posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 04:17 PM
To understand evil, one can attempt to look at in scope, or a personal experience of having evil perpetuated upon them.
What is evil then. Injury physically to someone for fun or gain. Taunting someone and mentally injuring them for fun or gain. To plot against people,
or to oppress or to enslave. If it injures, its probably a form of evil.
People justify many things in the name of profit and money. From Government to individuals. And in most cases, its envy, jealousy, greed, or personal
gratification at any cost that perpetuates what most people perceive to be evil. We dont call it evil, we call it the cost of doing business. I call
it evil. I didnt used to.
On the flip side of the coin, I can tell you that when you make it your personal goal to try and change some of these things, evil, an entity or
experience that I previously denied ever existed, somehows comes to seek damage control. It seems to attempt to try to extinguish potential efforts of
good by presenting obsticles that prevent one from succeeding. Ive experienced it personally, and it is easy to overcome. Merely live in truth. Truth
in your intent, truth in your want to do good, and actions when you have the ability to do good. Dont let others judge you, that is mans folley.
My take on evil:
The evil can inhabit people. Arrogant individuals who percieve that what they are doing in the name of Good is actually not quite as good as they
thought. Captial punishment? Government Mind Control? Torture? Assasinations? I could go on and on but Im picking out some of the obvious ones.
It is in the name of the greater good that much of these things I have listed are carried out. Minus capital puniishment, the last three are hardly
noble unless it is an absolute terrorist like Bin Laden.
Most of us couldnt even percieve torture. I know I couldnt. Its a hidous concept perpetuated by inddividuals who arent thinking right.
God has been showing me personally some of the arrogance and ignorance in the world. In society and Government. It makes me really sad, and other
things very enlightening. Around me is doubt, arrogance, and even individuals who seem to thing that anything other then flaming chariots out of the
sky is Satan. I can assure you that change for the better is in the wind. The war between greed and giving will be won by giving. Lessons of evil
will be reflected back on those that perpetuate evil in ways they will not be able to comprehend. God is not happy. And when one stands up and begins
shedding light on the injustices in the world, from 911 to JFK to whatever, those things should make people realize that in truth we are able to
trust. And in trust, we are able to move ahead. Nothing moves ahead without trust, and when that happens evil wins.
Do not fall into the trap of passing judgement upon another as that is no man or womans place. See that when you walk in the light, that the Lord will
always provide, even when things seem pretty slim. I know. Ive experienced it.