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Demasking protesters - like ANTIFA - these people need exposed!

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posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:31 PM
I am SO sick and tired of watching these violent leftists cover their entire faces with masks and bandana while they verbally assault, slander, defame and speak so much hate and they do it without an fear of retribution or exposure because they are hidden behind these masks or face coverings. From what I understand this is illegal at protests and it seems the police have failed to enforce this law which is total BS and the police should be taken to court for this.

I see so many people who do this who will spout off in front of a camera, saying things they would NEVER dare say (much like hiding behind a keyboard/computer online) if they weren't covered up. People need to start ripping these bandana's, masks and coverings off after they do these things WHILE they are being recorded on video - so the whole world can see who they are.

The leftists have gone after so many peaceful, legal, brave and "honest" (not covering their faces) conservatives who dare to have a different view than these psyco's on the left. They will DOX people for the smallest things, threaten their families, harass them at home & work, get them fired, vandalize their homes & vehicles and more.

This seems to be especially bad on campuses and with the "militant" feminists who think they can push, poke, hit, spit on, etc people with which they disagree.

Now IDK if "alt-right" also do this, but if they do, I disagree with it as well.

I do understand the need to have some privacy but when it becomes confrontational there is 100% no reason that face coverings should remain on and be legal. There should be increased charges for people who partake in violence (especially at protests, marches, etc) or law breaking while wearing a face coverings.

What do you all think, is it illegal to wear face coverings at protests or political marches or does it vary by state/location? Could someone get charged with pulling down a face covering if the covered person was threatening, harassing, acting a fool? I would think the person being "assaulted" would have the right to see who their attacker is and it should be legal for them to expose them.

The only problem I see here is with religious head coverings but in all honesty, if they are acting the way I explained above, I don't think they get special treatment - but there would be those that would hide behind these things and try to threaten a "hate crime" for pulling off a religious head covering - even if they aren't really religious/practicing or a believer - they would just use it as a bludgeon.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:49 PM
I think the wearing of masks and scarves at "protests" to hide one's face should be made illegal. Laws are being proposeed to stop these scumbags: Unmasking Law

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I get your point and I would be in favor of outlawing face masks and face coverings in public protests and such, but...................where is this happening? I haven't seen a report of any Antifa activity in months. I think the last outbreak was in Portland where they protested for several months and blocked traffic downtown but I mean really, its Portland, who cares what they do in Portland? Portland is their home turf. I don't see them doing that in any other major metro areas.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Unmask them all. While we're at it, let's unmask the border patrol militias that sometimes do things we should not speak of. And also white nationalists that rarely show their faces during rallies, but cause plenty of damage and harm.

If people feel strongly about something, why hide their faces?

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

They do that because the left are, at the end of the day, nothing but bullies and cowards.

They cannot debate their ideology so to push their agenda they need force, be it "doxxing" to get rid of people that don't think like they do to a bike lock to the head for being an old white man.

Fascists who claim to be against something they actually are.

I think they all need unmasked and doxxed, but you won't find that happening anytime soon when you have Mayors who have no problem with what they do... because they support it.

We'll see a lot more of the same in the runup to the 2020 elections.

Well, we won't see it on the MSM unless they can somehow blame a conservative or a hetero white male for it.

But it will be out there.

Further deepening our divide.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:04 PM
It's so funny that everyone is so worked up about face recognition.

From what I have read and surmised (unconfirmed) it's gait recognition the US intel uses to find specific terrorists now.

you can hide your face but you cannot hide the way you walk, and it's as individual as fingerprints.

yall didn't know that did ya??

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: thedigirati

What happens if you step on a nail? No one will ever find you again?

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: Duderino
a reply to: thedigirati

What happens if you step on a nail? No one will ever find you again?

Excellent point and a star for making me laugh.

SoOo... get a hip surgery and you are now unrecognizable?

Will smart terrorists just put broken glass in their shoes like Billy Bob did in the movie Slingblade to change their gait?

Want to disappear to intelligence communities? Use crutches!

Seems like an awful way to approach a recognition program.

Might as well do it with hair color.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Demasking protesters - like ANTIFA - these people need exposed!

And these guys as well....

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
I think the wearing of masks and scarves at "protests" to hide one's face should be made illegal. Laws are being proposeed to stop these scumbags: Unmasking Law

That’s a proposed federal law. Many states already have a law on the books against disguising yourself in public .

They’re just not enforcing it. Those are the people whose a$$ we need to be on .

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Duderino
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Unmask them all. While we're at it, let's unmask the border patrol militias that sometimes do things we should not speak of. And also white nationalists that rarely show their faces during rallies, but cause plenty of damage and harm.

If people feel strongly about something, why hide their faces?

I thought I did include "alt right" specifically. I focused on the other groups b/c they are the ones who try to DOX everyone while they can't be dox'd b/c they are hidden.

