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The "best" police shooting video I've ever seen....

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posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 10:26 PM
I really hope best showed up in quotes..."best", I know how ATS has a hard time with titles.

Please read, and watch.

I was trying to find a video for another thread a few down from here and I kept seeing this one on the channel that I watch(police activity) in my searches.

Why is it the "best". It really shows the problem on both side and the victims of all these tragedy's.

This was the worse video I've ever seen for body cam footage of a shooting. It has it all, literally all. A "suspect" that seemed all but intent on forcing the officers hand, a reluctant officer filled with instance remorse and of course the family members suffering playing out before him, even those family members that he was inflicting his own harm on.

When I see things like this, it's really hard to just pick a hardline side and point the finger at either side of the fence, it's a right # show that plays out all the time, in reality, everyone ends up the victim, some moreso than others. It's sad to think that people are put in this situation when all anyone, at the heart of if, usually, just wants to help someone.

In this video I was most shocked(not by the officers remorse, which was palpable) but by the restraint of the mans(who was shot) family. You'd think it would have been all to easy for them to lash out and overpower the lone officer(huge mistake for him to have been in that position without backup). Like I said, absolute # show, for everyone.
edit on 17-6-2019 by MisterSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 10:50 PM
Tough situation, but ultimately looks like a good shoot.

The officer was at a disadvantage engaging them on the stairs. He should have ordered them down the flight of stairs for questioning after separating the two.

Might've gone differently.
edit on 17-6-2019 by Tempter because: Sp

edit on 17-6-2019 by Tempter because: Sp

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: Tempter
Tough situation, but ultimately looks like a good shoot.

The officer was at a disadvantage engaging them on the stairs. He should have ordered them down the flight of stairs for questioning after separating the two.

Nightie gone differently.

That's my point though, in this video, even a "good" shot is still a #ty situation. So much done wrong, by everyone, but it's what plays out everyday. Hence the tragedy moniker.

It's like that movie, wargames, the only way to win is not to play. On either side. But sadly, that's just not what humans are like.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: Tempter
Tough situation, but ultimately looks like a good shoot.

The officer was at a disadvantage engaging them on the stairs. He should have ordered them down the flight of stairs for questioning after separating the two.

Nightie gone differently.

That's my point though, in this video, even a "good" shot is still a #ty situation. So much done wrong, by everyone, but it's what plays out everyday. Hence the tragedy moniker.

It's like that movie, wargames, the only way to win is not to play. On either side. But sadly, that's just not what humans are like.

The officer seemed inexperienced, tbh. When he said he couldn't hear them and then proceeded up the stairs I knew it was going wrong.

The two men at the top were acting suspicious, unable to answer simple questions and responding with general or non-specific answers. You could smell the bullahit coming from them.

It is a great example of how these two sides meet daily. It's actually really sad.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: Tempter

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: Tempter
Tough situation, but ultimately looks like a good shoot.

The officer was at a disadvantage engaging them on the stairs. He should have ordered them down the flight of stairs for questioning after separating the two.

Nightie gone differently.

That's my point though, in this video, even a "good" shot is still a #ty situation. So much done wrong, by everyone, but it's what plays out everyday. Hence the tragedy moniker.

It's like that movie, wargames, the only way to win is not to play. On either side. But sadly, that's just not what humans are like.

The officer seemed inexperienced, tbh. When he said he couldn't hear them and then proceeded up the stairs I knew it was going wrong.

The two men at the top were acting suspicious, unable to answer simple questions and responding with general or non-specific answers. You could smell the bullahit coming from them.

It is a great example of how these two sides meet daily. It's actually really sad.

"It's actually really sad."

I agree, and it was obvious that this officer was new(ish) on the job. So many mistakes, but so many opportunities to have avoided the situation, on both sides.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: MisterSpock
A #show indeed. But the guy did say he wants to die in front of his family.

I don't think people understand that when police say stop or i'll shoot. They really mean it.

A crappy situation indeed. Suicide by cop is not a new thing though. But this is more like irate teenager suicide by cop.

Could the cop have handled it better?

Likely if he left, and came back with others to help subdue the guy without guns or tasers. Or he could have just got into a scrap and tried to physically subdue him choke him out or something. And well maybe he could have or maybe the guy could have garbed his gun in the scuffle. Or any number of things could have happened at that point.

Either way, I think the cop should have left. And if there were more calls to the house, just come with backup next time and subdue the guy without having to scrap or fight him down.

