posted on Aug, 1 2019 @ 01:15 PM
I've said it from the beginning and I'll say it again...
This is why I have never liked that "where we go all"
Motto, I have No idea how far some of you want to go
or how far you are willing to go to get there...
I am still on the fence, have been for a long time, whether or not this is real, a propaganda campaign for republican votes(as there doesn't seem to
be many republicans going down, and the swamp is on both sides of the aisle), or just a sophisticated LARP.
I'm leaning towards brilliant underground political campaign .
But again I haven't decided.
But I refuse to be lumped in with the
fewposters on that thread who are calling to take justice in their own hands, or promote a blood in the
streets civil war, or some crazy whackjob who might go shoot some place up because they are off the meds..
So yes I read that thread every day, does that make me a domestic terrorist?