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Scottish government abandons plans over gender self-identification following backlash

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posted on Jul, 2 2019 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

I thought of your comment when I saw this. I think this is one very strong indication that this Trans Agenda is not being accepted by the public:

Comfort Levels With LGBT People Are Going Down Ever Since Gender Identities Went Mainstream

The young are regarded as the most tolerant generation. That's why results of this LGBTQ survey are 'alarming'

The surveys asked questions about "LGBTQ," not transgender issues in particular, but I'd bet the falling numbers represent people's feelings about the "T" and not the other letters. I basically agree with this from the first link:

Believing in total equality for same-sex attracted persons, their right to employment, to marry, to have those unions recognized across state lines, to adopt children and raise families, requires very little imagination from the average straight person. The prior iteration of the gay rights movement did a great job in making the case that same-sex attracted people are not deviants, but simply people who are attracted to members of their own sex as opposed to the opposite one. People got on board. It really didn’t seem like a big deal.

Asking society at large to believe that biological sex is mutable, on the other hand, demands the kind of mental gymnastics or willful ignorance that is mostly found in PhD-level philosophy programs. When you go from “Will & Grace” to Drag Queen Story Hour, you’re gonna lose the kids along the way. LGBTQIAP+ culture is pushing so hard that it’s pushing the kids off the edge.

posted on Jul, 2 2019 @ 12:05 PM
Lol. Women still think that they're such a prey? Bunch of paranoics.

posted on Jul, 2 2019 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: KiwiNite
Lol. Women still think that they're such a prey? Bunch of paranoics.

Oh dear. There it is. Again.

The same folks who cry about pronouns and salutations as -- OMG!!! -- "literal" violence against these brave and stunning men who identify as "women" who are soooooooooooooooo skeered of men in bathrooms that they have to force their way into the ladies' rooms and other private and protected spaces...

But they can find absolutely no empathy or compassion for the very women who have suffered far greater male brutality and far more often with far fewer defenses. Nope. The pain and danger women face is just mocked, belittled and LOL'd at.

Keep it up... we appreciate it. Make sure the whole world knows just how amusing you find the abuse of women. Tell the whole world what misogynists you are. Keep peak transing folks. The sooner the Trans Taliban implodes the better.

Comfort Levels With LGBT People Are Going Down Ever Since Gender Identities Went Mainstream

The young are regarded as the most tolerant generation. That's why results of this LGBTQ survey are 'alarming'

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 01:28 AM
I think they should COMPLETELY abandon these plans.

This is the problem with devolution, you see. Imagine, for a second, that these absurd plans went through. They would not be legal in the rest of the United Kingdom.

In any case, the Scottish Government should completely shelves these absurd plans.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 01:30 AM
I think they should COMPLETELY abandon these plans.

This is the problem with devolution, you see. Imagine, for a second, that these absurd plans went through. They would not be legal in the rest of the United Kingdom.

In any case, the Scottish Government should completely shelves these absurd plans.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 01:30 AM
I think they should COMPLETELY abandon these plans.

This is the problem with devolution, you see. Imagine, for a second, that these absurd plans went through. They would not be legal in the rest of the United Kingdom.

In any case, the Scottish Government should completely shelves these absurd plans.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 01:30 AM
I think they should COMPLETELY abandon these plans.

This is the problem with devolution, you see. Imagine, for a second, that these absurd plans went through. They would not be legal in the rest of the United Kingdom.

In any case, the Scottish Government should completely shelves these absurd plans.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Boadicea

They ALL wear skirts and have beards over there, how anyone can tell the difference now is beyond me.

Finally, remember this is all to allow grown ass men with a sexual fetish to force us all into role playing for them.

Thats just gross.
What did they finally get tired of playing golf?

its easy the lassies wear underpants the men dont !

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: Boadicea're bit more optimistic then me. I fear that this agenda has woven itself into the fabric of liberal leftist movement. On its own it probably would collapse as you say, but they are sort of being backed by this monstrous conglomerate of leftist policies being implemented in most western countries.

Eventually such situations will lead to lawsuits, and quite likely some arrests.

In the current climate, I wouldnt be surprised if they invent yet another way to blame someone else for it. The society, white man's culture and such. In UK people are being fined for not using the correct pronouns.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Asking society at large to believe that biological sex is mutable, on the other hand, demands the kind of mental gymnastics or willful ignorance that is mostly found in PhD-level philosophy programs. When you go from “Will & Grace” to Drag Queen Story Hour, you’re gonna lose the kids along the way. LGBTQIAP+ culture is pushing so hard that it’s pushing the kids off the edge.

