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We are an Alien science project

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posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 06:31 PM
My father had a theory about aliens and humans he talked to me about a few times when i was younger, and in time i began to believe (in some aspects) that his theory was a it goes....keep an open mind

His idea was that humans were a creation of aliens...somewhat of a science project gone awry....he proposed that aliens placed us on earth to test their creation and well the way he put it the creation worked almost too well....we flourished. Even evolved. He also used this theory to explain abductions and the experiments that follow....this is all just follow up work...tracking data and the changes in humans as we continue to evolve.

I know its pretty wild and may have some minor flaws....but it makes father was not crazy or insane...he was a genious and was known that way by many...a brilliant thinker .
what do you all think about this theory

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by _Uforia_
My father had a theory about aliens and humans he talked to me about a few times when i was younger, and in time i began to believe (in some aspects) that his theory was a it goes....keep an open mind

His idea was that humans were a creation of aliens...somewhat of a science project gone awry....he proposed that aliens placed us on earth to test their creation and well the way he put it the creation worked almost too well....we flourished. Even evolved. He also used this theory to explain abductions and the experiments that follow....this is all just follow up work...tracking data and the changes in humans as we continue to evolve.

I know its pretty wild and may have some minor flaws....but it makes father was not crazy or insane...he was a genious and was known that way by many...a brilliant thinker .
what do you all think about this theory

Ever read up on the more current writings of John Lear?

Father a fan of his by chance?

Look in the guest speakers forum here on ats and see if you can still read up on John Lear's posts.


posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:00 PM
no i hadnt ever read his stuff....ill def check it out though thank father never read into aliens though, just had his theory and that was good eough for him i guess

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:05 PM
There's a ton of different topics about him, I'd suggest this one first since it is similar to your father's ideas:

Interesting, wild stuff.

Also google for Fantastic Forums and search for the name johnlear there for even more on this subject.


posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:05 PM
I have always seen the ET abduction experience with a nature conservationist/experiment look. Its pretty much how humans treat other animals on this planet when dealing with them scientifically only we don't erase their minds afterwards. We still are fairly sneaky in how we catch other animals for study just like these beings are.

One question _Uforia_, did your father have any background in political, scientific, or military matters for his career choices?

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Interesting theory that dovetails perfectly with creationism. As far as an experiment gone awry, I couldn't agree with you more. my only question now is: Are we as a race too far gone to fix ourselves? Or, is God going to mend what we have broken? Earth has got to be worth saving, even just to save face.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 12:56 PM

One question _Uforia_, did your father have any background in political, scientific, or military matters for his career choices?

My father never talked to me much about his work....never any details....he was involved with the military for many years but i unfortunately am not sure what exactly his work involved........sorry i dont have many details for you

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 01:32 PM
Um, most living things do "evolve" it is the nature of how things work.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 05:02 PM

Um, most living things do "evolve" it is the nature of how things work.

thank you for that gem......but we are not ponering if things evolve....we are pondering our the previous posts

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 05:27 PM
This is my belife your fathers and many others also....

you speak of the "anu" "nnaki" specifically - in all over the worlds cultures

Zecharia Sitchin is lead historian/researcher

anunnaki the movie

the "anu" "nnaki" means :
those who fell from heaven
those who from heaven came or
those who came from god = ANU also = heaven or sky
they were either bird or reptilian humanoids.

they mixed their own dna with a humanoid ape like creature that was here before they came to make us the HUMANS or hunuman as india says, the super ape made from gods dna.....

note many cultures have this theme and story .
some like hopi indians say same thing...
but that the god that made us was a white wolf humanoid female.
thats why you see a white wolf in alot of indian paintings.

most cultures say 3 gods at creation, 1 main god, 2 lesser gods.
most say these lesser gods made us, specifically the female god
of the 2 lessor gods mostly always female of the story.
she was the genetisist.

in every story it was the first time the gods used their own dna in a creation!

[edit on 5-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
they mixed their own dna with a humanoid ape like creature that was here before they came to make us the HUMANS or hunuman as india says, the super ape made from gods dna.....

note many cultures have this theme and story .
some like hopi indians say same thing...
but that the god that made us was a white wolf humanoid female.
thats why you see a white wolf in alot of indian paintings.

[edit on 5-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

I firmly believe in the genetic manipulation theory you speak of. Hopefully, if proof is ever uncovered that this "super ape" existed, it will be by an archeologist willing to share the truth. Too many past cultures, cultures rich with spiritual awareness and clarity cannot be all wrong, if wrong at all.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by _Uforia_

Um, most living things do "evolve" it is the nature of how things work.

thank you for that gem......but we are not ponering if things evolve....we are pondering our the previous posts

In your original post you put "even evolved" like it was a surprise for us to evolve. Ok, to answer your question in my opinion we evolved from a common ancestor(that is now extinct) with the apes.

We are 97% like them. Did your dad think aliens created the apes also....What about the rest of the planets species what did he think their?

