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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -§19§-

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posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:23 PM
Look at this interview he did with Chris Cuomo. It's Awesome. Look at Cuomo's deer in the headlights look.


Chris is so cute asking for sources and verification. That must be a new CNN policy. "Well we've never heard that before"......Maybe CNN should do some real investigation on his claims rather than just automatically try to discredit him.

God I hate CNN. They are so full of it.

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

This Q fella, who is a basement LARP seems to know Quite a bit. Off to go swimming with the Vanderbilt's, their water less pool is amazing!

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Just a couple of things puzzled me. 1 that Warren Buffett advised him to come forward when Buffett supported Hillary. 2 Byrne mentioned there was political espionage against Trump and Hillary. I hope he gets the chance to sit down for a real interview before he gets gagged...or worse

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: pavil

CNN Chris "Fredo" Cuomo's IQ is so small, he didn't think to look at CNN's own website, to educate himself.

Byrne had shared information concerning the early days of the Russia investigation in a meeting earlier this year with Justice Department officials, a US official said, confirming his account in last week's statement.

Justice officials found aspects of Byrne's story to be believable in part because he shared operational details that were not widely known, the US official said. The official would not say who Byrne met with and what specifically was discussed.

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:30 PM
Who Recommenced Mike Pence to Trump?

(post by JerkWankin removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: JerkWankin

Wrong site..this is ATS not Brazzers.

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

The Trump/Barr DOJ has interviewed Byrne earlier this year, and are in the process of checking out his story(s). I bet they are running into massive resistance from entrenched black-hats.

BTW.. It was shocking to hear from Greg Jarrett on Hannity today that FBI Director Wray is refusing to cough up 13,000 Strozk text messages, until AFTER THE 2020 ELECTION. Someone tell me this isn't true!?

(post by JerkWankin removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:42 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Wray needs to be fired like last month. I can't believe this dude is still in his position. Surely they'll be able to force him to release them before then. He is clearly obstructing justice.

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:44 PM

edit on Fri Aug 23 2019 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:45 PM
Here's another interview Overstock CEO did with Martha Maccallum. He did how many interviews today -- 3? Life insurance policy? Get the info public before anything happens to him

Patrick Byrne Describes Maria Butina as a Walking FISA Virus – Also Names: Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, John Carlin, Andrew McCabe and James Comey… p-john-carlin-andrew-mccabe-and-james-comey/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

edit on 22-8-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
Who Recommenced Mike Pence to Trump?

There's not much "inside baseball" information online about the inner-workings of the Trump campaign in 2016.

But here's an article that discusses Trump's "short list" of VP candidates (Pence / Christie / Gingrich) and that he ultimately chose Mike Pence.

Note: CNN was not filled with HATE when writing about Donald Trump before the election. After all, THE FIX was in for Hillary.

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
Who Recommenced Mike Pence to Trump?

As I recall at the time it was Trumps children. Trump really didn't want to go with him but accepted their advice it seems.

No idea who the other choice was.

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:48 PM
Re You have more than you know and Paint the picture from Q posts...

I just re-read a post that I don't think we investigated much, Q59:

Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147664082 📁
Nov 2 2017 16:04:05 (EST)
How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?
Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?
How did SA welcome BO during his trip?
How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?
Why is this relevant?
Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.

Combine all posts and analyze.
The questions provide answers.

Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others.
Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released.
Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?
Why is this relevant?
We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring).
Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within).
Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity.
Alice & Wonderland.

New interpretation on this line: The questions provide answers...

Most of us probably skim read this as "lead you to answers" but I think the line contents of each question hold a decode that points to where in the Qmap that question is answered...options:
a) Count of characters in line gives another Q post number,
b) Simple Gematria of the whole line gives another Q post number.

For example, using Q3507:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b37594 No.7202101 📁
Jul 26 2019 12:44:45 (EST)
[Smoke & Mirrors]
How do you attempt to keep the 'narrative' in play [control the 'sheep']?📁
Key sentence:
Nadler called the grand jury materials “critically important” for their investigation.
Does Nadler understand that the 'critically important' material requested would be illegal for AG Barr to disclose?📁
"This means Attorney General Barr must redact grand-jury material from the Mueller report before disclosing it to Congress. Democrats will complain long and loud about this, but I don’t see how Barr can be reasonably faulted for following the law. Congress, after all, has the power to legislate an amendment to Rule 6(e) that would permit disclosure of grand-jury materials from a special counsel investigation to appropriate congressional committees."
Will members of the D party Congress attempt to amend Rule 6(e) in order to obtain grand jury material deemed 'critically important'?
Logical thinking, why?

Why paint a narrative that the one item you cannot possess is the one item you need in order to justify your argument?
People elected 'knowingly' spreading false-information [disinformation]?

Puppets follow orders.
Think for yourself.

How do you attempt to keep the 'narrative' in play [control the 'sheep']? - Line count = 73,
Q73 discusses Twitter manipulation of social media!

Does Nadler understand that the 'critically important' material requested would be illegal for AG Barr to disclose? - Simple gematria of whole line = 1077
Q1077 - includes "Auth B19-2", B2=stealth bomber, 19=Sept 1st?

ETA - for those of you who use the spreadsheet:
Line character count is on the "Crumb Analysis" tab,
Whiole Line simple gematria is on the red "Gematria" tab.
edit on 22-8-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:48 PM
Scared of Clinton is a pretty weak trait for a made up character

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:51 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: carewemust

Wray needs to be fired like last month. I can't believe this dude is still in his position. Surely they'll be able to force him to release them before then. He is clearly obstructing justice.

Greg Jarrett said the same thing (at least 3 times) on Sean Hannity's radio program today. He listed some Wray actions of obstructing Congress that I had not heard/read about.

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