If you or they are not saved, now is the perfect time to do so.
Greater is He-Jesus who is in me than he who is in this world.
If you have Jesus in you, start praying. Plead the blood of Jesus over you, your girlfriend, and her family. Bind the demons in Jesus name.
The only person I know who has dealt wit demons, demonicslly possessed, and etc is Russ at
Shatter the
Darkness. You can try to get a hold of him.
My personal experience with a demon after it made me scream and my husband throw up was too call on the name of Jesus. Never had another experience.
We did invite our pastor over to pray over the house knowing what happened. Our pastor did.
Stay away from any ouji boards and witch or wiccian stuff. Anything occultic. That will just open another doorway for them to enter in. It will invite
them to mess with you also.
In the name of Jesus I break all curses, and bind all demons that are attacking you, your girlfriend, and her family. Destroy all occultic symbols,
any anything that could be considered occultic. Things from statues to jewerly to crystles almost anything could have demons attached to them. If you
know someone who has descernment of God ask them to go to the house and let you know which objects.
In the name of Jesus I berak all curses through the family line. If someon in their ancestry use to practice anytype of occultic magic from wiccian,
new age, to satanic rituals. If anyone is currently practicing now, they need to stop. Anything that allowed demons in needs to be destroyed and/or
closed. If anyone used to do rituals in the back yard or basment. All doors need to nbe closed in the name of Jesus.
Jesus was never possessed as another poster claimed. I know the verse she is talking about. It was the Pharisees and saduceeses that falsely claimed
In Jesus name I pray you, yourgirlfriend, and her fsmily are saved and safe.
Only the nsme of Jesus is powerful enough to kick tjose demons back to hell where they came from.
edit on 25/7/2019 by Mystery_Lady because:
(no reason given)