You know what...I'm fearful in todays climate, that "people's vote" could get ignored. It's not about right and wrong these days. It's about imposing agendas over the other. For instance, the EU is largely left oriented and are imposing leftist policies through strong arm tactics. Liberal policies are all the craze right now, like a fashionable pair of new designer jeans with holes on them. Everybody wants to be cool and "free" to do whatever the hell they want. The whole system is pushing for freedom without consequences. When I was younger, it sounded hippy it's just scary.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: AnakinWayneII
I think they should COMPLETELY abandon these plans.

This is the problem with devolution, you see. Imagine, for a second, that these absurd plans went through. They would not be legal in the rest of the United Kingdom.

In any case, the Scottish Government should completely shelves these absurd plans.

Well, I agree that the plans should be abandoned completely... but England is also working on reforming their Gender Recognition Act, and revising trans "rights" along much the same lines. Their consultation was closed earlier this year, and a final report is pending, but there has been much protest in England over the lack of adequate consultation with women and women's groups, as well as a failure to conduct proper impact assessments (especially the impact on women and girls in sports and private spaces).

One of the big issues in England is that sex is a protected category, much like here in the USA, but self-ID completely replaces sex with "gender identity," rendering those rights and protections for women worthless. Nevertheless, that's what is happening. Several women (and at least one man that I know of) have been detained, questioned and/or charged for violating hate and harassment laws for "misgendering" and "deadnaming". Women have been forced to call their male attackers by their female names and pronouns in court.

There have been many protests against self-ID in England, and the process seems to be stalled for now, but with Scotland feeling the heat, I expect England is as well. We'll see what happens.

And right here in the USA we have the same process going with The Equality Act, which would also allow self-ID into protected single-sex spaces (including sports).

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly're bit more optimistic then me.

I am optimistic, in large part because I know they are manufacturing much of their support, and desperately trying to silence any opposition. There is too much to hide, and it will fall apart under its own weight.

I fear that this agenda has woven itself into the fabric of liberal leftist movement.

That's what we're supposed to believe, but the opposition and protests within the left itself is significant. While so-called "Lib Fems" are totally on board with the Trans Agenda, the so-called "Rad Fems" are NOT on board. Lesbians for the most part are definitely not on board -- especially when they're told they have to accept that "some lesbians have penises" and rejecting them from your dating pool is "transphobic." Transsexuals -- those with genuine gender dysphoria, not those with a sexual fetish -- are completely against the Trans Agenda. The left presents a united front, but it's all smoke and mirrors.

I'm more worried about the support from the RIGHT that is going unnoticed... like this:

Illinois Governor Pritzker signs executive order to protect transgender students

On the plus side, maybe this will spark more protest and opposition from the right, who have largely dismissed it as "never going to happen," or -- worse -- enjoy the thought of all those leftist womenfolk getting their comeuppance (even as every other woman has to suffer along with them).

On its own it probably would collapse as you say, but they are sort of being backed by this monstrous conglomerate of leftist policies being implemented in most western countries.

Definitely... for now... but in my opinion, their biggest mistake was the demand for self-ID and all the attendant rights and protections that go with it. They went too far. Which has empowered the narcissists and creepers and haters to go too far. And I mean clinical narcissism -- Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- and sexual paraphilias like cross-dressing, pedophilia, etc. When they could pretend it was only about the gay effeminate man that just wanted to live their lives in peace, the public could accept that... who doesn't want to live their life in peace? But they went way too far with self-ID and the demands on the rest of us.

It will probably get worse before it gets better, but I do think we are seeing the tide shift.

posted on Jul, 5 2019 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Finally some sane minds in this nightmare...
This should happen in the U.S. as well. Using this idiotic bathroom laws is causing women and girls, and even boys to have to share their locker rooms, bathrooms, etc with people of the opposite biological sex. The worst part of all of this is that the LBGT crowd are embracing policies that put more minors, and women with perverts that will use any excuse for their perversion. I am not saying everyone in the LBGT crowd is like these perverts, but they are allowing perverts to use these laws to have access to the opposite sex in their most private times.

To make a point. One of the "trans" that the left, and left-wing media has been defending.

