*Please read all my posts to understand the adventure I had with this, and the final conclusion that was drawn*
A while back when sevens.exosed first came out.... I figured out a few things that I never told anyone. I was scared to post about it, because this
was around the time when 'BRUNO' from Brazil went missing, and inside his room was a poster displaying the SAME image of what I had found.
But since than it's been sometime... I would like to share my findings.
DISCLAIMER: You have to really have been following the whole 'sevens.exposed' thing to know what I'm talking about.
For 2 years, they released a magnitude of files and data dumps; I do have a lot of these originals, but many from the first few dumps got deleted, as
I freaked out and got scared/whiped everything at first.
Keeping things short.... Here is why:
About a year after the website first came out, they had released a .WAV file. I completely forget the name of the file. It came out BEFORE
'LiberPrimus' and those batch of files.. I do remember that. When you tried to open the file, it was always corrupt.
This was around the time everyone was looking for a spear, and there was this dude literally running around the desert proclaiming old abandoned phone
booths as the answer.
So I looked at it with a different approach, and wondered if it was something else, hidden under disguise of a wav file. First I tried renaming the
extensions as cad files with no success.... but then I simply renamed it... .txt ... and to my utterly surprise the file OPENED. IT made a LONG
list of random characters that was some 27 some pages long.
So I wondered.
What happened if I stacked these pages side by side horizontally, would it make an image??!?!?! I went into Photoshop, and no success, it didn't make
anything. So I gave it another shot vertically, and when I zoomed out, what I saw was crazy. It was definitely 'HALF' an image, but the other side was
missing. So I mirrored the image and inverted the opposite side, kinda like the same way our faces are constructed.
This is with NO sharpening or clarity adjustments....... You can clearly see the spear..... This is just the top part of an even longer file. I will
post the original .TIFF at the end of this thread.....
Here is another with no sharpening or clarity, minus my red circling of the spear...
and this is the image of Bruno I instantly remembered seeing when the pictures of his scattered room were posted... this was a post on his wall
So I connected the Jewel in the forehead, and freaked out, deleted all the files and didn't sleep for a week. Gave all my research over to a friend
and let him continue....
Even when you inverted the two sides of the image... IT STILL made another figure that clearly shows an arrow pointing down, starting at where that
jewel is at:
The spear everyone was looking for was DIGITAL, and hidden within the corrupt .WAV file. Here is the original spear file.
There is a lot LOT LOT more to my research nobody has ever posted or touched upon.. I will update this page later as I go. I just wanted to get that
part off my chest as I have been harboring it for sometime. It freaked me out and still kinda does as it coincided with the timeline of Bruno.
If anybody has that original file I speak of, please post it, so members can do the renaming and stacking in photoshop and see the image for
AFTER all of this took place, I started having dreams about those little #ers... but my dreams were not typical. I was ALWAYS extremely violent with
them, and they were always scared of me... The dreams felt so real; I could think, and make decisions, and remember everything when I woke up as if it
had really happened.......... I only had about five or six dreams spread out over two week spans before they stopped......... but they would always
come for me and I always had a special bat that I smashed them with. In one of the dreams I was on my apt balcony looking at about 30 of them in the
driveway walking towards me. I went down there and smashed them all. Never once did I feel fear when I was dreaming, only when I was awake. I have
never told anyone about this, except 1 other person.
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason
edit on 27-7-2019 by Pavlik because: (no reason given)