posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to:
That's true . There's some good fact checkers here , but some are just hot air blowers . You get a nose for it , not being credulous .
Just speculating of course , as to why this story came out . Just because it's fake doesn't make the incident of it's arising instantly dismissable .
Someone had a reuters link on the thread . But it came out the same 24h day that the real story of the CBI threatening the Tory Party leadership
candidates over not allowing a no deal brexit scenario to develop . Obviously , they're going to be pretty serious about it . Do you think perhaps
they might go to the extent of producing this story , which indeed "invokes the threat of death over not making a deal" . "Make a deal of else" , that
was exactly the message the CBI had .
If , and it is an if , they or some of their media agents , are going to start coining these kind of themes in fake news , as a means of conveying
veiled threat (executions / assasinations) that means they're serious , as in , they mean it . Thinking about it , therein could be most of the reason
why we haven't left yet . REalistically speaking , the EU started out , as the ECSC , Coal and Steel , that's like a version of the CBI in itself ,
big businesses sticking together , lobbying as a group interest. It suits the corporate heads to remain or make a deal . It's easy to see why , as
their companies will be the ones who perhaps will pay most for Brexit , re-ordering cross border exchanges which they previously had simplifies for
the themselves via the E Union