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posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 11:18 AM
- "I was brought into hospital towards the end of november '91. It was so very cold inside, although someone assured me it was fully heated... It must have been the impression given by all those white walls, those ceilings so high, those huge windows... the whole atmosphere was icy to say the least.

On the 24th, early in the morning, I was moved onto a white stretcher while beginning to feel a little dizzy; they had, approximately half an hour earlier, injected me with a tranquillizer or anaesthetic of some sort. The journey to the operating room seemed confusing and discontinual, I presume because of the injected substance and because I was travelling backwards... cold white neon lights flashing above one after another, all identical, each between nine big white square tiles...again and again in a straight, sterile line... The last thing I can pinpoint is the two wide green doors that were shutting by themselves after my passing through. I remember the swirling cold air that hit my face and the way they softly rejoined with a suffocated thud once my feet were safely through. At that point, my eyes shut against my will.

I am unable to tell exactly when I began to... levitate; this, perhaps, might be precisely defined by all the machinery that was connected to my body. What I do remember vividly was my being violently awakened by a sudden, overwhelming heat on my body and immediately I felt I was being lifted off the operating table... floating horizontally upwards for a few feet... but at the same time, turning a little, I was clearly seeing myself directly below, still lying flat out and being operated upon. After an initial sensation of surprise, I felt that it was perfectly right to be there, suspended above myself, say six or seven feet from the ground... and I began to observe...

My... body, upon the table, had a serene, relaxed expression in his drugged sleep, yet the operating staff was growing frantic: everyone seemed to lose the typical professional aplomb in a flash, scattering to and fro different machines and shouting numbers and incomprehensible levels' percentages to each other. I could see no cause for said urgency... Immediately bored by this futile agitation, I left them to their ordeal and begun to, er, fly around the room so to speak... You know, it's everybody's childhood dream, isn't it, to be able to fly, and without being seen...

In an undescribable way, I floated towards one of the green doors' glass panels, but I couldn't see outside as they were the opaque kind. Moving upwards, I was suddenly shocked to see dirt piled up on top of the room's cabinets! Perhaps I should tell the staff to look better and clean up properly, later, considering it was supposed to be a sterile room, I mean, really... " -
- "Do continue... " -
- "Yes, of course... sorry. It was right then that I felt like I was being somewhat 'called back'. Turning towards myself, down below on the table, the sensation of being drawn lower became quite strong: it was almost like a command that didn't even let me think, it was too fast and too powerful. I was being literally dragged down! I didn't want to go back yet! Not in there, not again, not a prisoner of that bulky body again, no!! I just... I couldn't... I can still feel it, it's awful!! I... I...You've got to believe me, I don't.... "

- click -

- "Although this interview has been duly interrupted by our collegue because of an hysterics crisis externated by the individual in question, we have just heard the original, personal testimony of Harry Greylink, class 1947, who was operated on the 24th of november 1991 at the Cromwell Hospital, in London, for a simple appendicitis removal. The following is the scientific clarification by the hospital's head physician; let's listen together to his subsequent public statement: - click - "... and once the patient was transferred to O.R.4, this rather simple, common operation was begun and proceeded meticulously towards obtaining the expected success. At suture time, exactly at 09:32am, the patient succumbed to a temporary catalepsy that lasted exactly 22 seconds, caused by still unknown factors. All personnel has acted opportunely as with any emergency situation and the patient's heart has been helped into recovering its ordinary functions straightaway. I believe that the testimony exposed by mr. Harry Greylink is fruit of a possible dream, or in any case of a fervid, adventurous imagination. " - click -

- "New frontiers or simply fantasy? It is up to you now, ladies and gentlemen, to draw your own conclusions. Our program will be back as always on tuesday at eight o'clock, channel 7. See you then for another rendezvous with "Our Mind: Science or Fantasy?". Goodnight!" - click -


The history students turned off their micronned psychotronic archives and reset them in the appointed static corneal slots. The lesson was finished. They all remained silently seated for an instant, whilst the last few words of that ancient language echoed vaguely in their mind. A tender smile surfaced upon their countenance, as they began to get up one by one, pondering about what they had just learned. Outside Globe 71 the two suns were almost undiscernible, creating a very light rose tint reflected by the multi Globes' crystevlar viewing-slits.

It was all true: in those times their ancestors had not the faintest idea of what a common, involuntary extracorporeal transition was.

Young sages, they left in silence...

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 11:42 PM
I really liked this DC1 - just had to give you a

Keep up the good work!

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 06:58 AM
why only one
i give him two for great spelling and for making me reaed it more than once


posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 04:55 AM
Bleys, WaxPineapple... thank you for the encouragement

When I dared post the above story, I saw that there were no replies to it - neither good nor bad - and I therefore thought to myself that, obviously, what sounds interesting to me doesn't to anyone else

But your comments give me the spark to maybe post another story, so thanks again for your input

Originally posted by WaxPineapple
why only one
i give him two for great spelling and for making me reaed it more than once

Er... WaxP... 'him' is a 'her'

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