posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 07:00 PM
Well, seeing as how I've pissed off most ATS members (moderators included) at me; here's another thing which pisses me off...
Street beggars. Now, historically we've seen these people at the bottom of freeway ramps asking for money due to various personal issues. Okay.
Most of their donations are a scam, and from guilt, but I digress.
Recently, this trend has changed. Now, I'm starting to see more and more mothers, with infant children in strollers, out in the hot sun begging for
money. It's always some sad story..."
No formula, or no gas or broke down", but NOW they're using an infant child like what I would call "LIVE
BAIT" while fishing!
This begging thing has become ridiculous!
I asked a couple the other day if they would take gas for their RV, and to point me to it, and they said .... "
blub, blub,,
well...we uhhhhh...let that other guy drive it...yeah that's it...and now we're here!"
If it makes you feel better to give money to drug addicts and grifters, people...then do it. But Please, understand who you're dealing with.
These people make more per day than you and I do, based on people's guilt.
Which brings me back to my original position; using your infant child as bait, out in the hot sun, to pan-handle for money is...CHILD ABUSE!!
edit on 6/27/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)