posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 12:11 AM
Earth Sister,
To be perfectly honest with you, and his is just my opinion, he was much stronger than you and was really cutting you out. Now, most of this was, and
I have to agree, your answers did not make sense, they were not properly thought out, and whenever you had nothing else to say, you would just blame
the government. This person was genuinely not impressed with you and was really showing you up. You did not really make any points that I could take
on board, and what you did say was very confused, that I was honestly doubting whether you can knew what you were talking about.
Example, you said the aliens can only contact the elected government and not the people, and they are trying their best to help us humans. No,
they're not. They've done nothing to help us at all.
You said the FBI had abducted your husband, and then the aliens got rid of the records they took of you from them. I think at one point you even said
the aliens were scared of the government.
You, see none of this makes sense. It almost sounds like this is all a fantasy of yours. Again, I am not being mean, but I am telling you how it all
came across to me.
Further still, the radio host, actually said he "buys Billy Meier" but he doesn't buy you.