posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:39 PM
We try to watch what we eat. I will generally read labels if I don't know what's in something. I'm mainly looking for sodium, fat and cholesterol
numbers. However, you have to be careful because the numbers don't tell the whole story. You also have to look at the serving size and servings per
container. Over the past 10 years the serving sizes have steadily dropped to practically microscopic and the servings per container have gone
steadily up.
Used to be something like a can of green beans would have "2" servings in it, now it's like "2.7". Really?? How many green beans is this, about
6? And, now the manufacturers have started putting all these weird fractional serving sizes on food (I mean, "2.7"...really?) So, if you've got a
target number for your daily intake of something like salt, now you need a freaking calculator to decide if you even want to buy something. This is
intentional, and it's misrepresentation!
Here's what's really maddening; salt (sodium) content in virtually everything is skyrocketing, and at the same time the actual contents of the can,
package or whatever has been shrinking. So, while the can (for example) weighs the same as it used to (14.5 oz), the ratio of product is now
displaced by water to get the weight! And this is happening pretty much across the board!
Now, I don't eat a lot of snack foods, but the other day someone asked me if I wanted their lunch sized bag of Cheetos. I declined, but I decided to
look at the ingredients. The first thing which struck me was the bag was smaller, but the contents were practically microscopic compared to what I'd
remembered (easily half or less). Yes, it was 1 serving, but there couldn't have been more than 6-7 curls in that bag. Of course, it was loaded
with salt (about 350mg if I recall correctly).
Everyone blathers endlessly about Americans being generally obese, and about how much crap we eat. Okay, I get it, and I'm doing something
about it. Yet the more I try to do something about it, the more salt they load in, the more water they displace product with, and the more air in the
bag to give it shelf presence. Oh, and don't even get me started on processed foods and ready to eat stuff! That stuff might as well be labeled
"BAD JU-JU!" in big bold letters right on the package.
Now I look at everything for contents before buying / eating something, and the more I look at stuff the madder I get!!!
Granted, I'm grumpy today because I've somehow jacked up my carcass (as DB says) and I'm hurtin'. But I'm hungry and I'm trying to find
something even remotely healthy to eat. Then I find something with some decent numbers, and...
Servings per container - 3.2
Servings per container - 2.7
Servings per container - 4.3
I think food producers should only be able to put the total amount of the contents on the label...and let US figure out what our serving size should
be. This is just a BS marketing technique!!!
They're selling us crap, they're putting less crap in the package, but the amount of bad ju-ju crap inside is just going up (not down) even though
there's less crap inside to eat. And the price for this "crap" keeps going up...way up!
Okay, I got that off my chest.