originally posted by: network dude
Trump folks seem to understand his defects. They just seem to get past the "triggered" point to see what happens, instead of assume a tiny flawed
mind could be right.
It's his politics that are ignored, since they are working. COfeve. Civil war airlines. Orange man bad. ( just trying to help with the
I guess I was talking about the actual vote. At the very beginning, I distinctly remember when practically nobody even knew what his political views
actually were. Right up until the Convention, Republicans themselves were baffled. And voting for him at that point would have been much more of a
symbolic gesture of frustration rather than, "I stand by Trump's detailed policy because it makes the most sense to me."
After the country and the economy didn't collapse (pity all those poor over-reactors), then people could claim that they were right all along, which
is another good motivator to keep doing it. I think the whole thing has been fascinating because for decades I've been telling people that we could
draw a name out of a Social Security hat and make pretty much anybody President, and they could probably do an okay job. Because the biggest
influence on the economy is demographics, and the bureaucracy in Washington is a big, sluggish machine all on its own that has to educate whoever wins
the election how to be President anyway. So in some ways, my idea has been vindicated. Although I now think that a triumvirate of randomly selected
people should be "President," since I think that would provide the most continuity. Then we wouldn't have programs pushed forward in one
administration only to have them pushed back by the next. Two steps forward, one back, or however you want to count them.
But that's not the way the system is set up, and political systems rarely change without some kind of revolution. Although Russia's transition to a
Semi-Democratic Autocracy happened without millions of people being slaughtered. So that was a positive thing.
Communism? It was a flawed concept to begin with, based on a misplaced nostalgia for an earlier, more bucolic time in history that was probably never
really all that great to begin with. Sort of like post-WWII America. Yeah, some people remember it being great. We remember fun things when we were
children. But the era was also total crap for others, particularly black people.
No political system works all the time in all situations. Demographics, as I said, is usually the deciding factor. If people feel reasonably safe
and happy, they'll breed more. That's "good." It will fuel any economy, whether it's Democratic, Communist, Fascist, Theocratic, Monarchy, or