Hey what can I say being a cop is not all eating donuts on patrol duty. And these type of situation are worse then clear cut situation of actual crime going on's, if you get called in at a bank robbery or shooting, you know what to expect. But if you get called in at this? Well its just fueled by nerves, and moods of people. Which can go south very fast.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Tempter

A good shoot? That wasn’t duck hunter...
That cop was an absolute joke, must have been a rookie... what was he doing there alone?
He did almost everything wrong possible in that situation endangering himself in multiple ways multiple times let alone the others by not reading into the situation correctly...
Not to mention he took a life because he was incapable of assessing the situation and the individual he killed, but also because he lost control of the situation and himself due to his fear...
The fear you hear after he shot multiple times like a coward to kill was for himself for what he had done...
That wasn’t remorse for taking a life...

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: MisterSpock
A #show indeed. But the guy did say he wants to die in front of his family.

I don't think people understand that when police say stop or i'll shoot. They really mean it.

A crappy situation indeed. Suicide by cop is not a new thing though. But this is more like irate teenager suicide by cop.

Could the cop have handled it better?

Likely if he left, and came back with others to help subdue the guy without guns or tasers. Or he could have just got into a scrap and tried to physically subdue him choke him out or something. And well maybe he could have or maybe the guy could have garbed his gun in the scuffle. Or any number of things could have happened at that point.

Either way, I think the cop should have left. And if there were more calls to the house, just come with backup next time and subdue the guy without having to scrap or fight him down.

Hey what can I say being a cop is not all eating donuts on patrol duty. And these type of situation are worse then clear cut situation of actual crime going on's, if you get called in at a bank robbery or shooting, you know what to expect. But if you get called in at this? Well its just fueled by nerves, and moods of people. Which can go south very fast.

That seems reasonable, in hind sight. But the sad state of law enforcement says otherwise.

Leave, and then wait until a domestic call turns into a call where the caller was stabbed or shot when she/he called the police earlier. In our western society, it's a damned if you do damned if you don't. Police have no legal responsibility to save you, unless you called and they should have had a responsibility to save you. It's lose lose, for literally everyone. Lay the blame at the one that instigated the situation or at those that responded, either way someone is "wrong" and people sit by in their little "safe spaces" analyzing the situation minus the stress or immediacy and cry foul.

It's a # show either way, the best bet is to not be in either positions, which is why I assume in the future you'll have to bet for people to get into the law enforcement career. Because doing so will sacrifice yourself and your family to be in the position of ruining another. Lose Lose, though I guess it will only be a problem until western society(the lighthouse of civilization] falls into the abyss of the darkness of the rest of the 3rd world.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: Tempter

A good shoot? That wasn’t duck hunter...
That cop was an absolute joke, must have been a rookie... what was he doing there alone?
He did almost everything wrong possible in that situation endangering himself in multiple ways multiple times let alone the others by not reading into the situation correctly...
Not to mention he took a life because he was incapable of assessing the situation and the individual he killed, but also because he lost control of the situation and himself due to his fear...
The fear you hear after he shot multiple times like a coward to kill was for himself for what he had done...
That wasn’t remorse for taking a life...

I agree, he should have had backup, he should have had realized the domestic he was responding to actually involved a violent male that was battering a wife/girlfriend(and possibly children, someone did call afterall, probably her). He should have waited until he had enough backup to subdue a violent suspect and control the situation.

Or he should have left and come back later when the call came in for a medical when she or the children were possibly in need of medical assistance.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The headlines would have been the same.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: MisterSpock

The first thing he should have done is order the two individuals down the stairs to see if they complied...
Why are they on the stairs? Are they blocking an escape of a victim? ? Is there a weapon behind the one sitting sideways?
Are they on drugs and or alcohol?
If they didn’t and he hadn’t already called for back up should have done so then and there...
Surprising to me one officer would be dispatched to a domestic disturbance...
When the woman came out later with the phone could have asked her to come down...
If one or both individuals attempted to stop her he would know that something was up with them for sure, that he had the right place...
He just didn’t know what he was doing...
But he should have waited at the bottom of the stairs until his backup came, unless something escalated where he had to act otherwise he was in no way in control of the situation...
edit on 17-6-2019 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: MisterSpock

The first thing he should have done is order the two individuals down the stairs to see if they complied...
If they didn’t and he hadn’t already called for back up should have done so then and there...
Surprising to me one officer would be dispatched to a domestic disturbance...
When the woman came out later with the phone could have asked her to come down...
If one or both individuals attempted to stop her he would know that something was up with them for sure, that he had the right place...
He just didn’t know what he was doing...
But he should have waited at the bottom of the stairs until his backup came, unless something escalated where he had to act otherwise he was in no way in control of the situation...

