then he did it for his own selfish and cowardly reasons. If Epstein did not kill himself -- if he was suicided or disappeared -- then there's much more to the story.

I don't know that any of the questions I asked are or will be relevant in this case, and probably not all of them in any circumstances, but I'd still like to know and understand what proper procedure is, and what should be.

People forget and move on too quickly. The masses are so easily distracted. We’ll probably have some international incident that hogs the airwaves for the next several months so all this gets properly swept under the rug.

Bill Clinton isn’t remembered for his disgrace in office. GWB is back to being cheered by most people after having terrible presidential ratings. Obama looks more and more like a historic dignitary as time moves. (You don’t have to agree with those sentiments I’m just using a general impression).

Epstein will be forgotten and nothing will come of this. I lost hope that justice will prevail in this case.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Everyone can relax now.

The FBI is investigating.

That is sooooo funny!

In light of what the FBI has been exposed to have done recently - well this is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

People forget and move on too quickly. The masses are so easily distracted.

Yes. If we're not directly affected we move on as life goes on.

But it also seems that people can become obsessed with someone (Trump and/or Hillary, for example) and miss the forest for the trees.

Between the two, we are easily played.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 09:07 AM
Well it appears foul play to me, I hope the Coroner presses an investigation to the NYC DA. DOJ Guards! Civil Servants that keep betraying our trust, we had a missile in the Navy called the "Civil Servant" couldn't fire it and it didn't work.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 09:44 AM
I never posted this before so this is a first for me.

Back in the 1960's my mother was a sexual abuse victim of a man from a very prominent family. (Though no where as high level as Epstein but still very connected and some family members were very important to the Government). This abuse resulted in the birth of my brother.

She was just threatened into silence. They literally took her children away and told her unless she dropped her paternity case she would never see her children again. The same day she signed the papers dropping the case, my sister was returned to her.

What I never understood is why they just didn't kill her or deem her crazy and put her away and then adopt out her children to be rid of all the evidence. (And yes, these people where powerful enough to do this).

As an adult, I started to do some research. Most of the records disappeared but from what I could tell my mother's abuser went on to be very helpful to some very corrupt people. Unfortunately, some members/friends of my mother's family were involved in corrupt activities. They would do things like shake down guys in gay bars, so I think they just saw my mother's case as another income stream. So long before this Epstein case, I always though they were using my mother's case to blackmail her abuser.

Right around the time DNA test came out, her abuser suddenly died when we were on vacation. We lived a pretty calm life since the 1980's until a few months ago. We were talking about getting DNA from his relatives or putting my brother's DNA on those sites that trace your relatives. I won't go into detail but since then, things have started to happen to make sure that never happens.

So yes, I believe Epstein was there to blackmail high level people because I personally experience this technique.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Forensick

originally posted by: carewemust
Did Bill Clinton say recently that he's never been to Epstein's Lolita Island?

This unsealed testimony says that he was there:

I think the term is crass but its the "Lolita Express" coined for his Airline, I don't think his Island has ever been known as you describe it..its people like you who generate fake media.

Clinton has never been to Epsteins Lolita Island because it doesnt exist. Beware of capitalising words and making up terms.

Also, you know nothing about this dirtbag or paedophiles, the ones I interviewed as part of my PHD hate themselves and wish 'they could switch it off', the same as schizophrenics want to shut off the voices.

I am pretty sure he doesn't feel great about getting his rocks off pimping out kids, drugs and booze may be a crutch but take that away in prison and you have to face the demons....

He did himself in, he couldn't face them.

How do you know that the guys you interviewed weren't just telling you what they know people want to hear? Surely these people had been in therapy, and had picked up on what therapists want to hear. Even if they hadn't spent time in a shrink's chair, pedophiles know that society frowns upon their proclivities, and they're going to know what a researcher wants to hear.

I know a man who carried on a sexual relationship for years with his 14 year-old stepdaughter. He had been her stepdad from the time she was 2 years old. He told me several times that SHE was the one who initiated the sex and that she "did the same thing" to several grown men in her life (sport coaches and male teachers), so he was saying he wasn't at fault. I doubt he is the only one of these people who has that thought process. He just felt comfortable enough with me to say what he really thinks because I'm not a therapist or a researcher.

