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Was DeLonge/TTSA Chosen To Be The Conduit For Disclosure?

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posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

As I explained before using some one like Tom at these beginning stages eases us into it by making it more light hearted ...

In my opinion this 'reasoning' has now outlived itself. It goes back to the post-war years when the arguments were the same. People aren't ready, society will fall apart. Most of those people that were "not ready" back then are dead. Often cited is the alleged panic caused by Orson Welles broadcast of "War of the Worlds" a decade earlier to reinforce the point. But even that panic was hugely overplayed and misreported.

We are way past that position in the 21st century. We don't need a former punk star and his sci-fi stories and UFO documentary to soften the blow. We've had 70 years of sci-fi,UFO lore, books and documentaries to seed these ideas into the population already. Those who ignore both topics will be as ignorant as ever. There's no amount of punk popster posturing that will reach them.

So there has to be something more going on with TTSA.

What seems to have been discarded is that at the very core of all this is the fact that people do experience things they can't explain.

It is the interpretation of those beliefs that generates constant debate and bickering. Even if someday in the future we got an official announcement endorsed by all governments of the world that we are not alone it still wouldn't prove everyone saw aliens either!

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:34 AM
There seems to be new "disclosure" threads popping up on a daily basis these days,
I'm sorry, but I just don't see it.

What is this "disclosure" everyone expects to happen soon? Which one of the myriad theories are being disclosed as correct?
As much as I would love there to be "aliens" flying around earth I have still not seen anything that can even remotely be given as actual proof of anything.
As I said on another thread, alot of this "disclosure" talk tend to be centred around the USA and via minor celebs, the rest of the world is rather quiet about it.
It does make it seem that it is merely military or scientific projects, not even necessarily super secret ones, that are being tested by probably the only nation financially/politically (I am gonna get flamed for that one) sorted enough to do so.

I hope I'm wrong and a craft promptly lands on my house, but I doubt it.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Have I misunderstood you, or are you claiming that...we, as a species, meaning globally, are ready for the potential disclosure ?

You dont feel it would be a game changer in so many ways, and not all of them would be good ?

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

My point was more that the excuse that we have to be slowly guided towards a disclosure announcement by a punk singer and his books and documentary does not apply any more. We've already had all that conditioning for 70 years.

However if TTSA are to be believed they have already told us. No one truly knows what's happening. Which may well be all there is to it.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: mirageman

My point was more that the excuse that we have to be slowly guided towards a disclosure announcement by a punk singer and his books and documentary does not apply any more. We've already had all that conditioning for 70 years.

I agree with that. I just had a feeling you meant "we dont need no easing into it"...

However if TTSA are to be believed they have already told us. No one truly knows what's happening. Which may well be all there is to it.

Well if they did, than I stand by my earlier assessment...not impressed.

As was stated in one of the previous UFO threads.."exotic SF technology exists".

Somebody better come clean. Soon. Honestly, I would very much like if it was truly "aliens". Because if it was "ours", then my faith in human beings will forever be destroyed.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:31 AM
Just as we here on ATS are divided about how and when disclosure should take place I'm sure that those in charge of releasing this info are also divided. This would slow the whole disclosure down considerably and may result in continuing starts and stops... unless if course some occurrence forces their hand, which I suspect "they"may already expect to happen.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:33 AM
Double post
edit on 6/19/2019 by MissSmartypants because: Edit

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Most people (unlike us) are not following the latest UFO all...and pretty much never think about it...and would be quite surprised ( shocked) to learn that there is serious conjecture taking place in high places as to the possible existence of aliens and that these aliens may be visiting us.
For example, how many people in your own family share your interest in the many of your neighbors or your coworkers?If you went door to door asking people what they thought about the recent release of the "tic tac" video how many people would even know what you're referring to?
edit on 6/19/2019 by MissSmartypants because: Edit

edit on 6/19/2019 by MissSmartypants because: Edit

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

Exactly! That's why I said

Those who ignore both topics will be as ignorant as ever. There's no amount of punk popster posturing that will reach them.

They aren't reading Tom's books or watching his TV show. So he has no impact on them.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: MissSmartypants

Exactly! That's why I said

Those who ignore both topics will be as ignorant as ever. There's no amount of punk popster posturing that will reach them.

They aren't reading Tom's books or watching his TV show. So he has no impact on them.
However I do believe that we can expect there to be increasing exposure in the media, both in fictional movies about aliens as well as documentary shows

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 08:17 AM
And here I thought human sacrifice was banned.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Justso
a reply to: MissSmartypants

Nothing seems to have come from his pr and disclosures. I think he's a phony, weird and not cool. Would love to be proven wrong. He seemed to be having a good time with it.

This. It was all smoke and mirrors.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: ziplock9000

originally posted by: Justso
a reply to: MissSmartypants

Nothing seems to have come from his pr and disclosures. I think he's a phony, weird and not cool. Would love to be proven wrong. He seemed to be having a good time with it.

This. It was all smoke and mirrors.
So the videos released by the Department of Defense were fake? Where did you get your information? A link would be nice.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:15 AM
We know from witnesses going back at least 50 years that someone in the US government, or at least aligned with it, is sitting on what has to be hours of footage of these things. In sterling quality. Even in the Nimitz case.

On top of this there must be a veritable mountain of other sensor data from all these years, with information it would take the scientific community years to even begin to assess. And instead of sharing even a portion of it, they are holding on to it for dear life.

Relase the missing radar and sonar data from the Princeton and the sub, and I will be a little more impressed. Along with all of the video captured by the planes in original quality.

Release all of the missing data from the last 50 years along with a honest assessment of the situation and said data, and I will start thinking they are finally disclosing.

I don't understand how, in the light of more than 50 years of tight lipped denial, we can call three very short videos disclosure?

