posted on Sep, 4 2019 @ 10:19 AM
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This one is so tough. Normally 100% of the time stuff like this is fake. I think a lot of people want to believe, and I know that I'm one of them.
There are a few issues on both sides however which don't add up.
In favor of PG film being real:
Being able to do analysis like this 40 years from when the video was created. I mean I think I can agree with most people that tend to side on the
bigfoot is real camp when looking at this video. If this were a hoax, this video would be able to be hoax bin'd quickly. You can't explain the
following from this video which we couldn't analyze until digital technologies:
Soles of feet - Visible Breasts - Ability to see muscles flexing in back, legs etc. If this were a suit, even the facial details we would be able to
debunk given the technology available now that wasn't available then. Personally the more I look at this video the more I think it is real.
In favor of bigfoot being 100% bunk:
Where are the bodies? We have millions of trail cams out in nature now, why don't we have one solid pic? With all of the people 'looking' for
bigfoot, why hasn't someone found bigfoot?
For me personally, I want to believe. I think the PG film is the best evidence for the existence of bigfoot, that being said my logical brain looks
at the overwhelming absence of evidence and has a hard time believing. I totally understand that the absence of evidence doesn't make something not
true, but given how much effort actually goes into trying to find evidence shouldn't we see more? I mean if the PG film is real how did two yahoos
who wanted to find bigfoot actually find him. From a mathematical perspective this is almost impossible given how few people were looking then
compared to now, and using this logic I just can't see how this is real.
My final verdict, want to believe, but math doesn't lie and tells me this is impossible.