I can sit here and think of all sorts of things he should have done too, what also shouldn't have been done is the guy(drunken, I'm sure) assaulting the women.

Which is the point, # decisions lead to # decisions which lead to tragedy. Sometimes neither side is wholly innocent.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: MisterSpock

Piss poor judgement there too...
do you think he was trying to assault his wife or get that phone back from her?
Either way I’m rather certain he wasn’t about to kill his wife...
Why did the cop let him stand up and permit him to pass along plans in another language?
He failed to control everything...
Especially his own fear...
edit on 17-6-2019 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 12:00 AM
should of, could of, would of...the guy said I don't care if you shoot me then tasered the cop... Sucks to bring a taser to a gun fight, and I guess he got his wish.

The biggest problem I see these days is cops are one deep, so the gun comes out very quickly, and I don' blame them. Not too distance past it was two cops per car, now it is one with the back up 10 mins away.
edit on 18-6-2019 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: MisterSpock

Piss poor judgement there too...
do you think he was trying to assault his wife or get that phone back from her?
Either way I’m rather certain he wasn’t about to kill his wife...
Why did the cop let him stand up and permit him to pass along plans in another language?
He failed to control everything...
Especially his own fear...

Isn't the most likely source of physical harm/death to a woman from her spouse or boyfriend?

Maybe he was only physically attacking her "for her phone", when the cop was there for a call on a domestic. Once again...Who called that in? The woman or the children?

Like I said, it's a no win. Leave and come back when she's beaten on clinging to life, come back when one of the kids was thrown down the stairs? Etc.

The point is that it's an unknowable, when faulty humans throw out their logic and resort to their baser emotions, on all sides. Anger, fear, self preservation. Who is right and who is wrong, in the moment. Definition of # show.

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: MisterSpock

So you would have to agree then that the officer escalated the situation by going up the stairs and that he was not in control of the situation.
Aside from statistics the individual had no weapon his movements were physical but were causing no harm really just another indicator of who he was really there to control. He was clueless up to this point I guessed right as soon as he went up but that’s neither here nor there. I also assumed the other guy sitting on the step had a weapon or at least open alcohol he was trying to hide from view. But really they were positioned to control the situation themselves and he was sitting sideways to block access...

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

These guys are ill equipped due to lack of funding and proper training maybe... But it does not justify his actions or the fact he didn’t know what he was doing...

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: MisterSpock

Yes its a lose lose situation, no winners there. But its not as common as a everyday experience most cops would have. So there will still be cops and these sort of things will happen from time to time, and likley for a long time to come. Simply because there is a whole host of infinite of stupid # out there.

I dont know I am not a cop. But maybe if they dont have a policy of always being more then one cop for every domestic abuse call they get. Then they should have that policy.

Either way, Darwinian evolution at its best, like the guy from the other thread some week ago, who was stopped for sagging, and instead of just pulling his pants up then pulling them back down as soon as the cops were gone. Like a normal person would, and then decided to make a run for it and then wave his gun around at the cops, and ended up shooting himself and getting shot in what was likely the most ridiculous gun fight ever.

I can only imagine it went down like something you would see in a teen comedy movie from the 90s, or something in Monty python skit.

edit on 12amTuesdayam182019f2amTue, 18 Jun 2019 00:20:30 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 02:16 AM
The phony authoritarian cop should have just let it go, but no.

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 05:56 AM
I couldn't watch the whole thing. I just couldn't.

The word which was flashing in great big neon letters in my mind was..."Wrong!". Everything about that situation was wrong.

1. Likely intoxicated perp who doesn't know what he's saying or doing. Talking S# to impress his homeys/wife/kids.

2. A cop who completely lost control of the situation. Took a bad situation and made it 100x worse.

3. An escalation of a situation for no reason other than egos, senseless actions and perceptions.

4. A fatal shooting which leaves one man dead and numerous others scarred for life (including small children).

5. A community who will now hate and try to kill cops at every opportunity.

6. A U-toob video which will inspire hundreds of thousands of others, who weren't even there, to feel the same way.

Just wrong.

posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 06:12 AM
Oh dear.
The cop got himself into a worse situation as soon as he tasered the guy.
Force should be used in defence, not as an attack.

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