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A hidden truth I will make known

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posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 01:30 PM
A mystic decode for part of the only true chapter in the bible:

"Rev 13
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (date) in their right hand (scheduling), or in their foreheads (calendars): 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark (date), or the name (anniversary) of the beast, or the number (6-2-2019) of his name (anniversary). 18Here (the Absolute) is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number (6-2-2019) of the beast: for it is the number (6-2-2019) of a man; and his number (6-2-2019) is 'Six hundred threescore and six' (the Absolute)."

The reason no man can buy or sell except one man that had the mark, is because the world is destroyed June 2nd 2019, and that one man can buy and sell as the Absolute, where ultimate reality is, because he will have had the date only, and lived onward. As in the person he is only will not be destroyed.

Rev chapter 13 is an only hidden truth chapter for the mystic.

18 is a hidden 100 symbol for the Absolute.

666 = 18 when you count it one time only (6+6+6 = 18).

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Claymation213

Hmmm, so this is particularly quick doom porn gratification. Tomorrow you say? What to wear, what to wear!

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 01:47 PM
But wait.....

1 + 2 + 3 = 6
4 + 5 + 6 = 15
7 + 8 + 9 = 24

6, 1+5, 2+4 = 666

So lets try the next sequence....

10 + 11 + 12 = 33.

Elohim appears 33 times in Genesis' story of creation.
Thirty-three is also the numeric equivalent of the word AMEN.

This tells me that one day we will all die from old age and disease. Why fear, if death arrives sooner. Death is death.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 01:50 PM
It's already June 2nd in about half the world. Failed before we began, here.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: Claymation213

The Bible is widely regarded to be entirely true.

Why does everything have to mean something else? Why not take the Bible as saying exactly what is says, unencrypted and unhidden, but in plain view? It's 'up-front and surface' meaning is still very deep.

And why is 18 a hidden 100 symbol (whatever that means) for the absolute?

Why would a mark on the right hand or forehead specifically mean calendars or scheduling? I imagine that a calendar on your forehead would be particularly useless to you because you couldn't see it most times! And isn't a schedule the same thing as a calendar?

And, if you read the rest of Revelation, you'd have realized that it is, over the top, full of seven's and hardly mentions any other numbers in comparison?

Not to mention that here in New Zealand, it is already 2/06/2019. That's the problem with all these date related 'prophecies'. The world doesn't have the one date at the one time. It is a sphere spinning in space and the sun only shines on one side and it progresses around in one direction. This means that the dates logically have to proceed around in line with the sunshine.

Sorry but your attempt at doom porn doesn't even make rational sense.

edit on 1/6/2019 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Claymation213

Hmmm, so this is particularly quick doom porn gratification. Tomorrow you say? What to wear, what to wear!

The best doom porn is the doom porn that happens the next day.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:09 PM
What!? Why did you wait till just now to tell us?
I wouldnt have went to work today if i would have known. Im not even going to be around to get paid anyway!

Oh well, at least i have the rest of the evening to spend my lifes savings on drugs and women of ill repute.
Thanks for the heads up borther!

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Claymation213

I don't understand.
Are all mystics coming up with June 2nd 2019, or only one.

If ultimate reality is different from regular reality, then I'm guessing that regular real people won't notice that the world is destroyed. Like they will just keep on buying and selling like yesterday.

Maybe I should try to reconnect with the mystic me that slipped away.

That reminds me of an old story that I just made up.
I should write it down and maybe post it tomorrow.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Claymation213

Hmmm, so this is particularly quick doom porn gratification. Tomorrow you say? What to wear, what to wear!

Perhaps a Blue Jacket? I will go with my work uniform personality. Looking forward to being done with all of this myself.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Claymation213

world is destroyed June 2nd 2019,

I bet my house that this doesn't happen.
edit on 1-6-2019 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

You beat your house? You monster! It's not its fault!

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Peeple

You beat your house? You monster! It's not its fault!

You misunderstand. In a foot race people almost always beat their houses.

It's like the old joke:
"I bet you twenty dollars that I can jump higher than this building."

"Oh yeah! I'll take that bet."

"See? Now you owe me twenty dollars."

"You only jumped like six inches."

"That's higher than the building jumped. Pay up."

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: pthena

Oh so he(?) is trying to beat his house in a foot race to June the 2nd? To save it? Oh my that's sweet.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 03:01 PM
I was gonna bookmark this thread then I thought, what's the point?

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 04:52 PM
This gives new meaning to, all dressed up with no place to go. I'll be in my bunker, lol

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Claymation213

Kinda drives me crazy when ppl reference the book of revelations and 666.

666 and the beast was Nero.

John wrote that the number "is the number of a man's name; and his number is 666." This tells us that those who received the "mark" were actually in allegiance with a "man," an actually person of the first century. So, who was he? Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus! Better known as Nero Caesar.

The fact that Nero fits the description of the "beast" is well documented. According to Suetonius, he murdered his parents, wife, brother, aunt, and many others close to him and of high station in Rome. He was a torturer, a homosexual rapist, and a sodomite. He even married two young boys and paraded them around as his wives. One of the boys, whose name was Sporus, was castrated by Nero. He was truly bestial in his character, depravity, and actions. He devised a kind of game: covered with the skin of some wild animal, he was let loose from a cage and attacked the private parts of men and women, who were bound at stakes. He also initiated the war against the Jews which led to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD

read more here

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: MorpheusUSA

Most of that is Christian propaganda. Nero wasn't that bad. It's mostly gossip.

posted on Jun, 1 2019 @ 10:51 PM
Get READY, people, because on June 2nd 2019, an excuse will be made to describe why the world didn't end.

"I was speaking metaphorically."

"Sorry. I had the decimal in the wrong place."

You know the drill.

Religion is full of excuses. This is no different.

posted on Jun, 2 2019 @ 02:26 AM
Well, sad to say it is June 2nd, 2019 and I'm still here.

On another note.. What if June 2nd, 2019 is just the beginning of a slow and dreadful downfall? With the way the Economies and trade wars are going, I wouldn't be too surprised if the DOW started to heavily crash next week.

It takes a little "nudge" in the middle east with the tensions between Iran and USA to cause an all out nuclear war. And that seems to be more and more of a possible event this year.

posted on Jun, 2 2019 @ 08:42 AM
"What if June 2nd, 2019 is just the beginning of a slow and dreadful downfall?"

People have been carrying signs for thousands of years informing the public to, "Repent! The End is Near!" Nothing really changes.

Happy June 2nd, everyone. Tomorrow will the June 3rd.

As for doomsday predictions...c'mere, cupkake, let me give you a hug. This is not the first time pesky reality has thwarted a fantasy agenda.

edit on 2-6-2019 by TheTruthRocks because: I was trying to decide what to wear and was distracted by the splendor of my gold lame' disco shirt.

edit on 2-6-2019 by TheTruthRocks because: (no reason given)

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