I've recently been delivered multiple people into my life with chronic inflammatory disease. They all had one thing in common - an excessive
judgmental behavior with a huge laundry list of rules for others and their self. Their list of dietary and behavioral rules were exhausting. Despite
living what was on paper a very healthy lifestyle with organic food, exercise, and so on... they could not get rid of their chronic inflammation which
was manifesting in multiple ways.
Judgement has always been associated with fire, being epitomized by burning witches and heretics. This was also the reason for burning animal
sacrifices, because they were to be like a buffer to take the judgement that was meant for the people's sin. Gehenna, or "hell", is always
described as fiery, but it may be more accurately described as a psychological type of fire, in which all the inhabitants are constantly casting their
judgements upon eachother resulting in constant arguing and fights. That is how Jesus describes hell, involving much weeping and gnashing of teeth
(arguing / judgement). For this reason, anyone who judges someone as a fool is in danger of the self-perpetuating argumentative consciousness of
"but whosoever shall say "you fool!" shall be in danger of hell fire" Matthew 5:22
For this reason, those with excessive judgment will also receive greater judgment. This is why Jesus himself, despite being justified in any judgment
because he was guilty of no crime, STILL
did not judge anyone. This is the archetype of how we should
live. Judgement is fire, and you are setting yourself ablaze.
This is the source of your inflammation. This is why no matter how many external remedies you try, you still remain inflamed. It is because you
continually judge not just others, but also your self. This fiery judgment that resides within you is perpetually manifesting as inflammation.
To counter the fire within you is best done with water. Psychological water. This is the water of ignorance. To admit you do not know, to not make
excessive rules which you inevitably will hypocritical break, therefore convicting and condemning yourself in the process. These waters of repentance,
repentance meaning "to change your mind", are the baptism of John. To admit to not knowing, and removing all judgments of others and self, you will
quench the inflammation within you.
"If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." Matthew 23:33
Your habitual judgment will require deprogramming. You are so quick to judge that it will require much conscious effort to not do it anymore.
"because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.
Mercy triumphs over judgment."
To get started, go and apologize to all the people you have grieved with your judgments, including your self. Forgive
anyone who you are
holding a grudge against. Go on an opinion fast where you have no opinions inwardly or outwardly. Take a cold shower, bath, or better yet find a
natural body of water to bathe in to physiologically quell the fire. This is the purpose of baptism. Humble yourself to God and hold to the golden
rule of Loving God and other people without discrimination. Mercy and Humility will quench the fiery judgement.