posted on Dec, 7 2019 @ 05:02 PM
I have a "workstation keyboard". It's got tons of sounds, production tools, and an internal sequencer. Theoretically, it's a wonderful tool, but it's
complicated as hell to operate.
But I must be careful how I speak about the keyboard: once I got frustrated enough to call it a "piece of sh*t" and it mysteriously stopped working,
which leads me to suspect at least semi-sentience in the instrument. I had to drive over an hour to the nearest authorized service center to have it
reset to factory spec. I know better now than to malign its features.
Anyways, I wanted to make a faux radio-style commercial yesterday for an album I'm working on. But I don't know how to use the keyboard's features
well enough and could not execute the idea. I ended up manual-diving for hours, which consumed all my creative energy.
The manual(s) combined are more than 400 pages and written partly like a riddle, partly like ad libs, and partly like an old school "Choose Your Own
Adventure" book. In some cases, there are many ways to achieve one thing, and it's not always apparent why you would choose one way over another. (In
fact, it rarely is.) I went to bed last night feeling incompetent, which usually generates shame spiraling and french fry overconsumption.
Luckily, someone made a series of video tutorials and put them on youtube. Very helpful for a dude like me who has trouble focusing on a page for
extended periods. With baby steps, I made some headway and I just got finished with some little test recordings. Voila! I am confident I can make the
backing track I need for the commercial idea.
Oh. I forgot. Now I have to iron out the dialog, coach the wife (she's going to do a part), make the demo to see if the timing works, edit the dialog
and track tempo as needed, re-record, add ducking so it really sounds like a radio spot, then do file conversions and drop the track into the larger
album project.
Wish me luck. I'm unemployable otherwise and I need to figure out how to con(vince) someone into giving me money for my creative ideas, which I've
been led to believe my whole life is the hopeless pipe dream of naive manchildren now get a real job you lazy bum.