First, the cute & cuddly picture for anyone in need of a pick-me-up -- the cat and rabbit cuddling on the couch! We had gone out and left the rabbit
out, since he really doesn't get into anything and behaves himself. Normally, we find him sprawled out behind the recliner (his favorite spot) This
time, he was hunkered on the couch with the cat, they were curled up, nuzzling heads when we walked in.
New substrate, sand! This is a HUGE improvement over the gravel they came with. I
may have a few pounds of sand too many in here, but I think
mixing it with a chopstick every other day should take care of any potential issues with air pockets in too-deep sand (if decaying matter gets into a
large enough one and sits undisturbed long enough, it can create a toxic anaerobic bubble)
This is the Tiger Nerite, he's pretty vivid in color. He's not usually out where you can see him (likes to hide under the plastic rim of the tank up
top) so unless I futz with him and handle him, this is the best I can do for the moment.
The younger kid initially named him Sorbet, but that's fallen out of favor. He's Joe now.
This is the Zebra Nerite. He's always on the move, but was in a darker corner by the filter, so his glamor shot isn't too spiffy.
The younger kid had initially named him Sunny, short for Sunflower, because his stripes resemble a sunflower seed. But the older kid was having none
of that and renamed him Ziggy.
A side view of the tank looking across it from the more "wide open" end, toward the "grove" side with all the octo grass. The white specs around the
java moss stone is air bubbles from the filter waterfall, and the bubbles on the heater on on the outside, not the inside!
The grove/octo grass end of the tank, that plant had thus far allowed me to make two more clusters from the trimmings! I have about 5 trimmed stalks
per cluster so it's not too dense.
The same view with the old gravel substrate, see how much of a massive difference there is? It even reflects significantly more light!
Kitty is one very happy catfish. His favorite spot to hide is not only denser, but comfortable on his belly now.
An attempt at an angled view from the front, of their hidey-hole back there. You can see Kitty's hind end, and next to the plant next to the snail,
you can see Casper, who's a bit harder to spot now, but that's ok. He's happy!
Speaking of that little plant, I'm now pretty sure it's not Amazon Sword, but a Java Fern. Either way, it's fine, I didn't have to pay for it, it was
a hitchhiker seedling hiding in the moss!
edit on 10/20/2019 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)