Here is a picture of HIM...

Here is how the left-wing media, and most of the LBGT community reacted when girls in that school protested for allowing HIM into their locker rooms and restrooms when the school had already given HIM HIS own private restroom with a locker room, but this pervert demanded the school put him with the girls.

The girls were the ones being attacked when what this pervert wanted to do...

Is this...

edit on 5-7-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add link.

posted on Jul, 5 2019 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I couldn't even finish watching those two fools... they need to check their own ignorance! Neither of them knows this boy's intentions or motivations or anything else about him. All they know is that he "identifies" as a girl. But this is what we're up against. Somehow saying that this person is male is ignorant... but believing he's really and truly a girl is somehow the intelligent thing to do. These two cannot even differentiate fact from feelings -- but they aren't the ignorant ones.

And that picture is just vile -- but not surprising. I'd bet dollars to donuts this kid is just playing out a sexual fetish for sexual thrills. And just how far will he go? Just how far will the adults make excuses for him? We already know that no one cares how many girls (or women) get hurt in the process of pandering to the perverts. But no one is doing these kids any favors by encouraging their deviance. Or the adults either.

posted on Jul, 7 2019 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly're bit more optimistic then me.

I am optimistic, in large part because I know they are manufacturing much of their support, and desperately trying to silence any opposition. There is too much to hide, and it will fall apart under its own weight.

I fear that this agenda has woven itself into the fabric of liberal leftist movement.

That's what we're supposed to believe, but the opposition and protests within the left itself is significant. While so-called "Lib Fems" are totally on board with the Trans Agenda, the so-called "Rad Fems" are NOT on board. Lesbians for the most part are definitely not on board -- especially when they're told they have to accept that "some lesbians have penises" and rejecting them from your dating pool is "transphobic." Transsexuals -- those with genuine gender dysphoria, not those with a sexual fetish -- are completely against the Trans Agenda. The left presents a united front, but it's all smoke and mirrors.

I'm more worried about the support from the RIGHT that is going unnoticed... like this:

Illinois Governor Pritzker signs executive order to protect transgender students

On the plus side, maybe this will spark more protest and opposition from the right, who have largely dismissed it as "never going to happen," or -- worse -- enjoy the thought of all those leftist womenfolk getting their comeuppance (even as every other woman has to suffer along with them).

On its own it probably would collapse as you say, but they are sort of being backed by this monstrous conglomerate of leftist policies being implemented in most western countries.

Definitely... for now... but in my opinion, their biggest mistake was the demand for self-ID and all the attendant rights and protections that go with it. They went too far. Which has empowered the narcissists and creepers and haters to go too far. And I mean clinical narcissism -- Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- and sexual paraphilias like cross-dressing, pedophilia, etc. When they could pretend it was only about the gay effeminate man that just wanted to live their lives in peace, the public could accept that... who doesn't want to live their life in peace? But they went way too far with self-ID and the demands on the rest of us.

It will probably get worse before it gets better, but I do think we are seeing the tide shift.

Well, we decent people here in Illinois want to stop these kinds of things from happening, but crooked Democratic politicians have controlled the state of Illinois for so long we can't get anything done. You should seen how RED the map of Illinois was after this last Presidential election - and it still went to the Democrats! Crooked politics at work.

posted on Jul, 7 2019 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

Yes, you sure have much to deal with in Illinois, especially with Pritzker's latest announcement:

Illinois Governor Pritzker signs executive order to protect transgender students

Pritzker said the order establishes a new Affirming and Inclusive Schools Task Force, and directs the state’s public school board to take “comprehensive action” to better support transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming students.

He said the order would “disrupt the patterns of discrimination” in classrooms statewide.

I thought Pritzker was Republican, but I checked and was wrong about that! I gotta say, though, that I don't see Republicans doing all that much to stop it. Not in Illinois, not anywhere.

For the most part, it seems that the Feminists, Lesbians and Transsexuals are the ones doing the heavy lifting and trying to stop the craziness. They are also taking the brunt of the abuse from the Trans Activist community at this point.

posted on Jul, 9 2019 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: AnakinWayneII

that's actually a benefit of devolution if one country passes a mad law , then the others in that union don't have to adhere to it as those laws are devolved !

just a shame we aren't fully independent then the rest of the UK wouldn't have to worry about what us mad Scots are up to!

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