posted on Jul, 8 2019 @ 07:33 AM
Greetings my brand new ATS cohorts and comrades!!! This is indeed my very first and initial, "Introductory Thread." At least that's what I've
been lead to believe that's what it's called. Hopefully I'm doing this correctly and within the site guidelines and parameters. I say
"HOPEFULLY" because I don't usually seek membership in message board/forum sites such as ATS. However, ATS is seemingly right up my alley. Ya
see, I fancy myself as a TRUTH SEEKER and no longer adhere to the "socially acceptable norms, beliefs and traditions" of the World's Mainstream B-S
Narrative. My RED PILL moment for me occurred in the Summer of 2007 when I returned to Community College to finish the schooling I had deserted way
back in 1998. The very first class on my Summer schedule was a Political Science class. And there...there during those early evening sessions, my
classmates and I were shown The World behind and beyond what we used to just see and observe at face value. Our extraordinary Instructor Mrs. Kosasa
revealed to us all sorts of angles, points of views and perceptions to The World that were so inconceivable to me, one who was wholly indoctrinated by
12 consecutive years of Public School "education" and having worked 6 solid years as a credible member of what I've come to brand as "The Enemy:"
The Mainstream Media. If it weren't for that class and Mrs. Kosasa, I might not have woken up to The Matrix we are slaves within. But thankfully,
because of her and the way she showed me the light through the lessons she gave that semester, my eyes began to open. My vision was blurred and
skewed and those first faint sights pained and strained my eyes in the exact same manner that happened to Neo in The Matrix. Simply because, like
Neo, I had never really used them before!!! Ya wouldn't believe the countless bouts of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE I had to struggle and wrestle with and
Or...maybe ya can. I'm sure many of ya here on ATS can relate to the initial confrontations with cognitive dissonance of ya own. Am I correct???