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British Ambassador to US - Kim Darroch resigns

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posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: PaddyInf

What the guy got was caught. Rightly or wrongly, he is a burned asset and likely has lost all of his inside contacts. He is radioactive and the leakers can't be seen to associate with him. He is now useless as a US ambassador and will likely reappear in a few months in a distant locale.

Caught doing what, exactly? He was doing his job. Or are you suggesting that being critical of the POTUS is in some way wrong and that he deserves to be punished?

His comments were made in confidence as part of his job. Whoever leaked those comments has caused the damage. He resigned because he could no longer do his job because of this leak. A thoroughly decent thing to do.

posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

"And I haven't heard a bigger load of bollocks in all my time here on ATS."

Now, I find that hard to believe.

posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

Well, maybe some of the stuff posted in flat earth and creationism threads outdo that post for the 'Biggest load of bollocks ever posted on ATS award'.....but it's a close run thing.

posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

True. There was this one:

Tell me - have you ever argued with a 30ft high 10ft wide cloaked negative entity (giant) whilst conversing in Latin, that you have never spoken all your life ?

posted on Jul, 11 2019 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: PaddyInf

What the guy got was caught. Rightly or wrongly, he is a burned asset and likely has lost all of his inside contacts. He is radioactive and the leakers can't be seen to associate with him. He is now useless as a US ambassador and will likely reappear in a few months in a distant locale.

Caught doing what, exactly? He was doing his job. Or are you suggesting that being critical of the POTUS is in some way wrong and that he deserves to be punished?

His comments were made in confidence as part of his job. Whoever leaked those comments has caused the damage. He resigned because he could no longer do his job because of this leak. A thoroughly decent thing to do.

Of course he was doing his job. His Diplomatic pouch or email should have been confidential but, as we all know, nothing on the web is really secure. Who leaked it? An alphabet agency? Brit or US? [they do play politics in the UK]. If he was a link in the illegal spying by Five Eyes, this may have been a handy way to cover his removal. If he is ambassador to East Gondwanaland he will be safely out of DC; perhaps "unavailable" to testify in the FISA scandal. Remember Trump's visit with Lizzie? What deals were made? Will Andrew have a heart attack to remove him from prosecution as the Epstein case unfolds and minimize the damage to the monarchy? I'd say an ambassador would gladly take one for the crown to be rewarded later.

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