It's like throwing a breadcrumb from your wagon train of delicious bread and exclaim: "See how I am sharing?"

Would you expect the starving hordes to be thankful for your generosity? And, of course, you don't just serve it up, but you make sure it is known the breadcrumb is maybe a bit tainted.

And then you throw it to a select few to portion out to whomever they choose, and in what manner they see fit.

And then you sit back and watch the fights break out.
edit on 19-6-2019 by beetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: mirageman

OK! Some characters seem to be reappearing, therefore you are right: Good to know history.

One solution does not fit all.

So true! In my observation, when things have become really complex and seem impossible to understand then you have multiple, unrelated effects that coincidentally interfere. At least that's how it is in software development. But the principle surely applies to other areas.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: olaru12

Sure, there may be an overlap. But I think for scientific analysis it is most helpful to differentiate. For me, the most important distinction in this context is: Material or not? Can we touch it and measure it? Is it of this physical world?

Everything not of this physical world may well have a reality of its own and may be worth our attention. Possibly important for our spiritual advancement. But unfortunately it is also the domain of hallucination, delusion etc. Probably the biggest trickster of them all is the human mind! Not all voices people hear in their heads come from an outside entity :-)

My biggest hope for this "disclosure" is an advancement in energy technology that will help us break free from the shackles of the oil and nuclear industry soon. This could buy us time for getting our act together as a species so that we have a chance of making it into the next century. Once the extortion schemes in the area of energy and money have been defeated I may have a much bigger interest in the Woo-Woo aspects of the phenomenon. For now it is a matter of survival on a material level.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 01:03 PM
I Hope really that TTSA brings truth but the real deal is that its a CIA's version of "disclosure" if not check how many EX or still in CIA work on TTSA hey even Tom delonge has been not fortcoming after the bad show on Joe Rogan like saying heck move out Tom he could make us look worse. See they dont recognize past ufo events, no Battle f LA UFO, no Roswell, NO Project Blue Book, no nothing i'ts like they erase everything and started to investigate UFO's in the 2000..they want to rewritte UFO lore, first changing UFO to UAP and so on.

Hey even Trump got ask the question from someone who is close to TTSA, and that's why trump say that he dont believe that, trumps choice is his Space Force not the CIA's version, its a battle between both to see who gets the UFO File.

But heck if you want to believe they are truthfull its your choice.

edit on 19-6-2019 by AlexDJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: AlexDJ

I can't seem to escape UFOs/UAPs...its a slow acclimation process for the masses or synchronicity writ large

Tiny flying saucers are actually odd new microbes

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: TonyS
"Really the situation is pretty simple. A bunch of former Federal employees got together with Delonge to form TTSA to serve as a Government Contractor to "manage" disclosure of some evidence in the form of the videos which they got declassified. They sold the DIA on the idea they could manage and choreograph the release of intel the DIA was concerned would come out anyway and be misinterpreted.

Its a business plan and a darn good one. I think it highly doubtfull anything of substance will ever come from it.

By the same token, what does it really matter. We learn that the same government that cant control its own borders cant control its national airspace.

My guess is that TTSA sold the Government on the idea as a way to gin up public support for massive expenditures for space exploration. Its like everything in the US, smoke and mirrors and misdirection all for profit."

Nail on head!

The more illicit videos will never be made public. Just the stuff that is plausibly unidentifiable. This wont move the needle one iota in the direction of giving us information of:
- why they are here?
- how many species are here?
- are they among us?
- have they interfered with us in any way?
- what are their self interests that pose nefarious/lethal for us?

My intuition, my gut,,, tells me that it is more likely these craft are US made. And they are just spoofing the world with it, so when accidentally seen, people will assume it is alien and not our own secret weapons.
edit on 19-6-2019 by FingerMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout
Yes, hello. Greetings.

And well those who would stop to hear ducks quack while driving down the highway going whatever there going. Are around the 1% in daily everyday occurrences out there on the highways. Lets not kid ourselfs, on foot you may and some more others may as well, but in a car, you wont.

And if you want to find UFOs or ET or what the Nave has found or may have seen?

Well the pacific ocean were this whole Nimitz thing took place is basically 6 times the size of North America, including Canada and Alaska. The Nimitz how long has it been in service, it says on google it was launched in 1972, and updated here and there as technology came and went. The radar they were using at that time likely being one of instances, and how many of there crew came and went in that time? And how many saw blips on the radar, or things in the sky?

But then again there are more then a few stories about such things for a long while now. Only the military and navy does not like peoples minds to wander, so clamps down on such things. And well? There more likely to spot or see something then most other people, for largely the same reason why people in the country or boonies see more star out at night.

After all 71 percent of the world is water.

So basically if there are things zipping around out there in the pacific ocean, they have more then enough space that nobody would ever even see them, they would not even need to hide, even if all the ships the US, Russia, China, and anybody else has is out there at the same time using there radar which can maybe pick things up for miles. Most especially if they can go faster then the speed of sound to whatever it is there doing there.

The whole total sum of manpower out there in the ocean, pacific that is, on any given day even all the militaries in the world, and whats out there is like taking a small percentage of a small town in Alabama, that are there for dinner at a local Denny's on a Saturday night, and saying they have the total sum and authority to say what is and is not on any given day over the whole total sum of the North American continent.

Ok, may as well ask a goat what is going on at the North Pole this morning. I simply do not believe they have the capacity to have any concrete answers, even with low orbit satellites and imagery.

And even in all that, once in a while, somebody on the crew for the past few years since the Nimitz was in the water, may or may not see something in the sky or on radar. And well you know the moto of this site, pictures or it does not exist. These people and groups, even the military, are severely lacking in pictures.

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