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Ibteesam Reaz - Staff Physicist at Lockheed Martin answers Tic-Tac question on Quora

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posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

I honestly would be more scared of “Elementals” roaming the earth, than of aliens in the sky.
I fail to see why or how TPTB would use aliens as a cover for “Elementals”

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 09:49 PM
There is absolutely NO WAY POSSIBLE that the USA Government and Military do not know about Neutral-Dimension Craft and how the operate and also how to stop and drop them....its a sham they don't know how they work and its a sham they cannot stop them.….entire thing is disinformation spliced with misinformation.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:37 PM
Mass is a beotch!!

'nuff said.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 04:35 AM
With the UFO's being tracked on radar, would they also be scanned for communications etc? I would think that a fleet of 100 unidentified aircraft would be scanned for comm's. I wonder what details we don' t get told.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 05:16 AM
One possibility among many for the tic tac phenomenon and others like it could be holography. If there is a technology that uses holographic images that can be seen visually and somehow register as having mass on sensing devices such as radar/sonar it would be a formidable weapon. For example hundreds of visually and radar detectable pseudo objects filling the skies over an enemy country or battlefield creating fear and drawing fire while the real danger could be slipping in at a completely different location/area. The fear factor alone could cause a major amount of chaos among military forces and civilian populations. What better way to test the application of such a technology than a controlled exercise using your own uninformed military. I have no clue if and how such a technology would be designed and or implemented but I firmly believe that anything a human being can imagine in their mind can be or has been accomplished. This is JMO. No more than a plausible out of the box thought.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
a reply to: Moohide

Ya gotta read the story. It's far more than that but glowing algae would be blue or green and not.... that.

You can't make me believe that this is bioluminescence.

Ocean water is capable of being just about any color on the color wheel.

If you shine a light through water of various colors, the observed light appears to change color.

How could it be difficult to believe that a light is being shown through water pockets of varying color?

Besides you put some pretty strict constrictors on biological luminescent proteins to nail them down to only one small color spread. I've first hand witnessed bright white and yellow bioluminescence by the ocean near Carolina Beach.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

When it comes to how information is in the public domain it's best to look at the more obscure phenomenon or the stuff that is occult as that's the stuff that has been taboo due to the history of government social conditioning.
I've came to the conclusion that much of the stuff deemed occult is hidden for a reason, and the powers that be are more than dabbling in it.
If we can only see a small fraction of the energies with our current perception there may indeed be much more out there than we realise.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Moohide

Isnt bioluminescence normally bluish?

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 11:54 AM
Idk it seems pretty clear he's saying it's human tech, belonging to some elite tier of man kind. The motivation for keeping it so separate from conventional tech is diverse, but I would argue we simply aren't ready for it. The possibility for it to do great harm might outweigh all the benefits it could also offer. Having someone again confirm their existence seems noteworthy.

a reply to: Cravens

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

In there he mentioned that "There ARE UFOs - but NOT abductions". They don't know where the UFOs come from but they can speculate. They had no way of understanding much less reverse engineering the craft.

These are all valuable clues.

UFOs don't necessarily mean aliens from outer space. It's just an unknown object from an unknown origin not made by human hands, technology nowhere near understanding that can fly.

I've always speculated.... What if it was an advanced civilization from pre-ancient history? Say 100k years ago. Very little if nothing at all would have survived for us to see any evidence of it today. The pyramids won't last another couple thousand years, as an example. Maybe Mars. Maybe Venus. Maybe some not so far away star (considering the distance of everything else)... Would be pretty cool to know.

I don't know that I believe in "aliens" but I do believe SOMETHING is there. I've seen it with my own eyes. Trusting close family will get angry if you tell them what they seen was BS. I mean, stuff that's not your regular blinking light. One such case close up, only a couple of yards away. I have things I've seen from my youth I can't explain and I've only spoken about them to so few people, I can count them on less than one hand. As the years go by, I hear similar stories with specifics that people who make up stores wouldn't have thought to make up, specific little details that are spoke about so rarely... This is how I know I wasn't imagining things.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: Archivalist

Again... Ya gotta read the story.

It's not that simple and I honestly don't bite on that explanation.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

Funny thing, I read this topic yesterday, I was going to send the Quora link to some1, then went here again to see the link and Ibteesam Reaz deleted his answer, also remove his pic from quora's profile.
edit on 20-6-2019 by IRussao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 11:55 PM
Interesting development

This ibteez guy deleted his answer,actually all of his answers,and now the name is Bob Lazar........

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

In there he mentioned that "There ARE UFOs - but NOT abductions". They don't know where the UFOs come from but they can speculate. They had no way of understanding much less reverse engineering the craft.

These are all valuable clues.

UFOs don't necessarily mean aliens from outer space. It's just an unknown object from an unknown origin not made by human hands, technology nowhere near understanding that can fly.

I've always speculated.... What if it was an advanced civilization from pre-ancient history? Say 100k years ago. Very little if nothing at all would have survived for us to see any evidence of it today. The pyramids won't last another couple thousand years, as an example. Maybe Mars. Maybe Venus. Maybe some not so far away star (considering the distance of everything else)... Would be pretty cool to know.

