Secularism: "denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis"
I don't like to further polarize left and right, but the excessive dominance of liberalism in the education system strongly points to them as the
culprit for the identity crisis of America.
this study
found that over 91% of university professors are liberal. There is certainly a lot of valuable information dispensed on college campuses, but the
problem comes when facts are twisted to fit a particular agenda.
To promote liberalism, conservatism must be made to look silly, uneducated, and downright stupid. To establish this perception, the secular education
system pushes forth theories that attempt to refute the foundations of conservatism. Now you may be able to think of multiple ideological examples
that this applies to, but I want to focus on evolutionary theory. Especially because many have been conned into thinking it is a genuine scientific
observation backed by much evidence. As we found with the fake news epidemic, there is actually no core observable truth to the matter.
People are no longer taught that we are children of a wondrous and transcendent Creator, but instead we are taught that we are the chaotic accident of
cosmic randomness and miraculously mutated pond slew. This is a highway towards secularism.
Many don't argue it because they assume the experts know best, and it is also taboo to argue evolution. The secular liberal agenda has made it so.
Because the secularists also have a monopoly on scientific journals, there are no dissenting opinions allowed. Take for example when a group of
scientists carbon-dated dinosaur bones and got results that did not fit the evolutionary narrative. At first the lab gave them back their results,
assuring that it was accurate:
Once the Carbon dating lab got word that what they had tested was dinosaur bones, they quickly scrambled to account for them defying the sacred
secular dogma:
Do you see how this is problematic?
The problem with evolutionary theory, besides the lack of compelling empirical evidence, is that it sets deep into the minds of young children. Even
at a young age, before having fully developed the ability to rationalize, children are taught, as per the secular liberal curriculum, that dinosaurs
are hundreds of millions of years old and the earth is even older. This is often taught around 3rd grade, and most times even younger. Even worse, the
evidence is never shown. It is just a blanket statement "the fossil record proves it". But what about the fossil record proves it? Here are links
that show this is an outright lie:
Our ancestors saw dinosaurs - they depicted and wrote about them (link)
Carbon dating dinosaurs found them to be between 4,000-40,000 years old (link)
soft tissue found in dinosaur bones (link)
So that proves dinosaurs were recent in history, showing that the evolutionary timeline cannot be correct. How do the secularists respond to this
straightforward scientific evidence? They simply claim it is a lie, because they have been so deeply embedded in the secular religion that they cannot
think outside its bounds. That is exactly the goal of the secular education system. It is the unscientific inquisition of any dissenting opinions to
the evolutionary narrative. This is how many stray into extreme leftism, because they are led to believe that there is no greater intelligence
involved in existence. This is why atheism was inseparable from Marxist ideology.
There is no longer a separation of church and state, because secularism, the belief in no beliefs, is itself a belief system. It is disguised under
the umbrella of science, but it disallows all real science that conflicts with its meaningless nihilist ideology. It is able to do so because it has a
monopoly on the education system and peer-review outlets. I encourage everyone to do their own research into the evidence against evolution, but
here's some I found:
It's been said the geological columns prove a really old earth.
Not true. Given the right conditions, Geological strata form very quickly, as shown by "polystrate fossils", which are old trees that are upright
and pass through multiple geological strata.
This proves geological strata forms very quickly. Quick enough that it captures upright trees.
Another interesting observation is "hydrologic sorting", this explains why various strata contain certain allotments of organisms. This got
misperceived as evidence for the evolutionary narrative, but it is actually due to the deposition
after the global flood described by all cultures around the world.
Darwin himself said that if organs were found to be dependent on eachother to function, that his theory would collapse. This is because the theory of
evolution relies on sequential modifications. So if it was found that sequential modifications could not account for observations in biology, the
theory would collapse. Over a hundred years later, we have found that not just organs, but also organ tissue, cells, organelles, proteins, DNA and
even entire organisms are all reliant on other aspects of biology to function properly. This proves that evolutionary mechanisms could not have
created biological organisms. This is called "irreducible complexity"
simple examples of irreducible complexity (link)
I would also like to make a distinction between liberals and secularists. There are liberals with spiritual beliefs, and I believe this is good. When
I was conned into the evolution religion for about 10 years, I eventually was pulled out by leftist religious belief systems... and through deductive
reasoning eventually came to realize Jesus as the metaphysical pillar of the universe and embodiment of the logos. But secularism does not jive with
leftist religions either. Buddha would laugh at someone in the face if they told him he was the ancestor of mutant apes. So would Krishna. So would
Zoroaster. So would Socrates.
So if secularism is such a minority, why does it dominate the education system? These are the age old "teachers of the law", that Jesus claims have
stolen the keys to the kingdom, and hidden it from others and also their selves. This is because it prevents you from fully realizing the implications
of being a child of God, and believing in the power of God. If you think God is all powerful, yet the creation came to be through random mutation,
then your belief is spoiled, and doubt creeps in. This is the leaven of the Pharisees that contaminates the whole loaf.
Do not be fooled by the secular education system. You are not an ancestor of mutant apes spawned from pond slew. You are the embodiment of the Most
High Intelligence in the universe, and your bodies are the material vessel made to carry this Good, Loving and Merciful Spirit. Let your actions
resemble this Archetype, and it will empower you.