posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 04:13 PM
Hello people of ATS, I’m a long time lurker( since high school so mid 00s) I’d like to apologize for that and say It feels good to finally come
out of the dark.
I don’t know what brought me here originally, but I always end up back here eventually. Which isn’t surprising, by far ATS has maintained a
consistent standard of content since forever.
If I were to guess though, I would say it was either time warps/lost time or black triangles. My interests are fairly generalized, with a few areas of
focus mainly spirituality, ufos and general unexplained phenomena. These are due to my own experiences( ufo sightings, etc...) which I will hopefully
be detailing in part on other threads and contributing what knowledge I have when possible.
For me truth is something you seek out, while ignorance is something you accept. Certainly we can be aided in that choice by personality, experiences
and impressions, But it’s still a choice we make. I can’t say there was necessarily one grand Aha! Moment that made me make that choice, more like
a thousand little ones.
Do you have a memorable “aha!” Moment that made you seek truth?
And finally If you’re interested I’m a 30 year old happily married guy who lives in the western US. I spend my free time reading, hiking, skiing,
shooting, etc...