posted on Jun, 15 2020 @ 12:30 PM
Great thread, I appreciate the light it's shedding on some of the problems here.
For several years I've had a food delivery job, and it takes me all over the city so I get to notice things and also I always have food that needs to
get donated during my route. This company was horribly unclear and unorganized about getting food donated while it was still good. I decided I would
just take it to the many Tiny House Villages we have called Nickelsville after our crappy mayor who started the homeless mess. Ive been taking food to
these shelters for almost 4 years now and it has given me some insight into why the homeless here stay homeless.
At Nickelsvilles they are now overseen by another entity which is basically not doing much other than giving them that roof for cheap, the residents
do not like them and the politics they now have. Most there are recovering addicts or mentally ill so getting work is next to impossible. The ONLY
focus of the managing group is to get them into permanent low cost housing. But after almost 4 years these places are full of 90% of the same people,
they are not getting housed.
Let's talk pot stores. Seattle has plenty for sure, but the biggest issue is the pot store chains, that setup multiple stores within blocks of each
other, and attract tons of homeless and addicts. This isn't the case everywhere, we have some small independent stores that are in nice neighborhoods.
But when you start seeing pot related garbage all over the streets you realize it's starting to become a problem.
It just doesn't feel even close to the city I moved to years ago, it's a strange confusing place.