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The one way reparations might work...

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posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:29 PM
First off , I know a lot of people are against even the thought of reputations.. they are cool with Indian reservations and other allowances made for those wronged by the US government, but anything that involves black people.... well then it is just ridiculous...

Secondly, I can’t think of many scenarios that would actually work, be fair and actually be meaningful.. there are many ideas that have been proposed that sound good , but would have little to no impact.

Such as formal apologies and such.. to quote Spider-Man’s landlord “what can I do with an apology?? Can I spend it?”


On the other hand attempting to trace back specific slaves to modern day fortunes would be incredibly hard and probably effect a relatively small portion of the population..

But here is what we could do...

A tax break..

Any person of African decent who can prove their ancestry in America predates 1865 doesn’t pay federal income taxes on their first 100k dollars of income.

Africa Americans only make up 13% of the total population and a high percentage of that is below the poverty line. So the federal budget wouldn’t be taking a very big hit..

No citizen is forced to pay out of pocket for the sins of their forefathers , even though I’m sure some paper trails exist connecting modern fortunes to specific enslaved peoples..

The economic benefit to the country as a whole would be huge imho.. All those poor people with more money to spend..

And by capping it at 100k you stop the celebrities and corporations from taking advantage while still giving the rich African Americans some benefit too..

Just a thought.

edit on 22-6-2019 by JustJohnny because: (no reason given)

+29 more 
posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

So tax breaks based on ancestry and skin color.

Sounds racist to me, I mean, aren't you favoring one race over another? Aren't you punishing those of one race and rewarding another?

How about white people who's ancestors died freeing slaves?

They should be punished with taxes?

Reparations is racist. Justifying reparations is racist.

Stop being a racist.

+5 more 
posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:36 PM
While your stipulations are better than most, it still isn't a solution.

First, reparations won't work.

Secondly, just entertaining the thought at this point is damaging to a nation that has, for all intents and purposes(to the general public which is NOT the same as the divisive minority that seeks to continue to divide) is not a healthy topic to even continue to entertain.

Slavery is in our past, laws are in place that prevent discrimination. If someone feels they are discriminated against, they have legal recourse and compensation.

Frankly, it's just time to move on. It's a frame of mind, and while so many love to wallow in the frame of mind of being a victim. Society and the laws overwhelming say otherwise.

Anyone that embraces reparations does moreso purely to pander and in doing so actually creates a larger divide than is actually present.
edit on 22-6-2019 by MisterSpock because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:39 PM
Also, where is the line. While black slavery was certainly one of our worse forms. What about other minorities that suffered indentured servitude, what about the chinese railroad workers, the irish, etc.

Honestly, in this day and age, it's just all a bull# attempt to take something from someone(that has no guilt) and give it to someone(that has no suffering).

It's small minded thinking, something we surely need less of in these current times.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:42 PM
Lincoln (R) started the 40 Acres and a Mule program.

Andrew Johnson (D) cancelled it.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:47 PM
It's a interesting idea; but if you limite it to any person of African decent who can prove their ancestry in America predates 1865 than it won't have much of an affect on race relations. It's not just those the ancestors of slaves who think they are owed something but the whole community of people of color. If you dont do something to appease them all it won't help much.

But if you expand your idea to all people of color (not just the ancestors of slaves) than it wouldn't be fair to everyone else.

And that's the problem with "reperations"; they really can't help matters and they probably will hurt matters more. "Reperations" are a backward thinking solution to race relations ... we need forward thinking solution.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:51 PM
*Flips desk over*

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

I really like your attempt to think of something completely different than the usual on this topic. Star and flag for effort.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: DanDanDat
It's a interesting idea; but if you limite it to any person of African decent who can prove their ancestry in America predates 1865 than it won't have much of an affect on race relations. It's not just those the ancestors of slaves who think they are owed something but the whole community of people of color. If you dont do something to appease them all it won't help much.

But if you expand your idea to all people of color (not just the ancestors of slaves) than it wouldn't be fair to everyone else.

And that's the problem with "reperations"; they really can't help matters and they probably will hurt matters more. "Reperations" are a backward thinking solution to race relations ... we need forward thinking solution.

Excellent point, with regard to the race relations.

That hits at the crux of the matter "everyone is owed" something. If you give to some and not to the others, they will still be "on the short end" of the stick.

Like I said, just even continuing to entertain this idea(face it, largely by the dem candidates) is more damaging than just moving on.


A better question would be that would a candidate that promises reparations, if elected, actually follow through with it? Would they take all that tax money from all those big corps(that are likely majority donors) and give it away?

I'd wager that even if someone who agreed with reparations got into the position of actually be able to push the topic, they would push it aside. I really don't get why anyone would use it as a means of placing a vote, other than they have that victim/entitlement mentality that shouldn't even be entertained by anyone with an ounce of logic rattling around in their head

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:53 PM
Certified documentation is important.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:54 PM
This is not how equality works. Please, stop.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: Arnie123
*Flips desk over*

Bad move, now you have to look at all the boogers and gum stuck under there.

Your OCD kicks in, you'll be scrapping that clean for hours.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:02 PM
I’ve listened to the liberal cry for reparations for the last 40 years .

The Democrats only bring it up as a tool to manipulate the black voters.

They have such disdain for African Americans. That they promise them free money to guaranteed their votes then stiff them after they’ve serve their purpose .

The same thing happens everytime .

Shortly after the election the Democratic Party forgets all about reparations .

Until the next time they want to solidify the African-American vote .

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:16 PM
Reparations are an outdated (literally) concept. What happened happened hundreds of years ago, no one alive today wa alive back then so what's the point?

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:17 PM
why is it reperations only come up when a republican is in the Whitehouse.

Anyone else notice that? it's never brought up when a Democrat is in office.

Think I'm kidding? Search for it, it's quite eye opening, funny thing too, if a Democrat gets into office when "reperations" talk are going on, it just fades away, until a Republican gets in.

Democrats do NOT WANT reperations, otherwise they have no club to use when they have nothing else to run on (like what is currently happening, the Dems have no Platform, so reperations are back in the news, again)

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:19 PM
It's a 13% popular idea, the rest not so much. The negro race in the United States has received all sorts of help and benefits since the Johnson Administration.
Reparations will never happen, face it. Build the wall, throw out the illegals ......

edit on 22-6-2019 by Plotus because: MAGA

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Reparations are an outdated (literally) concept. What happened happened hundreds of years ago, no one alive today wa alive back then so what's the point?

Excellent, A point I agree with you on completely.

At this point, the idea is just damaging to current and future relations.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:22 PM
Any descendants of slaves in American have been given "reparations" through freedom to become whatever they want.
Where would all the rich African Americans be had there ancestors not been brought to America?
Thinking about Oprah, Denzel, NBA, NFL, etc...
Seems some good has come from it all.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

Only when we are all free should we give up the fight.

posted on Jun, 22 2019 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

There is no way for most descendants of American slaves to actually prove that they are in fact descendants of slaves. It’s not like they have paperwork for that just laying around. How would you go about demonstrating your heritage?

A lot of people, black or white or any other color, can’t trace their ancestry back very far at all. People didn’t and still don’t keep very good records about births or family relations. What will happen when those who think they deserve a check, don’t get one?

Who would pay for it? Current tax payers? Why should i pay reparations? I’m the first of my irish father’s side born in the U.S. my mom is Native American. Are you going to have a descendant of Native Americans, pay for black reparations? Ask all of your native american friends if that is fair......oh yea, their all dead.

Are you gonna have an Indian family who just moved here this year pay for black reparations?
edit on 22-6-2019 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

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