posted on Jul, 5 2019 @ 07:06 AM
The thing that has truly terrified me heading into this holiday weekend is the sheer number of people that think the 1st protects them from criticism
by other citizens.
Not just regular joe citizen but even veterans who should have at least a slightly better knowledge of the bill of rights.
In another forum I was critical of the UWNT in the world cup and I had veterans going I fought for this country so they could do XYZ, and when I
pointed out the 1st protects even speech you don't like I was told how I should sack up and serve the country and learn about the bill of rights. (18
years down 6 to go in my last enlistment with the USAF)
So when I pointed out the Bill of rights is protection for all citizens against the Govt infringing on their rights, it spiraled down even further...
I am an incel, live in my moms basement, hate women etc.
I am becoming more afraid for my sons future every day seeing how people do not even have a basic understanding of their rights.
If we as a citizenry don't even know the basics of our rights enshrined in the constitution we are screwed, we will get more and more laws like the
Patriot act till we truly are reduced to the level of Serfs, and then it will be to late.
So for the love of all things great about our nation (yea we got some issues but our framework is still the best) if you have kids teach them about
the constitution and the bill of rights since apparently the schools don't cover it anymore.