posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to:
I'm still trying to get my head around all this stuff myself and to be honest most scientists are still scratching the surface.
The way I understand it our subconscious is this really cool quatum supercomputer (some estimates say processes about 400 billion bits of information
per second and the impulses travel at a speed of up to 100,000 mph) with 5 basics inputs we are consciously aware of.
Our conscious mind is like a abacus trying to rationalise all the info it is being fed by our subconscious (which processes only about 2,000 bits of
information per second and its impulses travel only at 100-150 mph)
Self awareness is the ultimate partytrick where we make ourselfs believe all these decisions and thoughts are made by the conscious mind.
I am more and more convinced that exactly this trick of the mind by creating a "thing" (the I) outside our subconscious mind which is misinformed
abouts it's function is what is driving our expanding mind.
Lots of philosophies talk about letting go of the ego etc to get in touch with the real magic stuff and I guess from this perspective that would make
sense because you would accept everything the subconscious is feeding the conscious mind without bias.
I could also understand that direct exposure to the subconscious would fry our conscious circuits...
I hope it kind of makes sense how I am trying to understand it.
edit on 27-6-2019 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)