How in the world can you be sure they weren't saying what they know will have some people go easier on them??

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: Daughter2

Cornered animals always attack. Humans are no different. For many of these bastards, this is the closest any of them have come to utter destruction.

How Epstein was not the most guarded and watched inmate in recent history is beyond me. Either somebody went to a lot of trouble to treat Epstein as just Inmate #76318-054...or that facility is run by some of the dumbest people on the planet.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 09:59 AM
Peds are almost like deer hunters in Louisiana, everywhere. I have told strangers to not go within 20 feet of my grand daughter. These little small rural towns have a power hierarchy protecting each other. They keep secrets on each other to protect themselves.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 10:01 AM
They probably went ahead and killed him because they thought the public would just be happy regardless because he's another dead pedo (coupled with the fact that he had dirt on the Clintons), but the problem is, that because of this one death, many more pedo's are going to get off the hook and hurt more children now. He didn't kill himself. He was pleading not guilty and working to make a plea bargain to lighten his sentence. Someone who was going to off themselves wouldn't have been working so hard to save that bruised neck.
edit on 11-8-2019 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Daughter2

That's chilling. My heart goes out to your family and especially your mother.

And it reminds me once again of the Franklin Boys Town child abuse investigation back in the '80s/90s. That was when I first started thinking "deliberate disinfo." Whereas the Epstein debacle involves predominantly Dems, the Franklin debacle involved predominantly Pubs. I have wondered many times if this wasn't planned. Probably by the CIA. Get dirt on both sides and you own both parties, lock, stock and barrel.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Yes, I'm not going to tell you the agency one of the people worked for before my mother's case - it wasn't the CIA - but another lesser known Government agency involved in intelligence activities.

There was a definite connection between the activities of this person and the activity of the man they blackmailed.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Daughter2

Please don't tell. The basic facts are enough to get the gist. More than enough!

I appreciate you shared as much as you did. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 10:43 AM
Unfortunately inevitable they should have put this man on max security. One thing we know now for sure is that what the FBI says about conspiracy theorists and Q to be a terroristic threat to be full of s#/t.

What now?

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
Unfortunately inevitable they should have put this man on max security.

Yup. And they knew it. So their failure to do so is more than incompetence. They knew.

One thing we know now for sure is that what the FBI says about conspiracy theorists and Q to be a terroristic threat to be full of s#/t.

We should know that everything the FBI says is full of s#/t!

For all we know, Q is the FBI... I don't believe that, but I sure wouldn't put it past them.

What now?

The million $ question.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: ServiusTull Everyone doubts suicide. Hopefully one day we will know how he was killed. We all have a strong suspicion it was to silence him and maybe, just maybe there will be easter eggs exposing his associates. We know who hung out with him but not if they participated with him. My intuition says that some did participate. My worse case scenario is a certain member of Britain's Royal Family. If anyone could pull this off it would be elements of MI6. I have seen them guys operate, very impressive. Never forget, Britain's spy network is almost 500 years old, MI6 is just a modern name. But do consider this, if the U. S. Justice and Intelligence agencies were so corrupted then surely MI6 could have even deeper corruption. Wasn't Robert Steele associated with MI6? Sad to say both nations protectors are now nothing more than maids for the blue bloods.

posted on Aug, 11 2019 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Yea, this is like a golden parachute for some lawyers. Case log will be backed up for years.

Sorry, if this has already been posted...

Unsealed Court Documents - Giuffre vs Maxwell [PDF] - some damning sex stuff involving many people.

Epstein Courts Docs [PDF] - 2,024 pages.
Docket #18-2868
Julie Brown vs Ghislaine Maxwell vs Virginia Giuffre

Large Doc includes all recent court docs released including Exhibits. Bear in mind that some of the lawyers are dirty scoundrels like David Boies. Involved in alot of shady characters and cases. He's been described by other lawyers as having a photographic memory.

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