posted on Jul, 25 2019 @ 11:41 AM
This soup might be taken with a grain of salt
Looking unbiased at death and thinking about what could happen afterwards, I can't really say much with certainty. Only that there is a lifeless body
left, and that I'm still alive and have no experience of death.
I have a body that apparently ages till death. I can deduce that easily through observation.
I have a mind that apparently ages, but don't know exactly what happens to the mind as i have no memory's to evaluate the situation.
Also there is nothing of the mind left in a lifeless body, only the memories.
I have a soul as well and that's no one's concern but mine.
Why an instant soup you might ask?
the body is the water heater and life is the water heating up until it's ready to change density, from liquid to gas.
The mind is the powder soup, in its package, seeing all the empty water heaters, (lifeless body). As well as the packages of other soups that
left(memories) not really knowing what flavor it's going to be. Because it can't see its own package.
When the water boils the Powder soup gets poured out of its package into the water. It's in this moment the soup can read it's flavor.
It's also in this moment it realizes that it painted that package while in it.
Et Voila one afterlife instant-soup
Honestly No Clue