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 07:02 PM
Well i am a firm believer in this theory as you can tell from my avatar. Hehe
All i will say that if you wanna come to find the truth, research sumerian culuture. It is beleived that their gods (aliens) did make us, which is explained with the previous post. Mixing our genes together, i think this explains the whole christian theory of "made in the image of us" which again is used in a plural form explaining that there is more than one of them. Anyway they made us as slaves to do all their mining of exoctic minerals that do not exist on earth anymore. Now to give you just the jist of things, there were 2 gods on opposite ends of the scale. One who wanted freedom for the human slaves as he saw us as their own kinds, and the other brother who thought that humans should remain slaves. A huge war was said to have taken place between the 2 gods. And by guessing that we are free now, you can see the good god won. All i will say is that alot of beleive systems all originate from sumeria, and of course i cant go without saying india aswell.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 07:57 PM
The human evolutionary tree is well documented guys. It starts about 5.5 million years ago with australipithicus africanus. Not sure on that spelling. Our history is well documented through the fossil record. We can even see the kind tools ancient man first used. I am taking a Human Orgins class at my University right now and it is very interesting.

However, it is my opinion that we have been influenced by alien races in our past and even now.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by pompano

In your original post you put "even evolved" like it was a surprise for us to evolve. Ok, to answer your question in my opinion we evolved from a common ancestor(that is now extinct) with the apes.

We are 97% like them. Did your dad think aliens created the apes also....What about the rest of the planets species what did he think their?

I think I saw on The Discovery Channel that we are share 95% of the same genes as mice and rats as well but I doubt anyone would argue the we are descendent's of ancient mice.

I could be wrong though.

[edit on 5-3-2005 by bpletcj]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by wang
It is beleived that their gods (aliens) did make us, which is explained with the previous post. Mixing our genes together, i think this explains the whole christian theory of "made in the image of us" which again is used in a plural form explaining that there is more than one of them.

Excelent point, ive missed that myself thank you for saying that,
Its actually, " in OUR image" but same meaning.
and it says "the ELohim created them both ,male and female".
ELohim which is used in a plural form denoting that there is more than one GOD!
and EL Meaning TOP GOD which is from the bible as gods name came from the Anunnaki as well, top good god was EL.

And the MONOTHEISTIC churches are still hearding them suckers in preaching "ONE GOD" from a book which states gods real name is THE GODS, lol
its a good thing for governments and churches that people dont think for themselves much or read for that matter !

I've found things in genesis where it states:
God was really "the GODS"
and THEY were FLESH like us
adam had surgery for the GODS to make eve!
she was cloned from ADAMS DNA!
uh huh its all there......

[edit on 6-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by pompano

Originally posted by _Uforia_

Um, most living things do "evolve" it is the nature of how things work.

thank you for that gem......but we are not ponering if things evolve....we are pondering our the previous posts

In your original post you put "even evolved" like it was a surprise for us to evolve. Ok, to answer your question in my opinion we evolved from a common ancestor(that is now extinct) with the apes.

We are 97% like them. Did your dad think aliens created the apes also....What about the rest of the planets species what did he think their?

Well, to be fair, we're more related to the mouse than we are to the ape, yet the ape resembles us more than the mouse. The mouse is about 95% identical in DNA.

Edited for typo.

[edit on 6-3-2005 by TheBorg]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok

Originally posted by wang
It is beleived that their gods (aliens) did make us, which is explained with the previous post. Mixing our genes together, i think this explains the whole christian theory of "made in the image of us" which again is used in a plural form explaining that there is more than one of them.

Excelent point, ive missed that myself thank you for saying that,
Its actually, " in OUR image" but same meaning.
and it says "the ELohim created them both ,male and female".
ELohim which is used in a plural form denoting that there is more than one GOD!
and EL Meaning TOP GOD which is from the bible as gods name came from the Anunnaki as well, top good god was EL.

And the MONOTHEISTIC churches are still hearding them suckers in preaching "ONE GOD" from a book which states gods real name is THE GODS, lol
its a good thing for governments and churches that people dont think for themselves much or read for that matter !

I've found things in genesis where it states:
God was really "the GODS"
and THEY were FLESH like us
adam had surgery for the GODS to make eve!
she was cloned from ADAMS DNA!
uh huh its all there......

[edit on 6-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

Mind providing some verses with the ancient definitions of the words that you think are wrongly defined?

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 07:40 AM
Still think about the huge technolgical leap in the last 6000 years, it has been a huge leap in the humans understanding of sceince. Who is to say theoritcaly wise that these aliens didnt slice their genes into ours, making us think logicaly and artisticly which has brought about the huge technological leap?

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 07:46 AM
Also people stating that bibilical quotes are the only correct religious quotes is dam straight narrow minded. There are plenty of religious quotes that do surport that aliens were our gods. Look for them yourselfs, but some cultures that this does occur in off the top of my head, is sumerian, egyption, and mayan. Im sure there is a few in asian culture aswell.
Anywho i dont see why people argue with this topic so vigilantly, like it is the most stuiped concept they have ever heard. This topic does have merit, and should be investigated more throughly.

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