The plug-in wifi adapter arrived, and wow, what a difference O.O I'm using the 5G end of it, and my internet speed on the laptop has practically
tripled O.O I had no idea it was that slow, now it's as fast as it is hardwired in (ethernet cabled) to the box.
Hubs and the kids went shopping the other day (a potential disaster, since he cannot seem to say no to anything two girls ask for) Surprisingly, they
only came back with what they went for (basics like eggs) But they did present me with an absolutely mammoth skein of yarn they found at Aldi,
1100-ish yards of it!
I'm making myself a shawl out of that, it's a fading colorway of blues, purples and tans and it's pretty nice on the eyes.
I made the younger kid a scarf for Christmas, like I made the older one (same pattern) out of the white yarn I got at goodwill. She knew I was making
the first one, and really liked the pattern, so I thought this might be a good use of the white yarn. Not like the kid needs any more scarves, she has
a veritable collection of them as it is...But she does use all of them, and that's what counts, right? lol
originally posted by: Night Star
Lol, how very apropos to my husband there
We like to joke that he's a 12 year old boy's mind stuck in an 80 year old's body trying to convince
the world he's still 21 and it's his birthday. Or that he's just been 21 for 27 years. Either one gets a good guffaw from the cashiers when we get a
bottle of wine or booze or beer, lol.
I like to rib him real good when he starts whining about how "out of shape" he's become.
< jostling his abdomen > "I used to have a six-pack, what the hell happened? How did I get fat??"
"You're not fat, for god's sake. You still have a six-pack, it's behind the beer keg."
"Oh, you're a funny one today, aren't you?"
< checking his pecs in the bathroom mirror > "I used to have a sculpted chest, remember the pecs? I remember the pecs, I miss the pecs..."
"They're right there behind the B-cups."
"HEY!...Ok, that's actually pretty funny, lol"
Too many years married to him has resulted in some winged deadpan zingers that just fall right out XD Our ribbings back and forth are to try to
out-rib each other for laughs, it's a stand-up comedy show in this house
He's not actually overweight at all, he's a few pounds under. And with minimal body fat, SOB hit the genetic jackpot, he has a very hard time gaining
fat layer weight, and builds muscle fast. It wouldn't take much time for him to hit the gym and start coming back chiseled again.