I don't know that I believe in "aliens" but I do believe SOMETHING is there. I've seen it with my own eyes. Trusting close family will get angry if you tell them what they seen was BS. I mean, stuff that's not your regular blinking light. One such case close up, only a couple of yards away. I have things I've seen from my youth I can't explain and I've only spoken about them to so few people, I can count them on less than one hand. As the years go by, I hear similar stories with specifics that people who make up stores wouldn't have thought to make up, specific little details that are spoke about so rarely... This is how I know I wasn't imagining things.

I assume any aspects of “Alien Abduction” and alien intentions, species and biology would be a completely different SAP Program and the individuals dealing with the technology of the UFOs themselves would not have “Need-To-Know” of that aspect. The “No such thing as alien abductions” would be a cover story given to them.

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: IMSAM
Interesting development

This ibteez guy deleted his answer,actually all of his answers,and now the name is Bob Lazar........

now it's Bob Bigelow, wtf? so it was never the real Ibteesam Reaz?

Edit: when I checked, it still had all the answers but it was missing the answer from the op.
edit on 21-6-2019 by IRussao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: IRussao

originally posted by: IMSAM
Interesting development

This ibteez guy deleted his answer,actually all of his answers,and now the name is Bob Lazar........

now it's Bob Bigelow, wtf? so it was never the real Ibteesam Reaz?

Edit: when I checked, it still had all the answers but it was missing the answer from the op.

He also deleted his Linkedin profile:
edit on 21-6-2019 by IRussao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: IRussao

First post on this site but I really wanted to jump in on the convo here. I also saw that he deleted his Linkedin and changed his Quora profile.

Do we have proof of this person being a real scientist at Lockheed Martin? All I can find on him, apart from the Quora and Linkedin profile, is a Prezi profile on his name and a .edu link that led to an article or study of some sorts. But this link now also leads to a page that is unavailable. edu link

Did he not want all this online attention and has he decided to remove his online presence?
Or was this all fabricated by someone?
edit on 21-6-2019 by SammyE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: IMSAM

Great find either someone trolled or the scientist said too much

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 12:07 PM
He has now deleted all his reponses and trying to scrub himself from the internet......

Scientist gone missing

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 04:08 PM
The archive:

Quora and linkedin profiles have pictures from a different person, the pictures are from Ravi Pisharody, a former Tata Motors executive:

Maybe it was a fake id at all, fake profiles pictures, from WhatsAYoot:

Posted this elsewhere in here (replying to someone wondering if this was a real person), but wanted it to be more prominent:

After I posted this last night, I went into a rabbit hole myself. I’m not sure I think he’s real either. I did a reverse image search on the two images that come up in a Google image search on his name. One of them returned a result and I learned its a picture of Ravi Pisharody, a former Tata Motors executive.

The pictures on his LinkedIn and his Quora were different, but they were both pictures of Ravi Pisharody available elsewhere online. The one on his Quora actually had an edited background - the original picture has a gray background, it was edited to make it look he is standing in front of trees.

At any rate, whomever he is, spent years on Quora providing very informed and detailed answers to questions, mostly about anthropology, and only a few times about UFOs. In his edit history, you can still see what questions he ever answered since it shows that he deleted them. If you scroll through his Edits, there are a handful of comments that he did not delete that you can still read. Again, most are about anthropology, but in one still visible comment he mentions being a trained physicist.

As I mentioned, his LinkedIn page also used a picture of Ravi Pisharody. It is now down, but here’s what I remember from it:

Listed as a staff physicist at Lockheed since 2011

Started in this industry at Boeing

⁠Had 4 or 5 other roles before the current one

⁠Attended the University of Michigan either for Masters or PhD

⁠Only has 5 connections

I thought the 5 connections thing was odd at the time. Since it also had a picture that was obviously not him, this profile appears to have been created to lend credence to claim, at least that’s my thought. Obviously if he’s using a fake picture with the name, it’s not a real name...

But here’s the weird part...if you Google “ ‘ibteesam reaz’ wind turbine” you’ll see a link to a thesis on I found this before he started scrubbing himself and glanced at it. It was titled “Enhancements to the Tornado-Type Wind Turbine (TTWT)”. It was long and not interesting to me so I didn’t look much past the title page, but it did say “by Ibteesam Reaz” on it and it said it was for the University of Michigan for his degree. The year said either 1984 or 1985, which lined up with the LinkedIn profile.

But now they’ve deleted that PDF from I’ve searched on the University of Michigan’s thesis search engine for a matching one and cannot find one. I also searched a couple different thesis search engines and cannot find one. You can however, still see a blurry version of the cover page to this in the Google Image results.

Them editing a thesis to reflect their fake name seems odd, but again there’s very little chance someone would use their real name with someone else’s pictures, right? And it did appear to be a site that they readily had access to/had uploaded the paper themself since they so quickly and easily took it down - I looked at the PDF about 60-90 minutes before I tried again and it was down, right after I watched him scrub the Quora account.

So, all in all, Ibteesam Reaz is unlikely to be a real name since they were using pictures of someone else. But this person does have a clear demonstrated history on Quora in which they mention being a physicist and in another still visible comment, mentioned knowledge of aircraft test procedures.

So I began to think, maybe this person changed their name some time back on Quora the first time they answered a UFO question. I went back through the edits log, but the furthest back it let’s you go is March of this year. No luck on any name changes between then and now.

At any rate, this is weird and this person is not being honest about their identity.

FYI I have screenshots of a lot of this stuff but don’t have the time to post them at the moment.

picture from his quora and linkedin profile come from this page, but it's edited::

edit on 21-6-2019 by IRussao because: (no reason given)

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