posted on Jul, 21 2019 @ 09:19 AM
Sometimes eating corn can be noisy, and sometimes people smacking on bubble gum can be noisy (though it drives me crazy). Sometimes eating granola
can be so noisy I can't hear the TV. Sometimes a person crunching on a chip can be noisy (the bags especially so, but this isn't about bags).
So today I was enjoying a piece of delicious fruit when my wife says..."My gosh, that must be the noisiest piece of fruit ever!!"
Now, I'd never considered this before, a "noisy" food. What a concept. And then I started thinking about it (a dangerous thing for yours
You see, I was eating one of the nectarines I'd picked up from the farmers market. They are exceptionally delicious this year! Almost like candy!
Oh sure, you can TRY to eat a ripe nectarine quietly, but after you get a couple bites in it's "SLUURRRPPP" City for the rest of it! That,
or all that delicious nectar is streaming down your arm! **Bite...slurrp, slurrrrp...bite, slurp, smack..SLUURRP!**
I also realized something else; eating a ripe nectarine takes one's total attention and commitment. You can't casually eat a nectarine, you have to
dedicate yourself to eating it. There's no half-steppin' with nectarines! You're either 'all-in' or it's 'go home' time. Take your eyes off
the fruit for even a second and you're wearing some of it on your shirt, or pants. I've now realized there's an actual strategy to eating a
nectarine...over the sink! Like I said, you gotta' go BIG or go home with this fruit, and it takes dedication.
Nectarines are by far the noisiest food ever!
That is all.