I have mixed feelings about peaceful protests or marches, b/c people should have a right to privacy on one hand. People might try to get someone fired for attending the "unite the right" rally who were there to simply support conservative ideas - even if they weren't part of any SPHC designated "hate groups". Someone like my 84yr old neighbor who has been a conservative for 45-50 years w/ her grandson pushing her wheel chair. He's a moderate/centrist but would go to the rally for his grandmother and be there for him. Should he be outed as a "white nationalist" or "alt righter" and be DOX'd and fired b/c he was only there to push his grandma's wheel chair? I can understand face coverings.

But when it becomes violent, then they need to come off, I know that sounds dumb, but a law could be made if you commit assault, harassment, etc while wearing a mask, it's a felony or greater/larger felony. Similar to a regular assault and a 'hate crime" motivated assault.

It would be up to the person to remove their mask and to know when they are going over the line and if they don't - much larger charges.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Duderino

Pretty sure if you took the time to read the proposed bill you would see that it indeed does equally outlaw masks for anyone involved in the outlined activities.

Reading will make you seem smarter than you appear the majority of the time duder

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Demasking protesters - like ANTIFA - these people need exposed!

And these guys as well....

Same thing... Democrats under a hood.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:27 PM
Also love how the laws we already have about this come from when democrats used to do the same stuff to minorities and activists who sided with minorities...something something learn from history or repeat it...

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:32 PM
I also support this 100% for gangs and during riots - which includes large groups of "the fellas" out for a 2pm stroll through someone else neighborhood, or anytime at the Magnificent Mile, Inner Harbor, 2nd St (philly), South Beach, any mall USA, etc where huge groups of people mass rob stores, break stuff, assault people, etc. This has been happening it seems almost every week the last few years but unless you live exactly where it happened, you won't even hear about it. Even if you live where it happened, it might not be reported b/c they don't want to cause some people to become angry, it may hurt the perpetrators feelings. This happened in Chicago not long ago, the new paper & city were silent on a mob of 200-400 violent "teens" who destroyed a beautiful memorial day weekend at the beach, injured people, destroyed cars, robbed/looted stores, vandalized property & more and the vast majority had bandannas covering their faces it was reported.

We really need to figure out a way to create laws that can be used in many municipalities, like a cut & paste for a specific problem & when a municipality finds something needs to be updated, they make the changes & all the other municipalities who implemented the law can see what was done and implement the changes as well before they are behind the 8 ball needing that law in place.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: thedigirati
It's so funny that everyone is so worked up about face recognition.

From what I have read and surmised (unconfirmed) it's gait recognition the US intel uses to find specific terrorists now.

you can hide your face but you cannot hide the way you walk, and it's as individual as fingerprints.

yall didn't know that did ya??

Keep telling yourself that. both can be fooled but gait is easier (less time to change) to manipulate.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof

What do you all think, is it illegal to wear face coverings at protests or political marches or does it vary by state/location? Could someone get charged with pulling down a face covering if the covered person was threatening, harassing, acting a fool? I would think the person being "assaulted" would have the right to see who their attacker is and it should be legal for them to expose them.

I don't think it's actually illegal. Otherwise the cops at protests wouldn't be allowed to cover their faces and put tape over their badge numbers.

Not to mention the agent provocateurs.

edit on 21-6-2019 by VictorVonDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:37 PM
We should probably all just get gps implants for safety.

Maybe some more gov employees in masks could get that passed.

Never know, I can only hope!!

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Demasking protesters - like ANTIFA - these people need exposed!

And these guys as well....

Same thing... Democrats under a hood.


edit on 21-6-2019 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof

What do you all think, is it illegal to wear face coverings at protests or political marches or does it vary by state/location? Could someone get charged with pulling down a face covering if the covered person was threatening, harassing, acting a fool? I would think the person being "assaulted" would have the right to see who their attacker is and it should be legal for them to expose them.

I don't think it's actually illegal. Otherwise the cops at protests wouldn't be allowed to cover their faces and put tape over their badge numbers.

Not to mention the agent provocateurs.

Yeah I have a problem with this as well to some extent. The problem with them is that they are subject to retaliation and can more easily be targeted. Also, they have gone through a hiring and "vetting" process, so there is that - but I fully see the point.

If I got my head smashed while just standing there and all I could say is "it was the cop in riot gear" that isn't going to help much, though I could still sue the city at large, but not hold the specific cop liable - and there could be one cop bashing 10-50 people in the head while no one else on the force was doing it. It makes one easy to hide among many. now that I say that, it seems maybe even more important to have some specific identifier on these cops.

So instead of badge numbers - they should have "riot numbers" assigned for each riot when they were masks and helmets & this info is kept in the dept. The numbers are on their shields chest armor & sides of helmet. This way they can be identified by people in the crowd and from video of the riot. IDK, just thinking, but having them all look the same is a recipe for disaster and abuse IMO.

As for the agent provocateurs - it would make it MUCH easier to find out who they are (if they didn't have a mask) and when they do "their thing", they will find themselves ferreted off to some deep dark hole 50-100ft underground where they might spend the next few decades getting "reprogrammed".

edit on 6 21 2019 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

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