posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 04:45 AM
Alabama cajun - I have heard that argument before and it is bull#.
Currently the minimum federal income tax is what 15%
Lets do the math
you makes 30,000 a year you pay either
15% x 30,000 = 4500
you pay 20% of what you spend, now unless you spend more than 22,000 a year, or more than 73% of your entire yearly salary you still comeout ahead
with a sales tax.
So what if the rich are paying less, if you are also paying less what do you care?
edited for afterword,
If you do spend more than 735 of your yearly income then you need to learn financial disclplne, for anyone out there who says they do I ask, how many
Tv's do you have? DVD or VCR's, how many cars? How many items have you spent money on that are luxuries?
[edit on 4-3-2005 by mwm1331]